Journal Article

Identifying service-sector exports from major Texas cities

Abstract: Robert W. Gilmer uses a new analytical technique to explain why longtime rivals Dallas and Houston can coexist less than 250 miles apart. This new technique permits an unusually complete analysis of the role of services in the growth of cities. The analysis focuses on distinguishing services that generate growth as exports to national and international markets from services that are used by the city and its surrounding area. ; As a case study, he analyzes service-sector exports from Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio. Gilmer's approach depicts Dallas and Houston as complementing, rather than competing with, each other. Dallas is the distribution and financial center of the Southwest, while Houston is the nation's preeminent oil center.

Keywords: Service industries; Manufactures - Texas; Texas;


Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Part of Series: Economic and Financial Policy Review

Publication Date: 1990

Issue: Jul

Pages: 1-16