Search Results
Working Paper
Consumer use of credit cards: evidence from recent surveys
Canner, Glenn B.
Working Papers in Banking, Finance and Microeconomics
, Paper 87-3
Journal Article
Merchant acquirers and payment card processors: a look inside the black box
DeGennaro, Ramon P.
Each year, hundreds of millions of credit and debit cardholders make billions of transactions worth trillions of dollars. Yet few consumers are aware that such transactions travel through, and are made possible by a highly evolved group of intermediaries that sign up merchants to accept cards, handle card transactions, manage the dispute-resolution process, and, along with regulatory agencies, set rules that govern card transactions. ; This article demystifies the ?Black Box? of the transactions process for payment cards. After describing a simple transaction with a private-label card, the ...
Economic Review
, Volume 91
, Issue Q 1
, Pages 27-42
Conference Paper
Electronic bill payment: challenges and opportunities
Patel, Jeetu; Braco, Ron; Ganesan, Ravi; Lawlor, Matt; Tedesco, John P.
, Paper 751
Working Paper
Measuring household spending and payment habits: the role of “typical” and “specific” time frames in survey questions
Kapteyn, Arie; Angrisani, Marco; Schuh, Scott
We designed and fielded an experimental module in the American Life Panel (ALP) where we ask individuals to report the number of their purchases and the amount paid by debit cards, cash, credit cards, and personal checks. The design of the experiment features several stages of randomization. First, three different groups of sample participants are randomly assigned to an entry month (July, August, or September, 2011) and are to be interviewed four times during a year, once every quarter. Second, for each method of payment a sequence of questions elicits spending behavior during a day, week, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 12-7
Journal Article
Economics of payment cards: a status report
Bolt, Wilko; Chakravorti, Sujit
This article surveys the recent theoretical literature on payment cards (focusing on debit and credit cards) and studies this research's possible implications for the current public policy debate over payment card networks and the pricing of their services for both consumers and merchants.
Economic Perspectives
, Volume 32
, Issue Q IV
, Pages 15-27
Conference Paper
Workshop overview
Barron, Patrick; Perrit, Henry H.; Vartanian, Thomas P.; Allen, Catherine
, Paper 655
Discussion Paper
Financial management tools and consumer confidence: chase blueprint
Santucci, Lawrence
On March 10, 2015, the Payment Cards Center hosted a workshop on the development and performance of Blueprint, a set of money management features developed by JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) and available with several of Chase?s credit cards. The workshop featured presentations by Thomas O?Donnell, managing director of Chase Consumer and Community Banking Quality, and Florian Egg-Krings, general manager of the Slate and Blueprint portfolios. O?Donnell discussed the development of Blueprint, a process that began during the financial crisis and the Great Recession of 2007?2009. Egg-Krings then ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
, Paper 15-4
Journal Article
Fed proposes clarifications to rules about credit card accounts
Banking and credit agencies have proposed clarifications to some recently enacted rules. The clarifications would prohibit certain credit card practices and improve the disclosures consumers receive about credit card accounts and other revolving credit card plans.
Financial Update
, Volume 22
, Issue 2
Journal Article
The use of cash and transaction accounts by American families
Kennickell, Arthur B.; Spindt, Paul A.; Elliehausen, Gregory E.; Avery, Robert B.
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Feb
Working Paper
The economics of debt collection: enforcement of consumer credit contracts
Hunt, Robert M.; Fedaseyeu, Viktar
Superceded by WP 18-04 In the U.S., creditors often outsource the task of obtaining repayment from defaulting borrowers to third-party debt collection agencies. This paper argues that an important incentive for this is creditors' concerns about their reputations. Using a model along the lines of the common agency framework, we show that, under certain conditions, debt collection agencies use harsher debt collection practices than original creditors would use on their own. This appears to be consistent with empirical evidence. The model also fits several other empirical facts about the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 15-43
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 43 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 42 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 38 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 36 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 17 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1 items
show more (8)
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Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 25 items
Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences 24 items
Working Papers 21 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 19 items
Proceedings 17 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 13 items
Working Paper Series 8 items
Financial Update 7 items
Public Policy Discussion Paper 7 items
Payments System Research Briefing 6 items
Economic Review 5 items
Payments System Research Working Paper 5 items
Econ Focus 4 items
Economic Perspectives 4 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 4 items
TEN 4 items
Occasional Paper; Emerging Payments 3 items
Profitwise 3 items
Research Paper 3 items
Business Review 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Communities and Banking 2 items
New England Economic Review 2 items
Quarterly Review 2 items
Review 2 items
Speech 2 items
Staff Reports 2 items
Community Investments 1 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 1 items
Economic Commentary 1 items
Emerging Issues 1 items
Monograph 1 items
Regional Review 1 items
Research Data Report 1 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 1 items
Staff Studies 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
The Region 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
Working Papers in Banking, Finance and Microeconomics 1 items
e-Perspectives 1 items
show more (36)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 67 items
Working Paper 50 items
Conference Paper 41 items
Discussion Paper 36 items
Briefing 7 items
Report 6 items
Newsletter 2 items
Speech 2 items
Monograph 1 items
show more (4)
show less
Stavins, Joanna 9 items
anonymous 9 items
Chakravorti, Sujit 8 items
Furletti, Mark 8 items
Mester, Loretta J. 8 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 7 items
Agarwal, Sumit 6 items
Calem, Paul S. 6 items
Canner, Glenn B. 6 items
Schuh, Scott 5 items
Bradford, Terri 4 items
Shy, Oz 4 items
Weiner, Stuart E. 4 items
Avery, Robert B. 3 items
Black, Sandra E. 3 items
Bolt, Wilko 3 items
Brouwer, Hendrik J. 3 items
Cheney, Julia S. 3 items
Durkin, Thomas A. 3 items
Herbst-Murphy, Susan 3 items
Hunt, Robert M. 3 items
Jacob, Katy 3 items
Litan, Avivah 3 items
Morgan, Donald P. 3 items
Santucci, Lawrence 3 items
Stanley, Anne 3 items
Sullivan, Richard J. 3 items
Wix, Carlo 3 items
Yoo, Peter S. 3 items
Balto, David A. 2 items
Barr, Michael S. 2 items
Berlin, Mitchell 2 items
Borzekowski, Ron 2 items
Burns, Peter 2 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 2 items
Canals-Cerda, Jose J. 2 items
Dokko, Jane K. 2 items
Elliehausen, Gregory E. 2 items
Fergus, James T. 2 items
Fox, Gerald R. 2 items
Higgins, Eric J. 2 items
Johnson, Kathleen W. 2 items
Johnston, Catherine 2 items
Johnston, Robert 2 items
Keitel, Philip 2 items
Kerr, Sougata 2 items
Kiser, Elizabeth K. 2 items
Lang, William W. 2 items
Liu, Chunlin 2 items
Mason, Joseph R. 2 items
Ody, Christopher 2 items
Ortiz, Guillermo 2 items
Pacheco, Barbara 2 items
Park, Sangkyun 2 items
Perrit, Henry H. 2 items
Porter, Richard D. 2 items
Presbitero, Andrea F. 2 items
Rice, Emmett J. 2 items
Seger, Martha R. 2 items
Silva, André F. 2 items
Souleles, Nicholas S. 2 items
Stango, Victor 2 items
Steeves, Brye 2 items
Summers, Bruce J. 2 items
Tranfaglia, Anna 2 items
Vermilyea, Todd A. 2 items
Wright, Julian 2 items
Zinman, Jonathan 2 items
Alcazar, Julian 1 items
Allen, Catherine 1 items
Anderson, Margo 1 items
Andre, Olivier 1 items
Angrisani, Marco 1 items
Bachelder, Ed 1 items
Bailey, Daniel V. 1 items
Baker, Stewart A. 1 items
Barron, Patrick 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Berry, Michael 1 items
Binkley, Paula 1 items
Blackwell, Margaretta 1 items
Blascak, Nathan 1 items
Boss, Amelia H. 1 items
Bouwman, Christa H. S. 1 items
Braco, Ron 1 items
Braunstein, Sandra F. 1 items
Briglevics, Tamas 1 items
Brown, Meta 1 items
Bruesewitz, Jean 1 items
Carbo-Valverde, Santiago 1 items
Chomsisengphet, Souphala 1 items
Cohen, Michael 1 items
Cohen-Cole, Ethan 1 items
Combs, Kathryn L. 1 items
Community Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1 items
Conner, Matthew 1 items
Conrad, William C. 1 items
Constantine, Jim 1 items
Constantine, Lloyd 1 items
Cundiff, Bruce 1 items
Cyrnak, Anthony W. 1 items
Dallas-Fenney, Christopher 1 items
DeGennaro, Ramon P. 1 items
Dettling, Lisa J. 1 items
Dodini, Samuel 1 items
Drozd, Lukasz A. 1 items
Emmons, William R. 1 items
Erdevig, Eleanor H. 1 items
Ergang, Kirk 1 items
Evans, David S. 1 items
Fedaseyeu, Viktar 1 items
Feit, Eleanor M. 1 items
Ferguson, Roger W. 1 items
Foster, Kevin 1 items
Frankel, Alan S. 1 items
Friess, Bernhard 1 items
Fu, Kevin 1 items
Ganesan, Ravi 1 items
Gartner, Kimberly 1 items
Goldstone, David 1 items
Gordy, Michael B. 1 items
Gorjon, Sergio 1 items
Grippo, Gary 1 items
Gustafson, Peter R. 1 items
Haltom, Renee Courtois 1 items
Han, Song 1 items
Hanft, Noah J. 1 items
Hannon, Simona 1 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 1 items
Heydt-Benjamin, Thomas S. 1 items
Hoenig, Thomas M. 1 items
Hood, George R. 1 items
Horvath, Akos 1 items
Hsu, Joanne W. 1 items
Humphrey, David B. 1 items
Jane, Sarah 1 items
Jones, Gregory K. 1 items
Juels, Ari 1 items
Kahn, Charles M. 1 items
Kapteyn, Arie 1 items
Katz, Michael L. 1 items
Kay, Benjamin S. 1 items
Kennickell, Arthur B. 1 items
Keys, Benjamin J. 1 items
Kjos, Ann 1 items
Knittel, Christopher R. 1 items
Kolsky, Richard I. 1 items
LaWare, John P. 1 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 1 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 1 items
Lapp, Toni 1 items
Larrimore, Jeff 1 items
Lawlor, Matt 1 items
Lee, Donghoon 1 items
Li, Geng 1 items
Lowe, Philip 1 items
Luckett, Charles A. 1 items
Lunn, Anna 1 items
Lyon, James M. 1 items
MacDonald, Craig 1 items
Maland, Ellen 1 items
Mann, Ronald J. 1 items
Manuszak, Mark D. 1 items
McGranahan, Leslie 1 items
Mead, Tim 1 items
Medeiros, David 1 items
Meijer, Erik 1 items
Meyer, Laurence H. 1 items
Meyercord, Andrea 1 items
Mirza, Helen 1 items
Mishkin, Frederic S. 1 items
Mitchell, Laurie 1 items
Morse, Jonathan 1 items
Nash, Betty Joyce 1 items
Newberger, Robin G. 1 items
Norden, Lars 1 items
O'Hare, Tom 1 items
Oliver, Richard R. 1 items
Ollenburg, Steven 1 items
Palva, Marianne 1 items
Paquette, Lynn 1 items
Patel, Jeetu 1 items
Pavel, Christine A. 1 items
Posner, Kenneth 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Prager, Robin A. 1 items
Rhine, Sherrie L. W. 1 items
Roberds, William 1 items
Rochet, Jean-Charles 1 items
Rodriguez-Fernandez, Francisco 1 items
Roman, Raluca A. 1 items
Rysman, Marc 1 items
Schmalensee, Richard 1 items
Schmitz, James A. 1 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 1 items
Schutzer, Dan 1 items
Seiders, David F. 1 items
Serrano-Padial, Ricardo 1 items
Shaffer, Sherrill 1 items
Shah, Alpa 1 items
Sienkiewicz, Stanley J. 1 items
Smedinghoff, Thomas J. 1 items
Smith, Dolores S. 1 items
Smith, Janet 1 items
Spindt, Paul A. 1 items
Spiotto, Ann H. 1 items
Sprenger, Charles 1 items
Stewart, Margaret G. 1 items
Su, Sabrina 1 items
Tallent, Guy S. 1 items
Tedesco, John P. 1 items
Teitelbaum, David 1 items
Telyukova, Irina A. 1 items
Tescher, Jennifer 1 items
To, Ted 1 items
Todd, Richard M. 1 items
Todd, Tim 1 items
Triest, Robert K. 1 items
Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude 1 items
Udell, Gregory F. 1 items
Van Den Berg, David 1 items
Van Hove, Leo 1 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 1 items
Vartanian, Thomas P. 1 items
Vickers, John 1 items
Wang, Teng 1 items
Wang, Zhu 1 items
Warner, Richard 1 items
Watro, Paul R. 1 items
Weisman, David 1 items
Woodworth, Jean 1 items
Woolley, Michael J. 1 items
Wright, Randall 1 items
Zabek, Mike 1 items
Zeitler, Eddie 1 items
van Opstal, James 1 items
show more (231)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 10 items
D14 8 items
G28 5 items
G51 5 items
D12 4 items
D18 4 items
G20 3 items
G53 3 items
G32 2 items
G33 2 items
G40 2 items
D22 1 items
D42 1 items
D91 1 items
E21 1 items
G01 1 items
G23 1 items
H31 1 items
H53 1 items
I18 1 items
I38 1 items
J16 1 items
J38 1 items
K0 1 items
K21 1 items
L0 1 items
L12 1 items
L24 1 items
show more (23)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Credit cards 212 items
Debit cards 66 items
Payment systems 54 items
Consumer credit 24 items
Consumer behavior 15 items
Electronic funds transfers 14 items
Interest rates 14 items
Smart cards 10 items
Automated tellers 9 items
Consumer protection 7 items
Debt 7 items
Checks 6 items
Credit 6 items
Cash transactions 5 items
Consumer surveys 5 items
Electronic commerce 5 items
Bankruptcy 4 items
Fraud 4 items
Regulation Z: Truth in Lending 4 items
Bank loans 3 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 3 items
Consumers' preferences 3 items
Credit supply 3 items
Household finance 3 items
Risk 3 items
Truth in Lending Act 3 items
Basel capital accord 2 items
CARD Act 2 items
Cash flow 2 items
Competition 2 items
Consumer credit - Law and legislation 2 items
Consumption (Economics) 2 items
Credit risk 2 items
Finance, Personal 2 items
Financial services industry 2 items
Financial sophistication 2 items
Households - Economic aspects 2 items
Identity theft 2 items
Rewards 2 items
Rice, Emmett John 2 items
Seger, Martha Romayne 2 items
Stress test 2 items
Antitrust 1 items
Asset-backed financing 1 items
Bank competition 1 items
Bank deposits 1 items
Bank lending 1 items
Bank stocks 1 items
Behavioral consumer finance 1 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 1 items
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
California 1 items
Consumer credit markets 1 items
Consumer debt 1 items
Consumption inequality 1 items
Contract enforcement 1 items
Credit constraints 1 items
Credit counseling 1 items
Credit limit increases 1 items
Credit limit policy 1 items
Credit ratings 1 items
Credit scoring systems 1 items
Data protection 1 items
Debt collection 1 items
Debt repayment 1 items
Decomposition 1 items
Default (Finance) 1 items
Deleveraging 1 items
Delinquency 1 items
Euro 1 items
Euro-dollar market 1 items
Fair Debt 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 7th 1 items
Financial literacy 1 items
Financial management 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Foreclosure 1 items
Gender 1 items
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1 items
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 1 items
Household spending 1 items
Housing crisis 1 items
Income inequality 1 items
Industrial capacity 1 items
Inequality 1 items
Interchange fees (Banking) 1 items
Law and legislation 1 items
Laware, John Patrick 1 items
Liquidity (Economics) 1 items
Markets 1 items
Monopoly 1 items
Moral hazard 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
Mortgage loans - Law and legislation 1 items
Mortgages 1 items
National Bank Act 1 items
Nonbank financial institutions 1 items
Payday loans 1 items
Payments 1 items
Personal loans 1 items
Point-of-sale-systems 1 items
Price regulation 1 items
Pricing 1 items
Public education 1 items
Radio frequency identification systems 1 items
Regulation C: Home Mortgage Disclosure 1 items
Regulation of credit markets 1 items
Regulatory capital 1 items
Repair services 1 items
Revolving balance 1 items
Risk segmentation 1 items
SNAP Benefits 1 items
Sabotage 1 items
Sales tax 1 items
Securities 1 items
Small business 1 items
Subprime credit 1 items
Transportation 1 items
Unbanked 1 items
Well-being 1 items
Work Requirements 1 items
banks 1 items
consumers 1 items
credit limits 1 items
household finances 1 items
minimum wages 1 items
relationship lending 1 items
small businesses 1 items
show more (124)
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