Latest Items by Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Coexistence of Banks and Non-Banks: Intermediation Functions and Strategies
Cetorelli, Nicola & Cisternas, Gonzalo & Sarkar, Asani
Certain Uncertainty
Williams, John C.
Bank Economic Capital
Plosser, Matthew & Hirtle, Beverly
Credit Card Banking
Peng, Weiyu & Supera, Dominik & Zhou, Guanyu & Drechsler, Itamar & Jung, Hyeyoon
Discussion of "Monetary Policy Transmission to Real Activity"
Williams, John C.
Current Issues in Monetary Policy Implementation
Perli, Roberto
When the Household Pie Shrinks, Who Gets Their Slice?
Plosser, Matthew & Conway, Jacob & Fischl-Lanzoni, Natalia
Firms’ Inflation Expectations Have Picked Up
Abel, Jaison R. & Deitz, Richard & Hyman, Benjamin
The Prudential Toolkit with Shadow Banking
Hachem, Kinda & Kuncl, Martin
Comparing Apples to Apples: “Synthetic Real‑Time” Estimates of R‑Star
Cho, Sophia & Williams, John C.
Supply and Demand Drivers of Global Inflation Trends
Zeng, William & Almuzara, Martín & Nallamotu, Ramya & Miranda-Agrippino, Silvia & Simitian, Greg & Sbordone, Argia M. & Akinci, Ozge
Global Trends in U.S. Inflation Dynamics
Nallamotu, Ramya & Almuzara, Martín & Sbordone, Argia M. & Akinci, Ozge & Miranda-Agrippino, Silvia & Simitian, Greg & Zeng, William
All-to-All Trading in the U.S. Treasury Market
Huh, Yesol & Chaboud, Alain P. & Correia Golay, Ellen & Cox, Caren & Windover, Carolyn & Keane, Frank M. & Schwarz, Krista B. & Vega, Clara & Fleming, Michael J. & Lee, Kyle
U.S. Imports from China Have Fallen by Less Than U.S. Data Indicate
Clark, Hunter L.
Economic Conditions in New York State
Abel, Jaison R.
Economic Outlook with a Focus on Regional Business Conditions
Athreya, Kartik B.
How Censorship Resistant Are Decentralized Systems?
Lee, Michael Junho & Durfee, Jon
Breaking Down Auto Loan Performance
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert & Haughwout, Andrew F. & Lee, Donghoon & Mangrum, Daniel & Scally, Joelle
Input Sourcing Under Supply Chain Risk: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Firms
Heise, Sebastian & Blaum, Joaquín & Esposito, Federico
From Where We Are Now
Williams, John C.
Are First‑Time Home Buyers Facing Desperate Times?
Tracy, Joseph & Lee, Donghoon
Discount Window Stigma After the Global Financial Crisis
Armantier, Olivier & Sarkar, Asani & Cipriani, Marco
When It Rains, It Pours: Cyber Vulnerability and Financial Conditions
Lee, Michael Junho & Kovner, Anna & Eisenbach, Thomas M.
Mentions of Inventions
Williams, John C.
Career Conversations with the Junior Economic Club of New York City
Athreya, Kartik B.
An Economy That Works for All: Housing Affordability
Williams, John C.
Do Payout Restrictions Reduce Bank Risk?
Kroen, Thomas & Fringuellotti, Fulvia
The R&D Puzzle in U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Growth
Pearce, Jeremy & Lashkari, Danial
Anatomy of the Bank Runs in March 2023
Kovner, Anna & Eisenbach, Thomas M. & Cipriani, Marco
Repo Intermediation and Central Clearing: An Analysis of Sponsored Repo
Kahn, R. Jay & Copeland, Adam