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Keywords:Small business 

Working Paper
Who's minding the store? motivating and monitoring hired managers at small, closely held firms: the case of commercial banks

We test whether the gains from hiring an outside manager exceed the principal-agent costs of owner-manager separation at 266 small, closely held U.S. commercial banks. Our results suggest that hiring an outside manager can improve a bank's profit efficiency, but that these gains depend on aligning the hired managers with owners via managerial shareholdings. We find that over-utilizing this control mechanism results in entrenchment, while under-utilization is costly in terms of foregone profits. This study provides a relatively unfettered test of mitigating principal-agent costs, because these ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-99-17

Conference Paper
The effects of bank mergers and acquisitions on small business lending

Proceedings , Paper 549

Working Paper
Bank consolidation and small business lending: it's not just bank size that matters

Concern with the potential effect of bank mergers on small business lending has stemmed from a belief that larger acquirers may be less willing than their smaller targets to be active in the small business lending market. However, we find that in roughly half the commercial and savings bank mergers of the past three years, the acquirer has a larger portfolio share of small business loans than its target; moreover, the most common acquirer of small banks is another small bank. The empirical results support the hypothesis that acquirers tend to recast the target in their own image, causing ...
Working Papers , Paper 97-1

Working Paper
Small business credit availability: how important is size of lender?

The recent relaxation of restrictions on interstate banking and branching, as well as the likely relaxation of Glass-Steagall restrictions, should encourage significant consolidation in the banking industry. Larger lenders, diversified across regions and products, will undoubtedly be less susceptible to adverse economic shocks that have buffeted the banking industry over the past decade. However, as small banks with a small business loan emphasis are absorbed into larger, more diversified lenders, which tend to focus much less on small business lending, credit availability to bank-dependent ...
Working Papers , Paper 95-5

Journal Article
Does small business need a financial fix?

An evaluation of several proposals that would promote additional lending to the small business sector, some through direct government intervention and others by changing existing regulations to promote the market's allocation of credit. The authors argue that market-oriented initiatives are the preferred approach for improving a small-business credit crunch.
Economic Commentary , Issue May

Working Paper
Transactions accounts and loan monitoring

The authors provide evidence that transactions accounts help financial intermediaries monitor borrowers by offering lenders a continuous stream of data on borrowers? account balances. This information is most readily available to commercial banks, but other intermediaries, such as finance companies, also have access to such information at a cost. Using a unique set of data that includes monthly and annual information on small-business borrowers at an anonymous Canadian bank, the authors find a significant relationship between loans becoming troubled and the number of prior borrowings in ...
Working Papers , Paper 05-14

Journal Article
Performance and access to government guarantees: the case of small business investment companies

This article analyzes the performance of small business investment companies (SBICs) that are chartered and regulated by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Our principal finding is that poor performance over the 1986-91 period is associated with high usage of funds from the SBA.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 20 , Issue Sep , Pages 16-32

Journal Article
Study looks at large banks' use of small business credit scoring

Financial Update , Volume 14 , Issue Jul , Pages 7

Journal Article
The self-employed

Cross Sections , Volume 7 , Issue Sum , Pages 16

Journal Article
The Great Recession’s effect on entrepreneurship

Though the recent recession was the worst downturn since the Great Depression, some observers argue that one silver lining is an upswing in entrepreneurship. Recessions, they claim, provide laid-off workers with the motivation to start their own businesses, and a recent study suggests that in 2009 the number people becoming self employed spiked to its highest level in more than a decade. Unfortunately, a careful look at multiple sources of data shows that the Great Recession was actually a time of considerable decline in entrepreneurial activity in the United States.>
Economic Commentary , Issue Mar



Proceedings 46 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 20 items

Cross Sections 17 items

Federal Reserve Bulletin 16 items

Fedgazette 11 items

Communities and Banking 9 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 120 items

Conference Paper 48 items

Working Paper 45 items

Speech 6 items

Discussion Paper 5 items

Briefing 2 items

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Berger, Allen N. 20 items

anonymous 20 items

Udell, Gregory F. 15 items

Wolken, John D. 14 items

Genay, Hesna 9 items

Brewer, Elijah 8 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G20 2 items

G28 2 items

G32 2 items

L11 2 items

E58 1 items

G01 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Small business 229 items

Bank loans 47 items

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 19 items

Loans 19 items

Credit 18 items

Bank mergers 15 items

show more (112)