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Keywords:Economic conditions 

Prospects for an economic recovery.

Presentation by Eric S. Rosengren, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, for The Worcester Economic Club, Worcester, Massachusetts, May 21, 2009
Speech , Paper 27

Journal Article
Pitfalls to the current expansion

Review , Volume 60 , Issue Jul , Pages 2-8

Working Paper
Measuring productivity growth in Asia: do market imperfections matter?

Recent research reports contradictory estimates of productivity growth for the newly industrialized economies (NIEs) of Asia. In particular, estimates using real factor prices find relatively rapid TFP growth; estimates using quantities of inputs and output find relatively low TFP growth. The difference is particularly notable for Singapore, where the difference is about 2-1/4 percentage-points per year. We show that about 2/3 of that difference reflects differences in estimated capital payments. We argue that these differences reflect economically interesting imperfections in output and ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-03-15

Conference Paper
Global risks are rising, but there is a path to recovery

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
China: awakening giant

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 1-8

Conference Paper
The fiscal impact of population change

Population aging, and changing population age distributions, affect the fiscal situation through multiple channels, including the following: ; 1. Changing age distributions alter the per worker cost of providing a given age-vector of per capita benefits. For example, population aging will dramatically increase the costs of providing even existing benefits for Social Security and Medicare. ; 2. As a qualification to point 1, we note that fluctuations in population age distribution, for example, as caused by the baby boom in the United States, and transitional changes in age distribution, for ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 46

Journal Article
Economic activity accelerates

Review , Volume 49 , Issue Sep , Pages 2-6

Among Opposing Forces

Remarks by Charles L. Evans, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago McLean County Chamber of Commerce, Bloomington, Illinois
Speech , Paper 19

What is happening in the U.S. economy?

Presentation before the AAIM Management Association, St. Louis - Jan. 11, 2002
Speech , Paper 50

Journal Article
Ninth District economy slips into a recession

Ninth Federal Reserve District 2009 Economic Forecast
Fedgazette , Volume 21 , Issue Jan , Pages 12-14



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 263 items

Speech 177 items

Conference Paper 56 items

Working Paper 19 items

Newsletter 15 items

Report 8 items

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Dudley, William 48 items

anonymous 32 items

Pianalto, Sandra 27 items

Bullard, James B. 16 items

Williams, John C. 16 items

Yellen, Janet L. 16 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E30 1 items

G18 1 items

G21 1 items

G28 1 items

I14 1 items

J15 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Economic conditions 547 items

Monetary policy 106 items

Recessions 51 items

Inflation (Finance) 41 items

Labor market 38 items

Federal Reserve District, 2nd 36 items

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