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Journal Article
Assessing the Durability of COVID-Era Capacity Gains Among Community-Based Organizations: Lessons from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program
To better understand the impact of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program’s conclusion on community-based organizations and on their scope and scale of work after ERAP, this brief draws on interviews conducted with practitioners involved with nearly two dozen ERA programs across the country. These interviews help shed light on how the dwindling and, in many cases, cessation of ERAP funds is affecting organizations’ capacity along multiple dimensions as they scale back, reorient, and move on post ERAP.
Journal Article
Sustaining Success in Deploying ERA Funds in Louisville
The ERA program’s success in Louisville was built on collaboration among stakeholders across sectors. But maintaining that success will come with challenges.
Journal Article
Effective Deployment of Louisville’s ERA Funding: Lessons Learned
Explore the topic of evictions and methods taken in Louisville to quickly distribute emergency rental assistance.