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Keywords:individual-level data 

Working Paper
Housing Wealth and Consumption: The Role of Heterogeneous Credit Constraints

We quantify the role of heterogeneity in households’ financial constraints in explaining the large decline in consumption between 2006 and 2009. Using household-level data, we show that in addition to a direct effect of changes in house prices, there are sizable indirect effects from general equilibrium feedback and bank health. About 60% of the aggregate response of consumption to changes in house prices is explained by ex-ante and ex-post financial constraints, where only a specific set of households face binding ex-post financial constraints as a result of declining house prices. We find ...
Working Papers , Paper 22-34

Working Paper
How Big is the Wealth Effect? Decomposing the Response of Consumption to House Prices

We investigate the effect of declining house prices on household consumption behavior during 2006-2009. We use an individual-level dataset that has detailed information on borrower characteristics, mortgages and credit risk. Proxying consumption by individual-level auto loan originations, we decompose the effect of declining house prices on consumption into three main channels: wealth effect, household financial constraints, and bank health. We find a negligible wealth effect. Tightening householdlevel financial constraints can explain 40-45 percent of the response of consumption to declining ...
Working Papers , Paper 19-6



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E32 2 items

O16 2 items

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bank health 2 items

credit supply 2 items

general equilibrium 2 items

individual-level data 2 items

mortgage 2 items

Financial crisis 2 items

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