Household Beliefs about Fiscal Dominance
Gautier, Erwan & Moench, Emanuel & Mengus, Eric & Andrade, Philippe
Evidence That Relaxing Dealers’ Risk Constraints Can Make the Treasury Market More Liquid
Stein, Hillary & Bräuning, Falk
Getting to Work in New England: Commuting Patterns across the Region
Inkelas, Eli & Bodenschatz, Hope & Thompson, Jeffrey P.
New England’s Housing Markets: Supply and Demand Factors Affecting Housing Prices across the Region
Shampine, Sam
Monetary Policy and the Distribution of Income: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Loria, Francesca & Favara, Giovanni & Zakrajšek, Egon
How Firms’ Perceptions of Geopolitical Risk Affect Investment
Shen, Leslie Sheng
Bank Lending to Private Equity and Private Credit Funds: Insights from Regulatory Data
Levin, John & Malfroy-Camine, Antoine
The Impact of Tariffs on Inflation
Stein, Hillary & Barbiero, Omar
Why New England’s Labor Force Participation Has Been Recovering So Slowly since the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nelson, Nathaniel R. & Burke, Mary A.
How the Student Loan Payment Pause Affected Borrowers’ Credit Access and Credit Use
Haddix, Maddie & Cooper, Daniel H.
Perspectives on the U. S. Economy: Assessing the Economy as a New Year Begins
Collins, Susan M.
Are retail prime money market fund investors increasingly more sensitive to stress events?
Oefele, Nico & Lu, Lina & Levin, John & Malfroy-Camine, Antoine & Anadu, Kenechukwu E.
Credit Card Delinquencies: Are New England Consumers Better Off?
Stavins, Joanna
The Impact of Government Transfer Payment Frequency on Consumption: Evidence from Delayed UI
Orlando, Zachary & Gelman, Michael & Patki, Dhiren
Quantifying the Recent Immigration Surge: Evidence from Work-Permit Applications
Foote, Christopher L.
New England’s Lotteries: Trends in State Revenues and Player Spending
Sullivan, Riley
Perspectives on the Economy and Policy
Collins, Susan M.
Manufacturing Gains from Green Energy and Semiconductor Spending since the CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Acts
Barbiero, Omar
The Impact of Global Shipping Cost Surges on US Import Price Inflation
Stein, Hillary & Shen, Leslie Sheng
Self-reinforcing Glass Ceilings
Shen, Leslie Sheng & Avenancio-León, Carlos F. & Piccolo, Alessio
The Impact of Market Factors on Racial Identity: Evidence from Multiracial Survey Respondents
Jackson, Osborne
Inflation in Disaggregated Small Open Economies
Silva, Alvaro
Recent Trends in Vermont Childcare: A Decrease in Capacity, Increases in Cost and Quality, and Policy Responses
Luengo-Prado, María Jose & Zhao, Bo
Authorization to Work: The Prevalence of Occupational Licensing in New England
Jackson, Osborne & Sexton, Matthew
Dealer Risk Limits and Currency Returns
Barbiero, Omar & Joaquim, Gustavo & Bräuning, Falk & Stein, Hillary
Geographic Mobility Trends: New Englanders Still Aren’t Moving as Much as They Did before the Pandemic
Wu, Pinghui
Defining Households That Are Underserved in Digital Payment Services
Stavins, Joanna & Toh, Ying Lei & Shy, Oz & Lloro, Alicia & Hayashi, Fumiko & Greene, Claire
A Portrait of First District Banks
Wang, J. Christina
Explaining the Great Moderation Exchange Rate Volatility Puzzle
Tang, Jenny & Stavrakeva, Vania
Consumer Payment Behavior by Income and Demographics
Greene, Claire & Stavins, Joanna & Perry, Julian