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Keywords:Foreclosure - California 

Working Paper
Homeownership at high cost : foreclosure risk and high cost loans in California

The relatively low rate of mortgage default and foreclosure in California in recent years obscures the fact that many Californians have high-cost home loans that they cannot afford. High cost loans are particularly common in low-income and minority communities, suggesting that those who can least afford it are paying the most for credit. In communities where high cost lending is more prevalent, so is the prevalence of households that are defaulting on their mortgage. Homeownership may be coming at too high a price for these households and communities.
Community Development Working Paper , Paper 2006-01

Working Paper
The current landscape of the California housing market

California's housing market has been severely affected by the foreclosure crisis. The state's high foreclosure rate has also contributed to neighborhood destabilization in many communities, resulting in negative spillover effects such as price declines and increased crime and blight. In light of these rapid changes in the housing landscape, this report provides a current "snapshot" of California's housing market in the wake of the foreclosure crisis. It presents historical trends as well as current data on foreclosures, home prices, and affordability, and also considers the state's future ...
Community Development Working Paper , Paper 2010-03

Working Paper
The untold costs of subprime lending: examining the links among higher-priced lending, foreclosures and race in California

This paper explores the relationship between race, subprime lending, and foreclosure in California in an effort to understand what happened during the subprime lending boom. The paper finds that communities of color have been disproportionately affected by the foreclosure crisis, and that these disparities stem from a series of complicated and interrelated factors, including borrower credit profiles, the ?boom and bust? housing market, and rising unemployment. However, the paper also shows that Blacks and Hispanics in California had access to very different mortgage markets, and that mortgage ...
Community Development Working Paper , Paper 2009-09

Working Paper
The geography of foreclosure in Contra Costa County, California

Americans of all races and income levels recognize homeownership as a quintessential part of the American dream. This belief, along with federal policy that encourages homeownership and increased access to credit, has contributed to a dramatic rise in the number of families that own their home, particularly among low-income and minority households. In addition, rising homeownership in the first part of this decade contributed substantially to neighborhood revitalization, and brought much needed investment into low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. The recent subprime meltdown and rising ...
Community Development Working Paper , Paper 2009-03



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