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Author:Berger, Franklin D. 

Journal Article
Texas manufacturing - factories still matter in much of state

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 10

Journal Article
Mexican GDP falls but no one notices

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 15-16

Journal Article
Solving the mystery of the disappearing January blip in state employment data

Frank Berger and Keith Phillips propose a new two-step method of seasonally adjusting state Current Employment Statistics (CES) data produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This method, first proposed in the July/August 1993 issue of Southwest Economy, recently was adopted by the BLS to seasonally adjust the broadest industry groupings of the state employment series. With this new adjustment procedure, the state employment data should be smoother and better reflect trend-cycle movements than if a more traditional seasonal adjustment method were used. ; The article finds that ...
Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue Q II , Pages 53-62

Journal Article
Getting a jump on Texas employment revisions

Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 17,20

Journal Article
(Mis)reporting Mexico's gross domestic product

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 18,20

Journal Article
Texas Manufacturing Survey offers advance look at state and national economies

Business tendency surveys are designed to provide more timely information on economic conditions than otherwise available. Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey variables have broad explanatory power for Texas and national economic indicators. TMOS for a given reference month is available up to a month before other Texas data are available. The survey figures appear to measure what they were intended to measure. Moreover, although TMOS was designed for--and is most useful in--understanding the Texas economy, it can also contribute to explaining national developments.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 16-19

Conference Paper
Recent bank failures: determinants and consequences

Proceedings , Paper 66

Journal Article
Reassessing Texas employment growth

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
A new barometer for the Texas economy

Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 14-16

Journal Article
The Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey: a tool for understanding the economy

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 15