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Keywords:Manufactures - Texas 

Journal Article
Identifying service-sector exports from major Texas cities

Robert W. Gilmer uses a new analytical technique to explain why longtime rivals Dallas and Houston can coexist less than 250 miles apart. This new technique permits an unusually complete analysis of the role of services in the growth of cities. The analysis focuses on distinguishing services that generate growth as exports to national and international markets from services that are used by the city and its surrounding area. ; As a case study, he analyzes service-sector exports from Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio. Gilmer's approach depicts Dallas and Houston as complementing, ...
Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue Jul , Pages 1-16

Journal Article
The Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey: a tool for understanding the economy

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 15

Journal Article
On the record: a conversation on the Texas recession: taking the economy's pulse at midyear

With Texas facing hard times, four of the Dallas Fed's regional experts give an update on the state's economic performance in 2009, looking at the key areas of employment, manufacturing, housing and energy.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 8-9

Journal Article
President's perspective

Dallas Fed President Richard W. Fisher discusses the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, an important research tool that empowers the Dallas Fed with a better understanding of economic conditions in the Eleventh District and the nation.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 2

Journal Article
Made in Texas: the natural selection of manufacturing

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 12-14, 16

Journal Article
Texas manufacturing - factories still matter in much of state

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 10

Journal Article
Texas Manufacturing Survey offers advance look at state and national economies

Business tendency surveys are designed to provide more timely information on economic conditions than otherwise available. Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey variables have broad explanatory power for Texas and national economic indicators. TMOS for a given reference month is available up to a month before other Texas data are available. The survey figures appear to measure what they were intended to measure. Moreover, although TMOS was designed for--and is most useful in--understanding the Texas economy, it can also contribute to explaining national developments.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 16-19

NAFTA and maquiladoras: is the growth connected?
