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Keywords:maximum employment 

Remarks for the National Association of Corporate Directors New England Chapter

Susan Collins shared remarks during a National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) New England Chapter meeting, covering aspects of the economy she recently discussed at the Economic Club of New York.

Creating An Economy That Works for All: Remarks at the Bunker Hill Community College 2023 Convocation

To build a vibrant, inclusive economy, we need the best ideas, energy, and participation from everyone. Community colleges play a critical role in this important work by providing affordable, accessible higher education and essential skill development – ultimately strengthening our economy and society.

Perspectives on the Economy, and on the Opportunities Ahead

Speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. In her first speech as president of the Boston Fed, Susan Collins touched on a broad range of topics, including monetary policy, her vision as leader of the Boston Reserve Bank, and the work being done at the Bank to support a vibrant regional and national economy.

Remarks to the Boston Economic Club: The Economy’s Performance and Outlook, and Implications for Policy

It is important to recognize that the path the economy takes toward the Fed’s mandated goals may continue to be bumpy and uneven, and we should not overreact to individual data points. To President Collins' thinking, that reflects the realities of a unique and challenging pandemic and the economic recovery from it. Expecting all indicators to be well aligned is too high a bar, but seeing sustained, broadening signs of progress should provide the necessary confidence she would need to begin a methodical adjustment to our policy stance.

Trade-offs in Fulfilling the Fed’s Dual Mandate

This article discusses the trade-offs and impacts of inflationary environments given the dual mandate of the Federal Reserve. High inflation creates pricing distortions and leads to a tax on liquidity. Furthermore, it has direct redistributive impacts of inflation on wages, portfolios and contracts that are preset in dollar terms. The analysis concludes that while inflationary trade-offs are complex, keeping expectations anchored is a paramount objective for the Fed, since unanchored expectations make all the other trade-offs harder to navigate.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 23 , Issue 08

The Importance of a Patient, Methodical, and Holistic Approach to Monetary Policy

Susan Collins shared her perspectives on the U. S. economy and monetary policy, as the Fed works to achieve its mandates from Congress and support a vibrant economy that works for all. She started with an overview, briefly discussed some supply- and demand-side aspects of the economy, and ended with comments about her outlook and monetary policy.

Perspectives on the Economy: Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Maine Bankers Association

Susan Collins shared her views about the economic outlook and monetary policy. Then she provided a few perspectives on banking in New England and in particular Maine – highlighting the importance of banks of all sizes to a vibrant, inclusive economy. She ended with a few points about the Fed’s work across the region, and the shared opportunities to collaborate in the public interest.

Reflections on Phasing Policy Amidst (Pandemic) Uncertainty: the 2023 Goldman Lecture in Economics at Wellesley College

In her remarks, President Collins focuses on economic policymaking under uncertainty. She discusses the making of monetary policy in the current cycle, where the recent pandemic and its aftermath figure so prominently and create particular uncertainty. President Collins also offers some takeaways to students about learning and careers.

Opening Remarks for Sessions on Men and Women in the Workforce

The widely followed overall unemployment rate is the standard measure for the state of the U.S. labor market. But underneath that single statistic are wide-ranging differences across geographies, and demographic groups. No one statistic can adequately characterize the labor market because aggregate numbers can mask the wide range of experiences across people, sectors, and places. Uneven labor market outcomes call for a full and focused exploration, motivated by our duty to pursue the Fed’s maximum employment mandate.

A New Chapter for the FOMC Monetary Policy Framework

Remarks at "In Conversation: New York Fed Presidents on COVID-19" (Bretton Woods Committee Webinar).