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Keywords:financial institutions OR Financial institutions OR Financial Institutions 

Journal Article
President's message : The (limited) role of credit ratings in the financial crisis

Econ Focus , Volume 13 , Issue Spr , Pages 1

Conference Paper
A framework for more effective stress testing


Working Paper
The adverse selection approach to financial intermediation: some characteristics of the equilibrium financial structure

This paper examines an adverse selection economy in which efficient resource allocation is supported by intermediary contracts (coalitions). Agents differ along an ex ante publicly observable dimension, so that the equilibrium arrangement yields a diverse set of financial arrangements among borrowers, lenders and intermediaries. Loans made by intermediaries would appear to be mispriced relative to a naive benchmark that ignores the (unobservable) adverse selection aspects of the environment. The model also yields an equilibrium mix of intermediated and direct finance which is broadly ...
Working Paper , Paper 95-05

Journal Article
On the importance of the plumber : the intersection of theory and practice in policymaking for federal financial institutions

The federal government's role as lender and insurer is very important, with over $1.4 trillion of loans and guarantees and at least $7 trillion of insured risk. Tens of millions of Americans benefit from housing loans, student loans, flood insurance, etc. Yet the federal financial institutions established to run these activities are often created almost as an afterthought, with little focus on their structure. This paper emphasizes the crucial importance of ending this neglect and recognizing how proper structure can help avoid major failures, such as the current problems at the Pension ...
Review , Volume 88 , Issue Jul , Pages 259-272

Journal Article
Macroeconomics with hetereogeneity : a practical guide

This article reviews macroeconomic models with heterogeneous households. A key question for the relevance of these models concerns the degree to which markets are complete. This is because the existence of complete markets imposes restrictions on (i) how much heterogeneity matters for aggregate phenomena and (ii) the types of cross-sectional distributions that can be obtained. The degree of market incompleteness, in turn, depends on two factors: (i) the richness of insurance opportunities provided by the economic environment and (ii) the nature and magnitude of idiosyncratic risks to be ...
Economic Quarterly , Volume 97 , Issue 3Q , Pages 255-326

Journal Article
Group lending and financial intermediation: an example

Economic Quarterly , Issue Fall , Pages 23-48

Working Paper
Financial innovation in the United States -- background, current and prospects

The purpose of this paper is to describe recent financial innovation in the United States, outline its principal implications with regard to (1) the structure and behavior of financial markets and (2) the conduct of monetary policy, and speculate on the likely character of further innovation in the near-term future. In the United States as elsewhere, financial innovation has been a continuous but uneven process, where the rate of innovation has varied substantially from one period to the next depending on a variety of circumstances.
Working Paper , Paper 85-02

Journal Article
Maintaining financial stability in a global economy : a summary of the Bank's 1997 Symposium

World financial markets have experienced tremendous growth in recent years. New financial instruments have emerged, transaction volumes in markets has skyrocketed, and capital flows across countries have risen dramatically. While these developments have made financial markets more efficient, they have also increased the risk that events at one institution or in one market will have immediate and wide-ranging effects on the entire global financial system.> To better understand how policymakers can keep financial systems safe, efficient, and stable, and how policymakers can respond to financial ...
Economic Review , Volume 82 , Issue Q IV , Pages 23-35

Journal Article
Credit unions: What's the fuss?

Financial Update , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 4



Proceedings 50 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 20 items

Economic Review 19 items

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 18 items

Speech 17 items

Econ Focus 16 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 117 items

Working Paper 72 items

Conference Paper 70 items

Speech 19 items

Report 12 items

Briefing 9 items

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anonymous 12 items

Berger, Allen N. 10 items

DeYoung, Robert 7 items

Greenspan, Alan 6 items

Prescott, Edward Simpson 6 items

Price, David A. 6 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 10 items

G28 8 items

G2 3 items

G20 3 items

G01 2 items

G1 2 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Financial institutions 310 items

Financial markets 48 items

Bank supervision 26 items

Banks and banking 22 items

Financial crises 20 items

Monetary policy 20 items

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