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Journal Article
From pathways to policy: an overview of green collar jobs advocacy

The term "Green Collar Job" for many of those who use it, represents more than a label describing environmentally friendly occupations. In particular, the expression tends to evoke a hopeful vision of economic development that combines inclusive prosperity and environmental stewardship in complementary ways. Yet even supporters who admire the term's ability to inspire acknowledge its ambiquity and unwieldiness from a technical perspective. Others have even wondered whether the phrase is anything more than a "trendy term for politicians and others to bandy about."
Profitwise , Issue Sep , Pages 2-8

Bank of Korea International Conference Panel Comments

Remarks for the Bank of Korea International Conference 2010, June 1, 2010 Seoul, Korea
Speech , Paper 41

Journal Article
District's largest urban area slowly regains jobs lost during recession

The Regional Economist , Issue Oct , Pages 16

Discussion Paper
Upstate New York Job Growth: The Bad News Is that the Good News Was Wrong

In 2015, upstate New York looked to be having its strongest job growth in years. Employment was estimated to be growing at around one percent—below the national pace, but twice the region's trend growth rate since the end of the Great Recession. Buffalo, in particular, looked to be gaining significant numbers of construction and manufacturing jobs for the first time in decades, pushing it to its highest job growth since the late 1990s. Unfortunately, the good news was wrong. Annual benchmark revisions to New York State's employment data released in early March cut upstate's growth rate in ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20160325

Journal Article
Are we working too hard or should we be working harder? A simple model of career concerns

Economic Quarterly , Volume 92 , Issue Win , Pages 79-91

Discussion Paper
States Are Recovering Lost Jobs at Surprisingly Similar Rates

The U.S. economy lost more than 8 million jobs between January 2008 and February 2010. In contrast with earlier recessions, employment declines were seen across almost all states. The extent varied: In this recession, states with big housing busts generally saw steeper job losses, especially in construction, while some states also had severe job losses driven by manufacturing declines. One feature of this employment recovery is that it?s actually been quite uniform across states?and much more uniform than in earlier recoveries. With few exceptions, states appear to be marching in lockstep.
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20130626

Journal Article
Service industries keep employment steady in Arkansas' capital

The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 17

Journal Article
Employment dynamics during economic recoveries

Employment turnover was significantly lower following the Great Recession than following the previous two recessions.
Economic Synopses

Address to the New College class of 2010

Remarks at the New College of Florida 44th Annual Commencement, Sarasota, Florida.
Speech , Paper 23

Journal Article
How labor market policies shape immigrants’ opportunities

When it comes to unemployment and labor force participation rates, immigrants do better in the United States than in most other countries. In 2005, for example, the foreign-born had average unemployment of 4.6 percent in the U.S., well below native-born workers? 5.2 percent. U.S. immigrants also had higher participation rates. The American experience stands in stark contrast to many other developed nations?. In France and Germany, for example, the foreign-born typically have jobless rates twice as high as native-born workers and lower participation rates. ; What accounts for these ...
Economic Letter , Volume 1



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Journal Article 170 items

Working Paper 83 items

Speech 38 items

Discussion Paper 13 items

Report 12 items

Newsletter 11 items

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Dudley, William 25 items

anonymous 15 items

Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 7 items

Lim, Katherine 7 items

Zabek, Mike 7 items

Chang, Yongsung 6 items

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E24 26 items

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Employment 337 items

Labor market 62 items

Unemployment 42 items

Economic conditions 32 items

Federal Reserve District, 8th 27 items

Inflation (Finance) 24 items

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