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Keywords:domestic migration 

Discussion Paper
Have Some Rural Areas Turned the Tide on Population Decline?

According to the most recent county population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, almost half of the Fifth District counties in rural areas or small towns (those with a Rural-Urban Continuum Code (RUCC) of 3-9 and henceforth referred to as "rural") experienced population growth between 2020 and 2023. (See here for more on our use of these definitions for urban and rural.) That figure may seem low considering that nearly three-quarters of urban counties saw population growth over the same period. But what's notable about the growth in these rural counties is that more than half of them ...
Regional Matters

How Successful Is Your Region at Retaining Domestic Migrants?

For regions in the Fourth District and across the United States, this District Data Brief analyzes how well each region retains domestic migrants, or those who move in from other parts of the country. It also addresses the extent to which retention rates are associated with population growth.
Cleveland Fed District Data Brief

Working Paper
The Push of Big City Prices and the Pull of Small Town Amenities

As house prices continue to rise in large, supply-constrained cities, what are the implications for other places that have room to grow? Recent literature suggests that amenities that improve quality of life are becoming increasingly important in location decisions. In this paper, we explore how location amenities have differentially driven population and price dynamics in small towns versus big cities, with a focus on the role of housing supply. We provide theory and evidence that demand for high-amenity locations has increased in recent decades. High-amenity counties in large metropolitan ...
Working Papers , Paper 22-41


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