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Discussion Paper
Upstate New York Job Growth: The Bad News Is that the Good News Was Wrong
Abel, Jaison R.; Deitz, Richard
In 2015, upstate New York looked to be having its strongest job growth in years. Employment was estimated to be growing at around one percent—below the national pace, but twice the region's trend growth rate since the end of the Great Recession. Buffalo, in particular, looked to be gaining significant numbers of construction and manufacturing jobs for the first time in decades, pushing it to its highest job growth since the late 1990s. Unfortunately, the good news was wrong. Annual benchmark revisions to New York State's employment data released in early March cut upstate's growth rate in ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160325
Discussion Paper
Local Hangovers: How the Housing Boom and Bust Affected Jobs in Metro Areas
Abel, Jaison R.; Deitz, Richard
What explains why some places suffered particularly severe job losses during the Great Recession? In this post, we extend our recent Current Issues article analyzing regional dimensions of the latest housing cycle and show that metropolitan areas that experienced the biggest housing booms and busts from 2000 to 2008 lost the most jobs during the recession. Not surprisingly, construction activity helps explain the tight link between housing and local job market performance. Given this pattern, we believe that each metro area’s boom-bust experience is likely to continue to influence its ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20110829
Discussion Paper
Will Silicon Alley Be the Next Silicon Valley?
Bram, Jason; Ploenzke, Matthew
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20150706
Discussion Paper
How Is Online Shopping Affecting Retail Employment?
Bram, Jason; Gorton, Nicole
It’s been said that if you want to know how the economy is doing, look at how many people are carrying shopping bags. That adage may not hold so well today. The rise of the internet and e-commerce over the past two decades has chipped away at the market share of “brick and mortar” retailers. But it’s only been in the past few years that this shift in market share has had a noteworthy effect on retail employment. In this post, we focus on national and local employment trends in two categories of retail—department stores and nonstore retailers—and try to assess how the surge in ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20171005
Discussion Paper
Some Places are Much More Unequal than Others
Abel, Jaison R.; Deitz, Richard
Economic inequality in the United States is much more pronounced in some parts of the country than others. In this post, we examine the geography of wage inequality, drawing on our recent Economic Policy Review article. We find that the most unequal places tend to be large urban areas with strong economies where wage growth has been particularly strong for those at the top of the wage distribution. The least unequal places, on the other hand, tend to have relatively sluggish economies that deliver slower wage growth for high, middle, and lower wage earners alike. Many of the least unequal ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20191007
Discussion Paper
Just Released: Benchmark Revisions Paint a Brighter Picture of (Most of) the Regional Economy
Orr, James A.; Bram, Jason
Every March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases benchmark revisions of state and local payroll employment for the preceding two years. While employment data are released monthly for all 50 states and many metropolitan areas, the monthly figures are estimated based on a sample of firms. The annual revisions are based on an almost complete count of workers (now available up through mid-2014) from the records of the unemployment insurance system and re-estimated data for the remainder of the year. In this post, we briefly summarize the mixed but mostly stronger performance in the region in ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20150320
Working Paper
Are Central Cities Poor and Non-White?
Schuetz, Jenny; Gonzalez, Arturo; Larrimore, Jeff; Merry, Ellen A.; Robles, Barbara J.
For much of the 20th century, America's central cities were viewed as synonymous with economic and social hardship, often used as proxy for low-income communities of color. Since the 1990s, however, many metropolitan areas have seen a resurgence of interest in central city neighborhoods. Theoretical models of income sorting lead to ambiguous predictions about where households of different income levels will live within metropolitan areas. In this paper, we explore intra-city spatial patterns of income and race for U.S. metropolitan areas, focusing particularly on the locations of low-income ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-031
Working Paper
What Future for History Dependence in Spatial Economics?
Lin, Jeffrey; Rauch, Ferdinand
History (sometimes) matters for the location and sizes of cities and neighborhood segregation patterns within cities. Together with evidence on rapid neighborhood change and self-fulfilling expectations, this implies that nature might not completely determine the spatial structure of the economy. Instead, the spatial economy might be characterized by multiple equilibria or multiple steady-state equilibrium paths, where history and expectations can play decisive roles. Better evidence on the conditions under which history matters can help improve theory and policy analysis.
Working Papers
, Paper 20-47
Journal Article
Tough Choices: New Jersey Schools during the Great Recession and Beyond
Chakrabarti, Rajashri; Livingston, Max
This study examines the medium-term effects of the Great Recession on school finances in New Jersey using detailed school district panel data and an interrupted time series analysis. The authors find that the recession led to sharp cuts in school funding and expenditure, in spite of the federal stimulus. These cuts deepened as the stimulus abated. An analysis of variations by metropolitan area reveals that the Camden metro area, the highest poverty area reviewed, experienced considerably larger cuts in expenditures when the stimulus receded compared with other areas. The findings are ...
Economic Policy Review
, Volume 27
, Issue 1
, Pages 1-34
Discussion Paper
Catching Up or Falling Behind? New Jersey Schools in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
Livingston, Max; Chakrabarti, Rajashri
Today’s post, which complements Monday’s on New York State and a set of interactive graphics released by the New York Fed earlier, assesses the effect of the Great Recession on educational finances in New Jersey. The Great Recession severely restricted state and local funds, which are the main sources of funding for schools. To help avoid steep budget cuts to schools, the federal government allocated $100 billion for education as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), also known as the stimulus. The stimulus money was meant to provide temporary relief to ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20130925
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 44 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1 items
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Liberty Street Economics 41 items
Working Papers 5 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 4 items
Economic Policy Review 2 items
FRB Atlanta Community and Economic Development Discussion Paper 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 1 items
Staff Reports 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Discussion Paper 43 items
Working Paper 9 items
Journal Article 2 items
Newsletter 1 items
Report 1 items
Bram, Jason 21 items
Abel, Jaison R. 13 items
Deitz, Richard 13 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 10 items
Orr, James A. 10 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 4 items
Livingston, Max 4 items
Schuetz, Jenny 4 items
De Giorgi, Giacomo 3 items
Scally, Joelle 3 items
Clark, Hunter L. 2 items
Giuliano, Genevieve 2 items
Hastings, Jonathan 2 items
Larrimore, Jeff 2 items
Lee, Donghoon 2 items
Shin, Eun Jin 2 items
Sutherland, Sarah 2 items
Thomas, Lauren 2 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 2 items
Wheeler, Harry 2 items
Albouy, David 1 items
Bhalla, Ravi 1 items
Brown, Meta 1 items
Carlino, Gerald A. 1 items
Couillard, Benjamin K. 1 items
Davis, Donald R. 1 items
Dodini, Samuel 1 items
Dussault, Nicole 1 items
Fallick, Bruce 1 items
Fazili, Sameera 1 items
Foote, Christopher L. 1 items
Gonzalez, Arturo 1 items
Gorton, Nicole 1 items
Haley, Pearse 1 items
Karahan, Fatih 1 items
Keller, Rachel 1 items
Kepner, Elizabeth 1 items
Kerr, William R. 1 items
Li, Darius 1 items
Lin, Jeffrey 1 items
Mattoon, Richard H. 1 items
Meagher, Grace 1 items
Merry, Ellen A. 1 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 1 items
Ploenzke, Matthew 1 items
Rauch, Ferdinand 1 items
Robles, Barbara J. 1 items
Sattar, Kaivan K. 1 items
Schuh, Rachel 1 items
Schwartz, Noah 1 items
Setren, Elizabeth 1 items
Shin, Minchul 1 items
Solimano, Magali 1 items
Stein, Sarah 1 items
Stern, Eric 1 items
Tasci, Murat 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
R3 9 items
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R11 1 items
R21 1 items
R31 1 items
R51 1 items
Z13 1 items
Z18 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Puerto Rico 12 items
employment 10 items
recession 7 items
ARRA 6 items
school finance 5 items
New Jersey 4 items
New York 4 items
Sandy 4 items
Federal Stimulus 4 items
New York City 3 items
Virgin Islands 3 items
demographics 3 items
hurricane 3 items
Human Capital 3 items
Urban spatial structure 3 items
Maria 2 items
debt 2 items
economic development 2 items
economic geography 2 items
employment revisions 2 items
expenditures 2 items
funding 2 items
natural disasters 2 items
population 2 items
Housing 2 items
Migration 2 items
Public transportation 2 items
Regional 2 items
Superstorm Sandy 2 items
9-11 Lower Manhattan 1 items
Abbott 1 items
Abbott Districts 1 items
Accountability 1 items
Affordable Care Act 1 items
Affordable housing 1 items
Agglomeration 1 items
Bayesian estimation 1 items
Bridgeport 1 items
Business Survey 1 items
CARES Act 1 items
CCP 1 items
CDC moratorium 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Cadillac Tax 1 items
Clusters 1 items
Community development 1 items
Demographic economics 1 items
Education 1 items
Education Finance 1 items
Educational Finance 1 items
Emergency Rental Assistance 1 items
Entrepreneurship 1 items
Fairfield 1 items
Federal Reserve district 1 items
Foreclosures 1 items
Hachman Index 1 items
Home Prices 1 items
Household Borrowing 1 items
Housing Recovery 1 items
Housing demand 1 items
Housing policy 1 items
Hurricane Sandy 1 items
IT sector 1 items
Income sorting 1 items
Inequality 1 items
Innovation 1 items
Invention 1 items
Irma 1 items
Labor Force 1 items
Labor Supply 1 items
Local Economic Performance 1 items
Local Revenue 1 items
Location Quotient 1 items
Long Island 1 items
Nassau 1 items
Neighborhood choice 1 items
New York City Metropolitan Area 1 items
No Child Left Behind 1 items
Participation Rate 1 items
Population Growth 1 items
Property tax 1 items
QCEW 1 items
Quality of life 1 items
Racial segregation 1 items
Regional economy 1 items
Silicon Alley 1 items
Stamford 1 items
State funding 1 items
Suffolk 1 items
USVI 1 items
Unemployment Insurance 1 items
Upstate New York 1 items
Urban rural and regional economics 1 items
Wall Street 1 items
anchor institutions 1 items
bankruptcy 1 items
consumer preferences 1 items
costs 1 items
county 1 items
cuts 1 items
damage estimates 1 items
data limitations 1 items
disaster relief 1 items
disasters 1 items
districts 1 items
diversification 1 items
dynamism 1 items
economic conditions 1 items
economic mobility 1 items
economic recovery 1 items
employment data 1 items
employment loss 1 items
establishment survey 1 items
eviction 1 items
fiscal sustainability 1 items
hierarchical modeling 1 items
higher education 1 items
home market 1 items
hospitals 1 items
household finances 1 items
household formation 1 items
household surveys 1 items
housing cost 1 items
housing data 1 items
housing markets 1 items
inclusive growth 1 items
industrial structure 1 items
infrastructures 1 items
knowledge spillovers 1 items
labor 1 items
labor economics 1 items
labor markets 1 items
land use planning 1 items
land values 1 items
local economic development 1 items
local governments 1 items
location economics 1 items
mortgages 1 items
municipal 1 items
online shopping 1 items
outmigration 1 items
procurement 1 items
real estate economics 1 items
regional economics 1 items
rent 1 items
rent increases 1 items
rental instability 1 items
retail 1 items
schools 1 items
securities industry 1 items
small business 1 items
spatial data 1 items
spatial econometrics 1 items
specialization 1 items
states 1 items
stimulus 1 items
storm 1 items
superstorm 1 items
tech 1 items
tenure choice 1 items
tourism 1 items
transport costs 1 items
trend 1 items
unemployment rates 1 items
universities 1 items
wages 1 items
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