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Keywords:racial equity 

Journal Article
The Promises and Perils of Racial Equity Planning

This article considers the use of racial equity analysis, or racial equity planning, as a tool to remedy the inequality that has been structured into the built environment through past and ongoing discriminatory and racially insensitive land use regulations and planning. It describes the history of land use planning in the United States, the resulting legacy of exclusionary practices, and the need to explicitly address racial inequities in American cities by considering the impacts of large-scale planning projects. As an illustration, the author describes a racial disparity report that ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 29 , Issue 2 , Pages 75-87

Race and Economic Outcomes: A Conference Recap

How does monetary policy affect racial inequality and minority unemployment? What explains the difference in marriage rates between Black and White Americans? How do racial preferences in college admissions affect who gets in? Do historical discriminatory institutions have effects on current socioeconomic outcomes? These were among the questions addressed by economists during a recent Richmond Fed research conference.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 22 , Issue 48

Discussion Paper
The Impact of the Pandemic on US Businesses: New Results from the Annual Business Survey

Working with Federal Reserve staff, the US Census Bureau added to the 2021 Annual Business Survey (ABS) a special module of questions focused on the pandemic and small business finances. Questions ranged from the impact of the pandemic on business sales, to government assistance requested/received, and to the financial health of the firm. In this article, we report the results of these questions—and how they differ by race and ethnicity. The survey finds that more than 60 percent of business experienced declines in sales. Fully one-third experienced significant declines. More than 70 ...
Policy Hub* , Paper 2022-03

Racial Equity Could Produce Widespread Economic Gains

An analysis suggests that racial and ethnic equity in employment, hours worked, education and earnings could expand U.S. GDP by trillions of dollars.
Economic Equity Insights

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Education

Today, I would like to share some reflections on education and the central role it plays in expanding economic inclusion and opportunity.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2021 , Issue 02 , Pages 9

Journal Article
The Impact of the Pandemic on US Businesses: New Results from the Annual Business Survey

Working with Federal Reserve staff, the US Census Bureau added to the 2021 Annual Business Survey (ABS) a special module of questions focused on the pandemic and small business finances. Questions ranged from the impact of the pandemic on business sales, to government assistance requested/received, and to the financial health of the firm. In this article, we report the results of these questions—and how they differ by race and ethnicity. The survey finds that more than 60 percent of business experienced declines in sales. Fully one-third experienced significant declines. More than 70 ...
Policy Hub , Volume 2022 , Issue 3 , Pages 13

Working Paper
Which Types of Unbanked Households Are More (or Less) Likely to Open a Bank Account?

Using multi-year survey data, we conduct a regression model analysis to examine which types of unbanked households are more likely to open a bank account and which types are less likely. We proxy for households’ likelihood of opening a bank account using their prior banking status and interest in having a bank account. Unbanked households who previously had a bank account and are interested in having a bank account are more likely to open an account. These households tend to be more educated, to be native-born, to use alternative financial services, and to have access to digital technology. ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 23-08


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