Search Results
Journal Article
An Empirical Economic Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Bank Capital in the United States
Firestone, Simon; Ranish, Benjamin; Lorenc, Amy
We evaluate the economic costs and benefits of bank capital in the United States. The analysis is similar to that found in previous studies, though we tailor it to the specific features and experience of the U.S. financial system. We also make adjustments to account for the impact of liquidity- and resolution-related regulations on the probability of a financial crisis. We find that the level of capital that maximizes the difference between total benefits and total costs ranges from just over 13 percent to 26 percent. This range reflects a high degree of uncertainty and latitude in specifying ...
, Volume 101
, Issue 3
Working Paper
Secondary Market Liquidity and the Optimal Capital Structure
Arseneau, David M.; Rappoport, David E.; Vardoulakis, Alexandros
We present a model where endogenous liquidity generates a feedback loop between secondary market liquidity and firms' financing decisions in primary markets. The model features two key frictions: a costly state verification problem in primary markets, and search frictions in over-the-counter secondary markets. Our concept of liquidity depends endogenously on illiquid assets put up for sale relative to the resources available for buying those assets in the secondary market. Liquidity determines the liquidity premium, which affects issuance in the primary market, and this effect feeds back into ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2015-31
Journal Article
Case studies on disruptions during the crisis
Yorulmazer, Tanju
The 2007-09 financial crisis saw many funding mechanisms challenged by a drastic reduction in market liquidity, a sharp increase in the cost of transactions, and, in some cases, a drying-up in financing. This article presents case studies of several key financial markets and intermediaries under significant distress at this time. For each case, the author discusses the size and evolution of the funding mechanism, the sources of the disruptions, and the policy responses aimed at mitigating distress and making markets more liquid. The review serves as a reference on the vulnerabilities of ...
Economic Policy Review
, Issue Feb
, Pages 17-28
Working Paper
The boy who cried bubble: public warnings against riding bubbles
Asako, Yasushi; Ueda, Kozo
Attempts by governments to stop bubbles by issuing warnings seem unsuccessful. This paper examines the effects of public warnings using a simple model of riding bubbles. We show that public warnings against a bubble can stop it if investors believe that a warning is issued in a definite range of periods commencing around the starting period of the bubble. If a warning involves the possibility of being issued too early, regardless of the starting period of the bubble, it cannot stop the bubble immediately. Bubble duration can be shortened by a premature public warning, but lengthened if it is ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 167
Working Paper
A tale of two commitments: equilibrium default and temptation
Nakajima, Makoto
I construct the life-cycle model with equilibrium default and preferences featuring temptation and self-control. The model provides quantitatively similar answers to positive questions such as the causes of the observed rise in debt and bankruptcies and macroeconomic implications of the 2005 bankruptcy reform, as the standard model without temptation. However, the temptation model provides contrasting welfare implications, because of overborrowing when the borrowing constraint is relaxed. Specifically, the 2005 bankruptcy reform has an overall negative welfare effect, according to the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 14-1
Working Paper
The Decline in Asset Return Predictability and Macroeconomic Volatility
Qian, Charles; Hsu, Alex; Palomino, Francisco J.
We document strong U.S. stock and bond return predictability from several macroeconomic volatility series before 1982, and a significant decline in this predictability during the Great Moderation. These findings are robust to alternative empirical specifications and out-of-sample tests. We explore the predictability decline using a model that incorporates monetary policy and shocks with time-varying volatility. The decline is consistent with changes in both policy and shock dynamics. While an increase in the response to inflation in the interest-rate policy rule decreases volatility, more ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-050
Working Paper
Are Basel's Capital Surcharges for Global Systemically Important Banks Too Small?
von Hafften, Alexander H.; Passmore, Wayne
The Basel Committee promulgates bank regulatory standards that many major economies enact to a significant extent. One element of the Basel III capital standards is a system of capital surcharges for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). If the purpose of the surcharges is to ensure the survival of G-SIBs through serious crises (like the 2007-09 financial crisis) without extraordinary public assistance, our analysis suggests that current surcharges are too low because of three shortcomings: (1) the Basel system underestimates the probability that a G-SIB can fail, (2) the Basel system ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-021
Working Paper
Changes in Prudential Policy Instruments ---- A New Cross-Country Database
Cerutti, Eugenio; Segalla, Esther; Correa, Ricardo; Fiorentino, Elisabetta
This paper documents the features of a new database that focuses on changes in the intensity in the usage of several widely used prudential tools, taking into account both macro-prudential and microprudential objectives. The database coverage is broad, spanning 64 countries, and with quarterly data for the period 2000Q1 through 2014Q4. The five types of prudential instruments in the database are: capital buffers, interbank exposure limits, concentration limits, loan to value (LTV) ratio limits, and reserve requirements. A total of nine prudential tools are constructed since some useful ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1169
Journal Article
The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
Caviness, Elizabeth; Sarkar, Asani; Goyal, Ankur; Park, Woojung
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the asset-backed securities (ABS) market, resulting in higher spreads on ABS and briefly halting the issuance of some ABS. On March 23, 2020, the Federal Reserve established the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) to support the flow of credit to consumers and businesses by re-enabling the issuance of ABS. In this article, the authors describe how TALF works, how much it was used, and its effect on the issuance and spreads of TALF-eligible securities relative to those of TALF-ineligible securities. They find that both the introduction of TALF and ...
Economic Policy Review
, Volume 28
, Issue 1
The shadow banking system: implications for financial regulation
Shin, Hyun Song; Adrian, Tobias
The current financial crisis has highlighted the growing importance of the "shadow banking system," which grew out of the securitization of assets and the integration of banking with capital market developments. This trend has been most pronounced in the United States, but it has had a profound influence on the global financial system. In a market-based financial system, banking and capital market developments are inseparable: Funding conditions are closely tied to fluctuations in the leverage of market-based financial intermediaries. Growth in the balance sheets of these intermediaries ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 382
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 56 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 35 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
show more (8)
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Working Papers 42 items
Staff Reports 40 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 29 items
Economic Policy Review 11 items
Working Paper Series 11 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 6 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 5 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 4 items
Policy Hub 4 items
Research Working Paper 4 items
Speech 4 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 2 items
Review 2 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
Policy Hub* 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
show more (17)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 106 items
Report 43 items
Journal Article 16 items
Discussion Paper 4 items
Speech 4 items
Newsletter 2 items
Briefing 1 items
show more (2)
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Jagtiani, Julapa 12 items
Shachar, Or 9 items
Adrian, Tobias 7 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 7 items
Vickery, James 7 items
Kovner, Anna 6 items
Crump, Richard K. 5 items
Fleming, Michael J. 5 items
Sarkar, Asani 5 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 5 items
Wall, Larry D. 5 items
Allen, Franklin 4 items
Arseneau, David M. 4 items
Berger, Allen N. 4 items
Lemieux, Catharine 4 items
McInish, Thomas H. 4 items
Neely, Christopher J. 4 items
Planchon, Jade 4 items
Roman, Raluca 4 items
Vardoulakis, Alexandros 4 items
Wang, J. Christina 4 items
Yang, Emily 4 items
Zlate, Andrei 4 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 3 items
Firestone, Simon 3 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 3 items
Hyman, Benjamin 3 items
Liu, Haoyang 3 items
Liu, Zheng 3 items
McAndrews, James J. 3 items
Nakajima, Makoto 3 items
Nguyen, Giang 3 items
Song, Zhaogang 3 items
de Fontnouvelle, Patrick 3 items
Agarwal, Sumit 2 items
Altinoglu, Levent 2 items
An, Xudong 2 items
Asako, Yasushi 2 items
Berg, Jesper 2 items
Bianchi, Javier 2 items
Bräuning, Falk 2 items
Carey, Mark S. 2 items
Carlson, Mark A. 2 items
Cashin, David B. 2 items
Caviness, Elizabeth 2 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 2 items
Cox, Caren 2 items
Danzig, Andrew 2 items
DanÃelsson, Jón 2 items
Dudley, William 2 items
Fedaseyeu, Viktar 2 items
Ferris, Erin E. Syron 2 items
Finkelstein, David 2 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 2 items
Godin, Nathan Y. 2 items
Goldstein, Itay 2 items
Goyal, Ankur 2 items
Healy, Christopher 2 items
Horvath, Akos 2 items
Hou, David 2 items
Keane, Frank M. 2 items
Kiernan, Kevin F. 2 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 2 items
Koch, Christoffer 2 items
Lee, Michael Junho 2 items
Leonard, Deborah 2 items
Li, Wei 2 items
Malz, Allan M. 2 items
Martin, Antoine 2 items
Morgan, Donald P. 2 items
Nielsen, Morten Bækmand 2 items
Park, Woojung 2 items
Park, Yang-Ho 2 items
Passmore, Wayne 2 items
Rappoport, David E. 2 items
Sagi, Jacob 2 items
Steiner, Patrick 2 items
Strzodka, Andreas 2 items
Ueda, Kozo 2 items
Valenzuela, Marcela 2 items
Wheelock, David C. 2 items
Xu, Zhiwei 2 items
Yorulmazer, Tanju 2 items
Zer, Ilknur 2 items
Abruzzo, Nicole 1 items
Altig, David E. 1 items
Alvarez, Nahiomy 1 items
Ambrose, Brent W. 1 items
Amromin, Gene 1 items
Anbil, Sriya 1 items
Antill, Samuel 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Auer, Raphael 1 items
Baker, Colleen 1 items
Baker, Scott Brent 1 items
Baker, Steven D. 1 items
Baklanova, Viktoria 1 items
Barrero, Jose Maria 1 items
Baxter, Thomas C. 1 items
Begalle, Brian 1 items
Ben-David, Itzhak 1 items
Benzoni, Luca 1 items
Bhutta, Neil 1 items
Blanchard, Olivier Jean 1 items
Bloom, Nick 1 items
Brang, Grace 1 items
Brownworth, Anders 1 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 1 items
Bunn, Philip 1 items
Cabanilla, Christian 1 items
Cakir Melek, Nida 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Caramichael, John 1 items
Cerutti, Eugenio 1 items
Chen, Qian 1 items
Chen, Scarlet 1 items
Chernobai, Anna 1 items
Chernoff, Alan 1 items
Chomsisengphet, Souphala 1 items
Cocco, Alessandro 1 items
Collins, Christopher G. 1 items
Collins, J. Michael 1 items
Copeland, Adam 1 items
Cornelli, Giulio 1 items
Correa, Ricardo 1 items
Correia, Sergio A. 1 items
Costello, Anna M. 1 items
Cull, Robert 1 items
Cumming, Christine M. 1 items
Curti, Filippo 1 items
Dahlgren, Sarah J. 1 items
Darst, Matt 1 items
Davis, Steven J. 1 items
Diop, Moussa 1 items
Dooley, John 1 items
Dou, Yiwei 1 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 1 items
Duca, John V. 1 items
Duffie, Darrell 1 items
Duffy, Denise 1 items
Dufresne, Lora 1 items
Durfee, Jon 1 items
Dyskant, Lucas 1 items
Edge, Rochelle M. 1 items
Ergungor, O. Emre 1 items
Everaert, Miro 1 items
Exler, Florian 1 items
Faber, Jacob M. M. 1 items
Faia, Ester 1 items
Fiorentino, Elisabetta 1 items
Fonseca, Julia 1 items
Frame, W. Scott 1 items
Frost, Jon 1 items
Funaki, Yukihiko 1 items
Fusari, Nicola 1 items
Fuster, Andreas 1 items
Gambacorta, Leonardo 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 1 items
Goldstein, Brandon 1 items
Goodman, Sarena 1 items
Gramlich, Dieter 1 items
Gu, Xian 1 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 1 items
Heimer, Rawley 1 items
Heitfield, Erik 1 items
Hollifield, Burton 1 items
Hsu, Alex 1 items
Hu, Luojia 1 items
Huang, Xing 1 items
Hundtofte , Sean 1 items
Isen, Adam 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad 1 items
Kavoussi, Cullen 1 items
Keister, Todd 1 items
Kiley, Michael T. 1 items
Kim, Sooji 1 items
Lamers, Martien 1 items
Lang, William W. 1 items
Larrimore, Jeff 1 items
Li, Erica X.N. 1 items
Li, Wenli 1 items
Li, Xiaoming 1 items
Liang, J. Nellie 1 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 1 items
Ling, David C. 1 items
Livshits, Igor 1 items
Lo, Andrew W. 1 items
Lopez, Jose A. 1 items
Lorenc, Amy 1 items
Lorenzoni, Guido 1 items
Luck, Stephan 1 items
MacGee, James 1 items
Maingi, Ramain Quinn 1 items
Mamaysky, Harry 1 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 1 items
Mayer, Erik J. 1 items
McCaughrin, Rebecca 1 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 1 items
McLaughlin, Susan 1 items
McPartland, John 1 items
Meyer, Brent 1 items
Migueis, Marco 1 items
Mihaylov, Emil 1 items
Mizen, Paul 1 items
Musatov, Alex 1 items
Nadler, Matthias 1 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 1 items
Nanda, Vikram 1 items
Nelson, Claire 1 items
Neuhann, Daniel 1 items
Nwokolo, Ramzee 1 items
Oet, Mikhail V. 1 items
Ong, Stephen J. 1 items
Ortega, Cristina 1 items
Osambela, Emilio 1 items
Ossandon Busch, Matias 1 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 1 items
Packer, Frank 1 items
Palomino, Francisco J. 1 items
Park, Hun Y. 1 items
Parker, Nicholas B. 1 items
Pellet, Thomas 1 items
Peng, Yuchao 1 items
Phelan, Gregory 1 items
Piskorski, Tomasz 1 items
Plosser, Matthew 1 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 1 items
Puria, Kovid 1 items
Qian, Charles 1 items
Qian, Franklin 1 items
Ramnath, Shanthi 1 items
Ranish, Benjamin 1 items
Rapp, Andreas 1 items
Rappoport, David 1 items
Renault, Thomas 1 items
Richardson, Gary 1 items
Ringo, Daniel R. 1 items
Ronen, Joshua 1 items
Rosen, Richard J. 1 items
Rosenberg, Joshua V. 1 items
Roszbach, Kasper 1 items
Ruela, Francisco 1 items
Santos, João A. C. 1 items
Santucci, Larry 1 items
Sarlin, Peter 1 items
Schindler, John W. 1 items
Schoors, Koen 1 items
Schär, Fabian 1 items
Seay, Matthew P. 1 items
Sedunov, John 1 items
Segalla, Esther 1 items
Seru, Amit 1 items
Sharma, Padma 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Silva, André F. 1 items
Sim, Jae W. 1 items
Simonov, Andrei 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Smietanka, Pawel 1 items
Stein, Hillary 1 items
Stevens, Cailey 1 items
Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 1 items
Strair, Katherine 1 items
Sultanum, Bruno 1 items
Sun, Bo 1 items
Tallarini, Thomas D. 1 items
Temesvary, Judit 1 items
Tertilt, Michele 1 items
Tewari, Ishani 1 items
Thwaites, Gregory 1 items
Urban, Carly 1 items
Uto, Nobuyuki 1 items
Van Tassel, Peter 1 items
Vojtech, Cindy M. 1 items
Vossmeyer, Angela 1 items
Wang, Jianlin 1 items
Wang, Pengfei 1 items
Wang, Zhenyu 1 items
Weder di Mauro, Beatrice 1 items
White, Michelle J. 1 items
Wilson, Beth Anne 1 items
Wu, Lifan 1 items
Wu, Wei 1 items
Xu, Billy 1 items
Xu, Lixin Colin 1 items
Yankov, Vladimir 1 items
Yannelis, Constantine 1 items
Zafar, Basit 1 items
Zha, Tao 1 items
Zhang, David Hao 1 items
Zhang, Ji 1 items
Zhang, Jingyi 1 items
Zhang, Tony 1 items
Zhao, Lawrence 1 items
Zhou, Hao 1 items
Zhou, Xing 1 items
Zikes, Filip 1 items
Zimmermann, Tom 1 items
von Hafften, Alexander H. 1 items
show more (296)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 68 items
G28 53 items
G01 40 items
G12 39 items
G23 21 items
E44 20 items
E58 20 items
G10 14 items
G14 14 items
E52 13 items
G32 13 items
G20 10 items
G11 9 items
G15 9 items
L21 9 items
G19 8 items
D18 6 items
K35 6 items
N22 6 items
D80 5 items
G38 5 items
D82 4 items
E21 4 items
E4 4 items
F33 4 items
G1 4 items
G13 4 items
G17 4 items
L50 4 items
C22 3 items
D12 3 items
D14 3 items
D91 3 items
E32 3 items
E43 3 items
E50 3 items
E51 3 items
E61 3 items
E66 3 items
F30 3 items
F31 3 items
F36 3 items
G22 3 items
G30 3 items
H12 3 items
H6 3 items
H74 3 items
R38 3 items
C24 2 items
C41 2 items
C72 2 items
D40 2 items
D53 2 items
D57 2 items
D84 2 items
E24 2 items
E62 2 items
E63 2 items
F32 2 items
F41 2 items
F44 2 items
G2 2 items
G33 2 items
H63 2 items
K20 2 items
L10 2 items
N10 2 items
N20 2 items
O16 2 items
O41 2 items
Q54 2 items
A13 1 items
B27 1 items
C33 1 items
C52 1 items
D15 1 items
D20 1 items
D24 1 items
D43 1 items
D62 1 items
D72 1 items
E14 1 items
E20 1 items
E22 1 items
E37 1 items
E41 1 items
E42 1 items
E49 1 items
E5 1 items
E60 1 items
E65 1 items
F3 1 items
F38 1 items
F40 1 items
F42 1 items
F51 1 items
G0 1 items
G24 1 items
G29 1 items
G41 1 items
G50 1 items
G51 1 items
H19 1 items
H21 1 items
H23 1 items
H3 1 items
H52 1 items
H8 1 items
I22 1 items
J14 1 items
J15 1 items
J24 1 items
K10 1 items
K12 1 items
K22 1 items
K24 1 items
K30 1 items
L14 1 items
L25 1 items
M40 1 items
O30 1 items
O42 1 items
Q47 1 items
Q50 1 items
Q56 1 items
R21 1 items
R28 1 items
R3 1 items
R31 1 items
R33 1 items
show more (126)
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FILTER BY Keywords
monetary policy 14 items
liquidity 13 items
COVID-19 11 items
financial stability 11 items
Macroprudential policy 10 items
regulation 10 items
fintech 10 items
Federal Reserve 8 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 8 items
Systemic risk 8 items
banking 8 items
Treasury securities 7 items
securitization 7 items
Banks 7 items
mortgage 5 items
China 5 items
Quantitative Easing 5 items
Risk management 5 items
alternative data 5 items
marketplace lending 5 items
Agency securities 4 items
Bailouts 4 items
Default 4 items
Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAP) 4 items
Treasury bond short interest 4 items
tabletop exercise 4 items
Corporate bonds 4 items
lending club 4 items
shadow banking 4 items
Basel III 3 items
Debt 3 items
FDIC 3 items
Financial crises 3 items
Great Recession 3 items
MBS 3 items
Regulation Q 3 items
TBA 3 items
Treasury 3 items
Treasury market 3 items
bailout 3 items
blockchain 3 items
corporate bond markets 3 items
corporate credit facilities 3 items
credit access 3 items
employment 3 items
financial history 3 items
financial overheating 3 items
municipal debt 3 items
state and local governments 3 items
volatility 3 items
Consumer bankruptcy 3 items
Deregulation 3 items
Heterogeneous agents 3 items
Incomplete markets 3 items
LIBOR 3 items
Temptation and self-control 3 items
bank runs 3 items
debt collection 3 items
financial crisis 3 items
financial inclusion 3 items
fiscal policy 3 items
hedging 3 items
market liquidity 3 items
money markets 3 items
peer-to-peer lending 3 items
supervision 3 items
uncertainty 3 items
Consumer Credit 3 items
ABS market 2 items
Bank capital 2 items
Bankruptcy 2 items
COVID crisis 2 items
COVID-19 shock 2 items
CPFF 2 items
Denmark 2 items
Eurodollars 2 items
Fannie Mae 2 items
Fed facility 2 items
Federal Reserve facilities 2 items
Financial instability 2 items
Freddie Mac 2 items
Futures 2 items
GSE 2 items
Global Financial Crisis 2 items
Great Moderation 2 items
Implied volatility 2 items
Interest rates 2 items
Lending standards 2 items
Liquidity regulation 2 items
Loan underwriting 2 items
Macroprudential policies 2 items
Mortgages 2 items
Real estate finance 2 items
Risk-taking 2 items
Safe assets 2 items
Single Security Initiative 2 items
Stock market volatility 2 items
Stress testing 2 items
UMBS 2 items
United States 2 items
accelerated failure time model 2 items
bank deposits 2 items
banking competition 2 items
bond liquidity 2 items
commercial paper market 2 items
corporate bond mutual funds 2 items
covered bonds 2 items
credit risk transfer 2 items
credit spreads 2 items
cryptoassets 2 items
cryptocurrencies 2 items
culture 2 items
dealers 2 items
financial architecture 2 items
financial regulations 2 items
firm size 2 items
foreclosure timelines 2 items
hours 2 items
industry accounts 2 items
input-output tables 2 items
leverage 2 items
lines of credit 2 items
loss-given default (LGD) 2 items
macroprudential regulations 2 items
option pricing 2 items
privacy 2 items
procyclicality 2 items
regtech 2 items
regulatory changes 2 items
risk-neutral distributions 2 items
short-selling 2 items
stablecoins 2 items
syndicated loans 2 items
Asset Pricing 2 items
Bank Regulation 2 items
Bank liquidity 2 items
Borrowing Constraint 2 items
Capital controls 2 items
Central counterparties (CCPs) 2 items
Contract enforcement 2 items
Credit limits 2 items
Creditor rights 2 items
Hyperbolic Discounting 2 items
P2P Lending 2 items
AML 1 items
Alternative asset classes 1 items
Asset return predictability 1 items
Asset-backed commercial paper 1 items
Bank balance sheet management 1 items
Bank deregulation 1 items
Bank equity 1 items
Bank supervision 1 items
Bank suspension 1 items
Bayesian estimation 1 items
Bayesian inference 1 items
Bond issuance 1 items
Bonds 1 items
Boundary problem 1 items
Brazilian Amazon 1 items
CARD Act 1 items
CBDC 1 items
CBDCs 1 items
CCPs 1 items
CDS 1 items
CET1 1 items
Capital constraints 1 items
Capital structure 1 items
Capitalization 1 items
Central bank independence 1 items
Climate finance 1 items
Coincident measures 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility 1 items
Commercial paper 1 items
Commercial real estate 1 items
Commodity Markets 1 items
Comprehensive capital analysis and review (CCAR) 1 items
Countercyclical capital buffer 1 items
Covered interest rate parity 1 items
Credit Bureau 1 items
Credit crunch 1 items
Credit rating 1 items
Credit score 1 items
Creditor protection 1 items
Cross-Subsidization 1 items
Crowding out 1 items
Currency options 1 items
DLT 1 items
DSGE models 1 items
Debt limit 1 items
Debt renegotiation 1 items
Default risk 1 items
Demand-driven recession 1 items
Depositor Behavior 1 items
Depository institutions 1 items
Disagreement 1 items
Disaster risk 1 items
Dividends 1 items
Dodd-Frank Act 1 items
Dodd-Frank Act stress tests 1 items
Dodd–Frank Act 1 items
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 1 items
Dollar swap lines 1 items
Early warning 1 items
Earnings 1 items
Economic conditions 1 items
Energy Forecasting 1 items
Equity premium 1 items
Equity returns 1 items
Exchange rate 1 items
FRMs 1 items
Fed put 1 items
Financial Capability 1 items
Financial Literacy 1 items
Financial Market Regulation 1 items
Financial Mistakes 1 items
Financial Regulation 1 items
Financial constraints 1 items
Financial contagion 1 items
Financial contracts 1 items
Financial crises predictability 1 items
Financial cycles 1 items
Financial innovation 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Financial sector size 1 items
Financial shocks 1 items
Financial stability and risk 1 items
Financial stability committees 1 items
Financial stability report 1 items
Fire sales 1 items
Foreclosures 1 items
Forward 1 items
Funding Circle 1 items
G-SIBs 1 items
G-SIFIs 1 items
Glass-Steagall Act 1 items
Global financial cycles 1 items
Gordon formula 1 items
Government intervention 1 items
Government policy 1 items
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1 items
Great Depression 1 items
Green bond premium 1 items
Green bonds 1 items
Green finance 1 items
HAMP 1 items
Heckman two-stage correction 1 items
Heckman two-stage model 1 items
History 1 items
Homeownership 1 items
Household finance 1 items
Household formation 1 items
Housing crisis 1 items
Human capital 1 items
ICOs 1 items
Immigrants 1 items
Indigenous peoples 1 items
Individual Investors 1 items
Information disclosure 1 items
Information sensitivity of debt 1 items
Information value 1 items
Initial public offerings 1 items
Institutional investors 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Insurance companies 1 items
Inter-Agency Working Group on Treasury Market Surveillance 1 items
Interbank markets 1 items
Interbank networks 1 items
Investor sentiment 1 items
Japanese 1 items
Joint Staff Report 1 items
KYC 1 items
LSAPS 1 items
Law and finance 1 items
Lender of last resort 1 items
Lending Channel 1 items
Leverage Constraints 1 items
Liquidity insurance 1 items
Liquidity provision 1 items
Macroprudential supervision 1 items
Margin 1 items
Market Discipline 1 items
Market integration 1 items
Microprudential policies 1 items
Minsky hypothesis 1 items
Model Validation 1 items
Monetary Transmission 1 items
Monetary policy - China 1 items
Monetary policy implementation 1 items
Monetary policy independence 1 items
Monetary policy normalization 1 items
Money and banking 1 items
Money market mutual funds 1 items
Money premium 1 items
Monitoring 1 items
Moral hazard 1 items
Mortgage credit 1 items
Mortgage finance 1 items
Mortgage lending 1 items
Mortgage modification 1 items
Mortgages and credit 1 items
Municipal Liquidity Facility 1 items
NLP 1 items
OTC 1 items
Operational risk 1 items
Over-Optimism 1 items
Over-the-counter markets 1 items
Overconfidence 1 items
P2P 1 items
PMCCF 1 items
PPP 1 items
PPPLF 1 items
Payments crisis 1 items
Political uncertainty 1 items
Predatory lending 1 items
Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
Private Information 1 items
Productive capital stocks 1 items
Program Effectiveness Index (PEI) 1 items
Public Information 1 items
QE 1 items
Quantitative tightening 1 items
Ratings 1 items
Redlining 1 items
Reference rates 1 items
Regulatory reach 1 items
Repo 1 items
Residential real estate 1 items
Retail Foreign Exchange 1 items
SMCCF 1 items
SOFR 1 items
Saving 1 items
Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
Securities 1 items
Sequencing reforms 1 items
Servicers 1 items
Stigma 1 items
Stock market 1 items
Strategic behavior 1 items
Strip-down 1 items
Student loans 1 items
Survey of Economic Projections (SEP) 1 items
Sustainable finance 1 items
Syndicated credit lines 1 items
Synthetic control 1 items
Systemic conditions 1 items
TALF 1 items
TARP 1 items
Tax reform 1 items
Taxation 1 items
Taylor Rule 1 items
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility 1 items
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) 1 items
Term Auction Facility 1 items
Time inconsistency problem 1 items
Time-varying macroeconomic volatility 1 items
Too Big To Fail 1 items
Transparency 1 items
Treasury Market Practices Group 1 items
Treasury market liquidity 1 items
Treasury yields 1 items
Troubled Asset Relief Program 1 items
Type Score 1 items
U.S. presidential election 1 items
Unbanked 1 items
Unconventional monetary policy 1 items
Value-at-Risk 1 items
Volatility paradox 1 items
Volcker rule 1 items
Wholesale funding 1 items
Willingness to pay 1 items
Yen 1 items
accounting 1 items
adverse selection 1 items
asset management 1 items
asset space 1 items
asset-based tokens 1 items
auditing 1 items
bank capital regulations 1 items
bank credit 1 items
bank failures 1 items
bank holding companies 1 items
bank holding company 1 items
bank lending 1 items
bank run 1 items
behavioral finance 1 items
bid-ask spreads 1 items
boards of directors 1 items
bond risk premiums 1 items
borrowing constraints 1 items
boundary of the firm 1 items
business complexity 1 items
business interruption insurance 1 items
capital allocation 1 items
capital flows 1 items
capital regulations 1 items
central bank digital currencies 1 items
central clearing 1 items
central counterparties 1 items
chief ethics and compliance officer (CECO) 1 items
clearinghouses 1 items
climate risk 1 items
cloud computing 1 items
cohort 1 items
collateral 1 items
collateralized debt obligations 1 items
collateralized debt obligations 1 items
commercial banks 1 items
competition 1 items
complexity 1 items
compliance 1 items
compliance officer 1 items
concentration 1 items
consumer debts 1 items
consumption-inflation correlation 1 items
contract law 1 items
copula methods 1 items
coronavirus 1 items
corporate bond market 1 items
corporate governance 1 items
covered interest parity 1 items
cream skimming 1 items
credit cards 1 items
credit invisible 1 items
credit performance 1 items
credit scoring 1 items
credit unions 1 items
cross-guarantee 1 items
cryptocurrency regulations 1 items
dark pool 1 items
data privacy 1 items
de-risking 1 items
dealer 1 items
dealer constraints 1 items
dealer intermediation 1 items
decentralized systems 1 items
deforestation risk 1 items
density forecasts 1 items
derivatives 1 items
difference-in-differences 1 items
digital assets 1 items
digitalisation 1 items
distributed ledger technology 1 items
e-CNY 1 items
economic consensus 1 items
economic finality 1 items
elder fraud 1 items
energy prices 1 items
enforcement 1 items
environmental law enforcement 1 items
equity premiums 1 items
show more (495)
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