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Bank:Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)  Series:Consumer & Community Context 

Discussion Paper
Can Student Loan Debt Explain Low Homeownership Rates for Young Adults?

This first article explores the impact that rising student loan debt levels may have on homeownership rates among young adults.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
CDFIs Response to COVID-19

This second article describes the operations of community development financial institutions and their roles responding to the pandemic.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
The Pandemic's Early Effects on Consumers and Communities

This issue of Consumer & Community Context contains four articles presenting analysis of how consumers, communities, and community development organizations are responding to the pandemic.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Household Finances under COVID-19: Evidence from the Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

This first article looks at select results from the most recent Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED), originally fielded in October 2019, and from supplemental SHED surveys fielded in April and July 2020 to measure the economic impact of the pandemic.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Analyzing Consumer Complaints for Emerging Risks During the Pandemic

This third article presents the results of an analysis of complaints consumers reported to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau about their experiences with financial institutions.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Single Mothers Have Little Wealth to Withstand Outsized COVID-19 Impact

The second shows that single mothers had slim financial cushions going into the COVID-19 recession and had higher unemployment rates during the recession than single fathers and women without children.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Childcare Disruptions and Mothers’ Availability to Work during the Pandemic: Evidence from the Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

The first article finds that the pandemic disrupted childcare or in-person schooling for nearly 70 percent of parents, with 25 percent of mothers reporting that they did not work or worked less as a result.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Growing Pains: Examining Small Business Access to Affordable Credit in Low-Income Areas

This third article examines small businesses’ access to financial services in low- and moderate-income communities.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Delivering Benefits of Faster Payments to the Underserved

This first article examines the implications of faster payments for cash-flow-constrained consumers.
Consumer & Community Context

Discussion Paper
Mind the Gap: Minority-Owned Small Businesses' Financing Experiences in 2018

This second article explores disparities in small business credit approval by race and ethnicity.
Consumer & Community Context