Latest Items by Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Measuring Climate Transition Risk at the Regional Level with an Application to Community Banks
Yu, Edison & Byun, SungJe & Berlin, Mitchell & D'Erasmo, Pablo
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Vickery, James & Fuster, Andreas & Lucca, David O.
Coverage Neglect in Homeowner's Insurance
Cookson, J Anthony & Mulder, Philip & Gallagher, Emily
Economic Education as Key to a Strong Economic Future
Harker, Patrick T.
Delayed Sampling of Recent Immigrants in the Current Population Survey
Severen, Christopher
Sequential Search for Corporate Bonds
Plante, Sébastien & Kargar, Mahyar & Lester, Benjamin & Weill, Pierre-Olivier
Economic Outlook for Delaware and Beyond
Harker, Patrick T.
Economic Outlook
Harker, Patrick T.
The Value of Piped Water and Sewers: Evidence from 19th Century Chicago
Shertzer, Allison & Kitagawa, Toru & Coury, Michael & Turner, Matthew
Who Provides Credit in Times of Crisis? Evidence from the Auto Loan Market
Lee, Brian Jonghwan & Canals-Cerda, Jose J.
Measuring Fairness in the U.S. Mortgage Market
Shin, Minchul & Kobler, Ryan & Elzayn, Hadi & Freyaldenhoven, Simon
Measuring Fairness in the U.S. Mortgage Market
Kobler, Ryan & Elzayn, Hadi & Shin, Minchul & Freyaldenhoven, Simon
Constructing Applicants from Loan-Level Data: A Case Study of Mortgage Applications
Freyaldenhoven, Simon & Elzayn, Hadi & Shin, Minchul
How Wealth and Age Interact to Affect Entrepreneurship
Mikhed, Vyacheslav & Scholnick, Barry & d’Astous, Philippe & Raina, Sahil
Inference Based on Time-Varying SVARs Identified with Sign Restrictions
Shin, Minchul & Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. & Waggoner, Daniel F. & Arias, Jonas E.
Who Remains Unbanked in the United States and Why?
Henderson, Chris & Calem, Paul S. & Wang, Jenna
Right Now, It’s Putting One Foot in Front of the Other
Harker, Patrick T.
Climate Shocks in the Anthropocene Era: Should Net Domestic Product Reflect Climate Disasters?
Sliker, Brian & Nakamura, Leonard I.
Nonworking Parents or Hungry Children
Perry, Madison & Fujita, Shigeru
Regional Spotlight: Technology vs. the Middle Class
Aloisi, Kali
Regional Spotlight: Technology vs. the Middle Class
Aloisi, Kali
Missed Rent: Path to Eviction or Loan from Landlord?
Livshits, Igor & Omar, Ahmad
Flood Underinsurance
Biswas, Siddhartha & Orellana, John & Zink, David & Amornsiripanitch, Natee
Inventory, Market Making, and Liquidity in OTC Markets
Lester, Benjamin & Cohen, Assa & Weill, Pierre-Olivier & Kargar, Mahyar
Banking on Deforestation: The Cost of Nonenforcement
Ortega, Cristina & Ossandon Busch, Matias & Berger, Allen N. & Roman, Raluca
Top of the Class Assessing the Credit Performance of Graduates from Secured Credit Card Programs
Psathas, Peter
Predicting College Closures and Financial Distress
Kelchen, Robert & Ritter, Dubravka & Webber, Douglas A.
Testing for Endogeneity: A Moment-Based Bayesian Approach
Chib, Siddhartha & Shin, Minchul & Simoni, Anna
The Rise in Mortgage Fees: Evidence from HMDA Data
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren & Bhutta, Neil
Ever Evolving, Never Irrelevant: The Philadelphia Fed’s Fintech Conference
Harker, Patrick T.