Search Results
Working Paper
A Quantitative Theory of Time-Consistent Unemployment Insurance
Pei, Yun; Xie, Zoe
During recessions, the U.S. government substantially increases the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through multiple extensions. This paper seeks to understand the incentives driving these increases. Because of the trade-off between insurance and job search incentives, the classic time-inconsistency problem arises. During recessions, the U.S. government substantially increases the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through multiple extensions. This paper seeks to understand the incentives driving these extensions. Because of the trade-off between insurance and ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2016-11
Working Paper
Job Heterogeneity and Aggregate Labor Market Fluctuations
Krolikowski, Pawel
This paper disciplines a model with search over match quality using microeconomic evidence on worker mobility patterns and wage dynamics. In addition to capturing these individual data, the model provides an explanation for aggregate labor market patterns. Poor match quality among first jobs implies large fluctuations in unemployment due to a responsive job destruction margin. Endogenous job destruction generates a burst of layoffs at the onset of a recession and, together with on-the-job search, generates a negative comovement between unemployment and vacancies. A significant job ladder, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-04
Working Paper
Job-Finding and Job-Losing: A Comprehensive Model of Heterogeneous Individual Labor-Market Dynamics
Hall, Robert E.; Kudlyak, Marianna
We study the paths over time that individuals follow in the labor market, as revealed in the monthly Current Population Survey. Some people face much higher flow values from work than in a non-market activity; if they lose a job, they find another soon. Others have close to equal flow values and tend to circle through jobs, search, and non-market activities. And yet others have flow values for non-market activities that are higher than those in the market, and do not work. We develop a model that identifies and quantifies heterogeneity in dynamic individual behavior. Our model provides a ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2019-5
Micro and Macro Effects of UI Policies: Evidence from Missouri
Karahan, Fatih; Mitman, Kurt; Moore, Brendan
We develop a method to jointly measure the response of worker search effort (micro effect) and vacancy creation (macro effect) to changes in the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. To implement this approach, we exploit an unexpected cut in UI durations in Missouri and provide quasi-experimental evidence on the effect of UI on the labor market. The data indicate that the cut in Missouri significantly increased job finding rates by both raising the search effort of unemployed workers and the availability of jobs. The latter accounts for at least one half of the total effect.
Staff Reports
, Paper 905
Working Paper
Racial Gaps in Labor Market Outcomes in the Last Four Decades and over the Business Cycle
Vidangos, Ivan; Radler, Tyler; Ratner, David; Cajner, Tomaz
We examine racial disparities in key labor market outcomes for men and women over the past four decades, with a special emphasis on their evolution over the business cycle. Blacks have substantially higher and more cyclical unemployment rates than whites, and observable characteristics can explain very little of this differential, which is importantly driven by a comparatively higher risk of job loss. In contrast, the Hispanic-white unemployment rate gap is comparatively small and is largely explained by lower educational attainment of (mostly foreign-born) Hispanics. Regarding labor force ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-071
Working Paper
How Should Unemployment Insurance Vary over the Business Cycle?
Birinci, Serdar; See, Kurt
We study optimal unemployment insurance (UI) over the business cycle using a heterogeneous agent job search model with aggregate risk and incomplete markets. We validate the model-implied micro and macro labor market elasticities to changes in UI generosity against existing estimates, and provide an explanation for divergent empirical findings. We show that generating the observed demographic differences between UI recipients and non-recipients is critical in determining the magnitudes of these elasticities. We find that the optimal policy features countercyclical replacement rates with ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2019-022
Working Paper
UI Generosity and Job Acceptance: Effects of the 2020 CARES Act
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas; Valletta, Robert G.
To provide economic relief following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. CARES Act granted an extra $600 per week in unemployment insurance (UI) benefit payments from late March through July 2020. This unprecedented increase in UI generosity caused weekly benefit payments to exceed prior earnings for most recipients, raising concern that many would be unwilling to accept job offers, slowing the labor market recovery. To assess the impact of the UI supplement, we analyze the job acceptance decision in a dynamic framework in which job seekers weigh the value of a job against remaining ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2021-13
Working Paper
Modeling Labor Markets in Macroeconomics: Search and Matching
Lubik, Thomas A.; Krause, Michael U.
We present and discuss the simple search and matching model of the labor market against the background of developments in modern macroeconomics. We derive a simple representation of the model in a general equilibrium context and how the model can be used to analyze various policy issues in labor markets and monetary policy.
Working Paper
, Paper 14-19
Working Paper
Job-to-Job Flows and the Consequences of Job Separations
McEntarfer, Erika; Haltiwanger, John; Fallick, Bruce; http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/
A substantial empirical literature documents large and persistent average earnings losses following job displacement. Our paper extends the literature on displaced workers by providing a comprehensive picture of earnings and employment outcomes for all workers who separate. We show that for workers not recalled to their previous employer, earnings losses follow separations in general, as opposed to displacements in particular. The key predictor of earnings losses is not displacement but the length of the nonemployment spell following job separation. Moreover, displaced workers are no more ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-27
Working Paper
Did Racially Motivated Labor Policy Reverse Equality Gains for Everyone?
Wolcott, Erin
Labor protection policies in the 1950s and 1960s helped many low- and middle-wage white workers in the United States achieve the American Dream. This coincided with historically low levels of inequality across income deciles. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, policies that had previously helped build the white middle class reversed, especially in states with a larger Black population. Calibrating a labor search model to match minimum wages, unemployment benefits, and bargaining power before and after the Civil Rights Act, I find declining labor protections explain half of the rise in 90/10 ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 090
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 27 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 17 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 17 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 4 items
show more (8)
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Working Papers 80 items
Working Paper Series 27 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 16 items
Staff Reports 14 items
Staff Report 9 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 8 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 6 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 6 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 6 items
Working Paper 5 items
Chicago Fed Letter 3 items
Policy Hub 3 items
Research Working Paper 3 items
Workforce Currents 2 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 1 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Review 1 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Research Report 1 items
Policy Hub* 1 items
Review 1 items
show more (17)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 157 items
Report 24 items
Discussion Paper 6 items
Journal Article 6 items
Newsletter 3 items
Birinci, Serdar 28 items
See, Kurt 24 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 19 items
Karahan, Fatih 14 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 10 items
Mercan, Yusuf 10 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 10 items
Wee, Shu Lin 9 items
Fujita, Shigeru 7 items
Xie, Zoe 7 items
Cairó, Isabel 6 items
Hall, Robert E. 6 items
Krolikowski, Pawel 6 items
Nie, Jun 6 items
Tasci, Murat 6 items
Fang, Lei 5 items
Hornstein, Andreas 5 items
Morales-Jimenez, Camilo 5 items
Nakajima, Makoto 5 items
Ait Lahcen, Mohammed 4 items
Baughman, Garth 4 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 4 items
Leduc, Sylvain 4 items
Liu, Zheng 4 items
Pastorino, Elena 4 items
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas 4 items
Ratner, David 4 items
Rendon, SÃlvio 4 items
Sahin, Aysegul 4 items
Tuzemen, Didem 4 items
van Buggenum, Hugo 4 items
Acharya, Sushant 3 items
Bernstein, Joshua 3 items
Cajner, Tomaz 3 items
Chung, Hess T. 3 items
Elsby, Michael 3 items
Fallick, Bruce 3 items
Ferrante, Francesco 3 items
Fuentes-Albero, Cristina 3 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 3 items
Michaels, Ryan 3 items
Midrigan, Virgiliu 3 items
Ozkan, Serdar 3 items
Pfajfar, Damjan 3 items
Richter, Alexander W. 3 items
Song, Jae 3 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 3 items
Topa, Giorgio 3 items
Tutino, Antonella 3 items
Valletta, Robert G. 3 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 3 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 3 items
Andreason, Stuart 2 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 2 items
Brown, Meta 2 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 2 items
Coate, Patrick 2 items
David, Joel M. 2 items
Dinopoulos , Elias 2 items
Epstein, Brendan 2 items
Flinn, Christopher J. 2 items
Garcia-Cabo, Joaquin 2 items
Garcia-Perez, J. Ignacio 2 items
Haltiwanger, John 2 items
Heathcote, Jonathan 2 items
Hernandez Martinez, Victor 2 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 2 items
Kuester, Keith 2 items
Lange, Fabian 2 items
Liu, Kaixin 2 items
Lopez, Pierlauro 2 items
Lubik, Thomas A. 2 items
Manovskii, Iourii 2 items
McEntarfer, Erika 2 items
McMillan, Lucy 2 items
Meyer, Brent 2 items
Mitman, Kurt 2 items
Moscarini, Giuseppe 2 items
Mukoyama, Toshihiko 2 items
Rudanko, Leena 2 items
Shapiro, Alan Finkelstein 2 items
Unel, Bulent 2 items
Wiczer, David 2 items
Wolcott, Erin 2 items
Wu, Pinghui 2 items
Yilma, Mary 2 items
Zabek, Mike 2 items
Abel, Jaison R. 1 items
Ahn, Hie Joo 1 items
Albanesi, Stefania 1 items
Arbex, Marcelo 1 items
Arseneau, David M. 1 items
Audoly, Richard 1 items
Balsvik, Ragnhild 1 items
Barnichon, Régis 1 items
Bazer, Kevin 1 items
Bengui, Julien 1 items
Bi, Huixin 1 items
Bils, Mark 1 items
Bundick, Brent 1 items
Burke, Mary A. 1 items
Cai, Zhifeng 1 items
Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos 1 items
Carrington, William J. 1 items
Coglianese, John M. 1 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 1 items
Cotton, Christopher D. 1 items
Davis, Steven J. 1 items
Deitz, Richard 1 items
Dogra, Keshav 1 items
Doniger, Cynthia L. 1 items
Edmiston, Kelly D. 1 items
Faberman, R. Jason 1 items
Faccini, Renato 1 items
Ferraro, Domenico 1 items
Figura, Andrew 1 items
Fiori, Giuseppe 1 items
Fitzgerald, Doireann 1 items
Foote, Christopher L. 1 items
Garga, Vaishali 1 items
Gaur, Meghana 1 items
Gavazza, Alessandro 1 items
Gemici, Ahu 1 items
Goernemann, Nils 1 items
Gornemann, Nils 1 items
Gottfries, Axel 1 items
Graves, Sebastian 1 items
Grice, Richard 1 items
Grigsby, John 1 items
Gulati, Chaitri 1 items
Hagedorn, Marcus 1 items
Haller, Stephanie 1 items
Hazell, Jonathon 1 items
Hobijn, Bart 1 items
Hurst, Erik 1 items
Ismail, Ali Haider 1 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 1 items
Krause, Michael U. 1 items
Krusell, Per 1 items
Kuhn, Moritz 1 items
Kurmann, Andre 1 items
Lale, Etienne 1 items
Laufer, Steven 1 items
Lazaryan, Nika 1 items
Legal, Diego 1 items
Lentz, Rasmus 1 items
Lins, Paulo 1 items
Lipinska, Anna 1 items
Liu, Yun 1 items
Lunsford, Kurt Graden 1 items
Madera, Rocio 1 items
Mandelman, Federico S. 1 items
Martellini, Paolo 1 items
Melosi, Leonardo 1 items
Menzio, Guido 1 items
Miskanic, Brandon E. 1 items
Mitra, Indrajit 1 items
Modestino, Alicia Sasser 1 items
Mongey, Simon 1 items
Montes, Joshua 1 items
Moore, Brendan 1 items
Moore, Robert E. 1 items
Moyen, Stephane 1 items
Mueller, Andreas I. 1 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 1 items
Navarro, Gaston 1 items
Ndiaye, Abdoulaye 1 items
O'Dea, Dennis 1 items
Patterson, Christina 1 items
Pei, Yun 1 items
Perri, Fabrizio 1 items
Plante, Michael D. 1 items
Qiu, Xincheng 1 items
Quella-Isla, Núria 1 items
Radler, Tyler 1 items
Rhee, Serena 1 items
Rho, Yeonwoo 1 items
Rohan, Justin 1 items
Roys, Nicolas 1 items
Ryan, Richard W. 1 items
Schotter, Andrew 1 items
Sengul, Gonul 1 items
Setren, Elizabeth 1 items
Shapiro, Adam Hale 1 items
She, Powen 1 items
Song, Joseph 1 items
Spinnewijn, Johannes 1 items
Stähler, Nikolai 1 items
Su, Yaquin 1 items
Ta, Lien 1 items
Van Zandweghe, Willem 1 items
Vidangos, Ivan 1 items
Visschers, Ludo 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Wasmer, Etienne 1 items
Weil, Philippe 1 items
Winberry, Thomas 1 items
Winkler, Fabian 1 items
Xu, Yu 1 items
Young, Eric 1 items
show more (195)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E24 130 items
E32 76 items
J63 66 items
J65 31 items
J31 21 items
E52 19 items
J23 14 items
J24 14 items
E21 10 items
J41 10 items
J30 9 items
E62 8 items
H31 8 items
D83 7 items
J62 7 items
E12 6 items
E37 6 items
E31 5 items
J21 5 items
J22 5 items
E44 4 items
J20 4 items
J61 4 items
C33 3 items
C53 3 items
C78 3 items
D43 3 items
G21 3 items
J15 3 items
R23 3 items
C32 2 items
D31 2 items
E3 2 items
E60 2 items
F41 2 items
H21 2 items
I22 2 items
I23 2 items
J11 2 items
J33 2 items
J60 2 items
J68 2 items
L11 2 items
O33 2 items
A12 1 items
C11 1 items
C13 1 items
C14 1 items
C51 1 items
C62 1 items
C65 1 items
C91 1 items
D13 1 items
D21 1 items
D22 1 items
D33 1 items
D42 1 items
D62 1 items
D8 1 items
D81 1 items
D82 1 items
D84 1 items
D85 1 items
E0 1 items
E02 1 items
E10 1 items
E20 1 items
E27 1 items
E43 1 items
E5 1 items
E61 1 items
F23 1 items
F66 1 items
G01 1 items
G10 1 items
G12 1 items
H20 1 items
H23 1 items
H53 1 items
I20 1 items
I38 1 items
J00 1 items
J16 1 items
J40 1 items
J42 1 items
J51 1 items
J69 1 items
J7 1 items
J78 1 items
K35 1 items
O14 1 items
O47 1 items
R12 1 items
R13 1 items
R21 1 items
R31 1 items
show more (92)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Unemployment 86 items
unemployment insurance 33 items
job search 29 items
Business Cycles 18 items
vacancies 17 items
Search and matching 16 items
monetary policy 15 items
COVID-19 12 items
Labor force participation 11 items
fiscal policy 10 items
Beveridge curve 8 items
CARES Act 7 items
search frictions 7 items
wages 7 items
Business cycle 7 items
human capital 7 items
Costly Information 6 items
Inflows 6 items
Multiple Applications 6 items
Outflows 6 items
Employment 6 items
Inequality 6 items
Inflation 6 items
Labor market 6 items
Racial inequality 6 items
search 6 items
Discrimination 5 items
Fiscal Policy and Household Behavior 5 items
Labor supply 5 items
Recession 5 items
job mobility 5 items
matching 5 items
Great recession 5 items
Minimum Wage 5 items
Recovery 5 items
labor markets 5 items
reallocation 5 items
Wage Rigidity 5 items
automation 4 items
Job ladder 4 items
Labor Productivity 4 items
Heterogeneous agents 4 items
Matching Function 4 items
Hiring 3 items
Missing disinflation 3 items
Pareto tails 3 items
Quits 3 items
covid19 3 items
heterogeneity 3 items
household behavior 3 items
hysteresis 3 items
life-cycle earnings risk 3 items
lifetime income inequality 3 items
mismatch 3 items
productivity 3 items
replacement hiring 3 items
search and matching models 3 items
Labor Market Search 3 items
Labor market frictions 3 items
Layoffs 3 items
duration dependence 3 items
self-employment 3 items
unemployment flows 3 items
Displacement 2 items
Matching Elasticity 2 items
Monopsony 2 items
Nonlinear 2 items
Parents 2 items
Recall 2 items
Unemployment rate 2 items
asset accumulation 2 items
college persistence 2 items
consumption 2 items
credit card loans 2 items
cyclicality 2 items
earnings 2 items
efficiency 2 items
endogenous randomness 2 items
household economics 2 items
income support 2 items
information 2 items
labor market gaps 2 items
labor shortages 2 items
labor supply elasticity 2 items
match-quality 2 items
matching efficiency 2 items
minimum past earning requirement 2 items
networks 2 items
offshoring 2 items
preferences 2 items
recessions 2 items
reshoring 2 items
robots 2 items
uncertainty 2 items
wage dispersion 2 items
Adult children 2 items
Displaced workers 2 items
Firm dynamics 2 items
Frictional labor markets 2 items
General Equilibrium 2 items
Hand-to-mouth 2 items
Job acceptance 2 items
Job loss 2 items
Limited Commitment 2 items
Marginal Propensity to Consume 2 items
On-the-job training 2 items
Transfers 2 items
Turbulence 2 items
Unemployment Forecasting 2 items
Unemployment risk 2 items
Wage growth 2 items
Wage posting 2 items
Wealth distribution 2 items
Aggregate matching efficiency 1 items
Asymmetric business cycles 1 items
Backward Map 1 items
Bayesian estimation 1 items
Biased technical change 1 items
Bifurcation 1 items
Chaos 1 items
Childcare 1 items
Clustering 1 items
Competitive Search 1 items
Competitive search equilibrium 1 items
Consumption Smoothing 1 items
Crowding in/out 1 items
Debt constraints 1 items
Demography 1 items
Diamond-Mortenson-Pissarides model 1 items
Directed search 1 items
Discount Factor Shocks 1 items
Disincentive Effects 1 items
Diversity 1 items
Dual mandate 1 items
EPOP 1 items
Earned income tax credit 1 items
Earnings losses upon displacement 1 items
Employment protection 1 items
Endogenous Uncertainty 1 items
Equilibrium Unemployment 1 items
Family ties 1 items
Finding Rate 1 items
Fiscal Union 1 items
Food Stamp Program 1 items
Forecasting 1 items
Forward Map 1 items
Full employment 1 items
Geographic mobility 1 items
Great Resignation 1 items
Growth 1 items
HANK model 1 items
HP trend 1 items
Heterogeneous-agent New Keynesian (HANK) model 1 items
Housing 1 items
Indeterminacy 1 items
Information friction 1 items
Information-and-telecommunications-technology capital (ICT) 1 items
International Business Cycles 1 items
International Risk Sharing 1 items
Job flows 1 items
Jobs 1 items
Labor force composition 1 items
Labor force demographics 1 items
Labor force participation rate 1 items
Labor income 1 items
Labor market participation 1 items
Labor mobility 1 items
Labor protections 1 items
Labor unions 1 items
Liquidity Constraints 1 items
Local labor markets 1 items
Macroeconomic shocks 1 items
Measurement error 1 items
Mixed data sampling regression model 1 items
Monopolistic competition 1 items
Monopsonistic competition 1 items
Multinationals 1 items
Multiple-worker firm 1 items
NAIRU 1 items
NEPPC 1 items
Natural Rate 1 items
New England 1 items
Nominal Rigidities 1 items
Non-participation 1 items
Occupational Choice 1 items
Okun’s law 1 items
Opportunity cost of employment 1 items
PUA 1 items
Panel data 1 items
Penalized regression 1 items
Phillips curve 1 items
Poverty 1 items
Progressive tax and transfer system 1 items
Putty-clay capital 1 items
Racial Disparities 1 items
Random search 1 items
Recalls 1 items
Recruiting intensity 1 items
Redistribution 1 items
Regional migration 1 items
SNAP 1 items
Saving Jobs 1 items
Savings 1 items
Search model 1 items
Segregation 1 items
Separation Rate 1 items
Shimer puzzle 1 items
Skill-biased technical change 1 items
Soft landing 1 items
Spillover 1 items
Sticky Wages 1 items
Structural estimation 1 items
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 1 items
Technology Shocks 1 items
Time inconsistency 1 items
Turkey 1 items
Uncertainty Shocks 1 items
Unemployment Duration 1 items
Unemployment dynamics 1 items
Unemployment fluctuations 1 items
Unemployment volatility puzzle 1 items
Unions 1 items
User Cost of Labor 1 items
Variance Decomposition 1 items
Wage Loss 1 items
Wage contracts 1 items
Wage inequality 1 items
Worker bargaining power 1 items
Worker flows 1 items
Zero Lower Bound 1 items
Zero earnings 1 items
adjustment costs 1 items
aggregate demand 1 items
amplification 1 items
anchor 1 items
assignment 1 items
bargaining 1 items
bargaining power 1 items
beliefs 1 items
bond risk premia 1 items
cointegration 1 items
college graduates 1 items
common trend 1 items
complementarity 1 items
composition of unemployed 1 items
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consumer credit 1 items
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consumers 1 items
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digital adoption 1 items
duration 1 items
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earnings loss 1 items
education 1 items
employment gap 1 items
employment rate 1 items
employment-to-population ratio 1 items
endogenous firm entry 1 items
estimation of dynamic structural models 1 items
estimation of dynamic structural models. 1 items
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firm behavior 1 items
firm heterogeneity 1 items
firms 1 items
functional inequality 1 items
geographical reallocation 1 items
heterogeneous agent model 1 items
heterogeneous-agent New Keynesian (HANK) 1 items
heterogenous agent New Keynesian (HANK) 1 items
hiring behavior 1 items
hiring frictions 1 items
housing bust 1 items
incentive pay 1 items
input credit 1 items
interest rates 1 items
job destruction 1 items
job finding expectations 1 items
job ladders 1 items
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job separation rate 1 items
job-finding rates 1 items
labor demand 1 items
labor flows 1 items
labor market disparities 1 items
labor market policies 1 items
labor market transitions 1 items
labor market trends 1 items
labor market turnover 1 items
labor search frictions 1 items
labor share 1 items
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liquid and illiquid assets 1 items
long-term unemployment 1 items
longer-run unemployment rate 1 items
market power 1 items
migration 1 items
mortgage debt 1 items
mortgage defaults 1 items
multiple steady states 1 items
natural rate of unemployment 1 items
natural rates 1 items
neighborhoods 1 items
nondiversifiable labor income risk 1 items
nonemployment 1 items
occupational and industry mobility 1 items
optimal contract design 1 items
pandemic 1 items
pandemic unemployment assistance 1 items
participation 1 items
permanent income 1 items
personnel 1 items
productivity-wage gap 1 items
racism 1 items
rational inattention 1 items
re-employment wages 1 items
recoveries 1 items
referrals 1 items
reservation wage 1 items
search and matching frictions 1 items
search effort 1 items
search intensity 1 items
search unemployment 1 items
self employment 1 items
skill depreciation 1 items
skills 1 items
skills mismatch 1 items
small firms 1 items
social networks 1 items
sorting 1 items
specific human capital 1 items
stock return dispersion 1 items
structural versus cyclical 1 items
temporary layoffs 1 items
time 1 items
time-consistent policy 1 items
training 1 items
treatment event 1 items
turnover 1 items
underemployment 1 items
unemployment claims 1 items
unemployment insurance benefits 1 items
unemployment rates 1 items
unsecured credit 1 items
use 1 items
wage gaps 1 items
wage mobility 1 items
wage-inflation Phillips curve 1 items
show more (412)
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