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Keywords:Consumer Price Index (CPI) 

The Rise (and Fall) of Inflation During the Early 2020s

Inflation has been on many people’s minds. There are several measures of inflation available, and each one plays a role in providing a more complete understanding of inflation’s causes and effects. This Page One Economics® Econ Primer describes key measures of inflation, including the consumer price index, and how the Federal Open Market Committee pays particular attention to these measures as it makes policy decisions—adjusting its policy stance when necessary to move the economy toward maximum employment and price stability.
Page One Economics Newsletter

What Do Components of Key Inflation Measures Say about Future Inflation?

A new analysis suggests that the food expenditures category of the consumer price index could be a useful signal of future headline inflation.
On the Economy

Using Core Inflation to Predict Headline Inflation

An analysis of CPI data suggests that a measure of inflation excluding food and energy and a measure excluding only energy are useful predictors of overall inflation 12 months in the future.
On the Economy

Adjusting for Inflation

As inflation raises the overall price level in an economy, the purchasing power of the dollar decreases and both borrowing and lending costs increase. The January 2023 issue of Page One Economics discusses how price indexes can be used to transform nominal wages and interest rates into real, or inflation-adjusted, values.
Page One Economics Newsletter

Measuring Inflation: Headline, Core and “Supercore” Services

Inflation measures like CPI and PCEPI and their variations of headline, core and supercore differ in the prices they cover and in the weighting of price categories.
On the Economy

Not all price increases are equal; pandemic-era outliers drove inflation spike

Many individual price changes make up widely used gauges of inflation. Their relative importance changes over time and may affect how consumers perceive inflation. Such perceptions can prompt households to update their inflation expectations, decreasing optimism about real economic activity.
Dallas Fed Economics


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