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Keywords:Internet banking 

Conference Paper
Old-fashioned banking in a high-tech medium: Internet-only banks

Proceedings , Paper 933

Working Paper
Strategic online-banking adoption

In this paper we study the determinants of banks? decision to adopt a transactional website for their customers. Using a panel of commercial banks in the United States for the period 2003-2005, we show that although bank-specific characteristics are important determinants of banks? adoption decision, competition plays a prominent role. The extent of competition is related to the geographical overlap of banks in different markets and their relative market share in terms of deposits. In more competitive markets banks are more likely to adopt earlier. Even more importantly, banks adopt earlier ...
Working Papers , Paper 2006-058

Conference Paper
The determinants of consumers’ adoption of Internet banking

Bills have traditionally been paid by writing checks and sending them with statements by U.S. mail. Increasingly, bills are being paid by automated clearinghouse debits. More recently, the Internet has created new bill payment methods such as online banking and online credit card payments. These new options offer consumers convenience, speed, and the ability to better control payment timing. How do consumers decide whether or not to adopt different forms of bill payment? Are the same consumers using different methods depending on the type of bill or the amount? Will check ever disappear as a ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]

Journal Article
Point and click, or mortar and brick? a look at internet banking in the Eighth District

The Regional Economist , Issue Oct

Discussion Paper
Will online bill payment spell the demise of paper checks?

Over the past several years, the emergence and adoption of electronic payment instruments have acutely affected check usage. This transition has been especially evident at the point of sale as debit and credit cards have become pervasive. Today, the rapid growth of online bill payment looks to threaten checks? last redoubt. However, bill payment technology is still in its adolescence; the interplay of many stakeholders in the industry, including technology firms, banks, billers, payment cards, and customers, has led to rapid, unscripted innovation in just a few years. This paper quantifies ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 05-08

Journal Article
U.S. consumers and electronic banking, 1995-2003

The availability and variety of electronic banking technologies in the marketplace has greatly expanded in recent years. For financial institutions, e-banking technologies can speed processing, reduce costs, and help attract and retain customers. For consumers, they can save time and money and may be more convenient than more traditional ways of banking. This article draws on data from two nationwide surveys to look at consumer use of such products and services as debit cards, pre-authorized debits, and computer banking, particularly as use relates to consumer demographic characteristics and ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 90 , Issue Win

Working Paper
Internet banking: an exploration in technology diffusion and impact

This paper studies endogenous diffusion and impact of a cost-saving technological innovation -- Internet Banking. When the innovation is initially introduced, large banks have an advantage to adopt it first and enjoy further growth of size. Over time, as the innovation diffuses into smaller banks, the aggregate bank size distribution increases stochastically towards a new steady state. Applying the theory to a panel study of Internet Banking diffusion across 50 US states, we examine the technological, economic and institutional factors governing the process. The empirical findings allow us to ...
Payments System Research Working Paper , Paper PSR WP 05-05

Discussion Paper
Account-to-account electronic money transfers: recent developments in the United States

This paper reviews recent developments in online and mobile banking in the United States that provide bank account holders with low-cost interfaces to manage account-to-account electronic money transfers. The paper analyzes the emerging decentralized market in which A2A money transfers are becoming available in the United States and compares it with the A2A market in other countries. The paper constructs analytical examples to explain and evaluate the structure of the emerging U.S. market and discusses possible policy actions that may enhance the use of A2A money transfers in the United ...
Public Policy Discussion Paper , Paper 11-10

Journal Article
Performance and operation of commercial bank web sites

This article reviews banker experience with Internet banking based on responses to the 2001 Survey of Commercial Banks in the Tenth Federal Reserve District. The performance of bank Web sites (measured by customer enrollment, usage rate, fee revenues, and generation of new customers) has been modest but is similar to experience of most U.S. banks. Developing policies, working with vendors, regulatory requirements, security, and marketing and promotion head the list of activities that challenge banks when installing and operating Web sites. Long-term strategic factors, such as remaining ...
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Dec , Pages 23-33

Journal Article
How has the adoption of Internet banking affected performance and risk in banks?

Analysis of banks in Tenth District states that have adopted Internet banking shows an adoption rate that is similar to the rate for the United States. Community banks, especially in rural areas, are lagging behind other banks in introducing Internet banking. ; Banks that have adopted Internet banking have introduced it in markets with demographic and economic characteristics that help to ensure customer acceptance. They have also used the Internet in a way that complements their business strategy. Banks who offer Internet banking rely more on non-core funding, and are developing the Internet ...
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Dec , Pages 1-16


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