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Keywords:deposit insurance OR Deposit insurance 

Working Paper
Shadow Bank Runs

Short-term debt is commonly used to fund illiquid assets. A conventional view asserts that such arrangements are run-prone in part because redemptions must be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. This sequential service protocol, however, appears absent in the wholesale banking sector---and yet, shadow banks appear vulnerable to runs. We explain how banking arrangements that fund fixed-cost operations using short-term debt can be run-prone even in the absence of sequential service. Interventions designed to eliminate run risk may or may not improve depositor welfare. We describe how ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-012

Journal Article
Deposit insurance: recapitalize or reform?

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Challenges in deposit insurance reform


Working Paper
Risk-based capital and deposit insurance reform

Risk-based capital (RBC) is an important component of deposit insurance reform. This paper provides an empirical analysis of the new 1992 RBC bank standards, applying them to data on virtually all U.S. banks from 1982 to 1989. The data reveal strong associations between several measures of future bank performance (including bankruptcy) and the RBC relative risk weights. These associations suggest that the weights constitute a significant improvement over the old capital standards, although there are several instances in which the weights for specific categories appear to be out of line with ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9101

Designing an effective deposit insurance structure: an international perspective

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Jul

Working Paper
Regulation and bank failures: new evidence from the agricultural collapse of the 1920's

This article examines the contribution of government policies to the high number of bank failures in the United States during the l920s. I consider the state of Kansas, which had a system of voluntary deposit insurance and where branch banking was strictly prohibited, and find that bank failure rates were highest in counties suffering the greatest agricultural distress and where deposit insurance system membership was the highest. The evidence for Kansas illustrates how prohibitions on branch banking caused unit banks to be especially susceptible to local economic shocks, and suggests that, ...
Working Papers , Paper 1991-006

Journal Article
Risk-sensitive deposit insurance premia: some practical issues

Business Review , Issue Sep/Oct , Pages 3-10

Journal Article
When should the FDIC act like a private insurance company? When it comes to pricing, not reserves

The Region , Volume 12 , Issue Sep , Pages 43-48

Journal Article
FDIC's modified payout plan

FRBSF Economic Letter



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 134 items

Conference Paper 107 items

Working Paper 71 items

Report 12 items

Discussion Paper 7 items

Speech 4 items

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Thomson, James B. 19 items

Furlong, Frederick T. 15 items

Stern, Gary H. 15 items

Keeley, Michael C. 10 items

Greenspan, Alan 9 items

Kane, Edward J. 9 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 7 items

G01 5 items

E58 3 items

G2 3 items

G28 3 items

N22 2 items

show more (9)

FILTER BY Keywords

Deposit insurance 338 items

Bank failures 62 items

Risk 52 items

Bank supervision 41 items

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 35 items

Bank capital 30 items

show more (127)