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Working Paper
Inferring the Shadow Rate from Real Activity
Garcia, Benjamin; Skaperdas, Arsenios
We estimate a shadow rate consistent with the paths of time series capturing real activity. This allows us to quantify the real effects of unconventional monetary policy in terms of equivalent short-term interest rate movements. We find that large-scale asset purchases and forward guidance had significant real effects equivalent of up to a four percent reduction in the federal funds rate.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-106
Journal Article
To Improve the Accuracy of GDP Growth Forecasts, Add Financial Market Conditions
Cook, Thomas R.; Doh, Taeyoung
More timely data on current macroeconomic conditions can reduce uncertainty about forecasts, helping policymakers mitigate the risk of extreme economic outcomes. We find that incorporating financial market conditions along with current macroeconomic conditions improves the forecast accuracy of future GDP growth. Forecasts based only on current macroeconomic conditions eventually converge to those incorporating financial market conditions, lending further support to this approach.
Economic Bulletin
, Issue June 2, 2021
, Pages 5
Revisiting useful approaches to data-rich macroeconomic forecasting
Kapetanios, George; Groen, Jan J. J.
This paper analyzes the properties of a number of data-rich methods that are widely used in macroeconomic forecasting, in particular principal components (PC) and Bayesian regressions, as well as a lesser-known alternative, partial least squares (PLS) regression. In the latter method, linear, orthogonal combinations of a large number of predictor variables are constructed such that the covariance between a target variable and these common components is maximized. Existing studies have focused on modelling the target variable as a function of a finite set of unobserved common factors that ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 327
Working Paper
Financial Business Cycles
Iacoviello, Matteo
Using Bayesian methods, I estimate a DSGE model where a recession is initiated by losses suffered by banks and exacerbated by their inability to extend credit to the real sector. The event triggering the recession has the workings of a redistribution shock: a small sector of the economy -- borrowers who use their home as collateral -- defaults on their loans. When banks hold little equity in excess of regulatory requirements, the losses require them to react immediately, either by recapitalizing or by deleveraging. By deleveraging, banks transform the initial shock into a credit crunch, and, ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1116
Working Paper
Robust bond risk premia
Hamilton, James D.; Bauer, Michael D.
A consensus has recently emerged that a number of variables in addition to the level, slope, and curvature of the term structure can help predict interest rates and excess bond returns. We demonstrate that the statistical tests that have been used to support this conclusion are subject to very large size distortions from a previously unrecognized problem arising from highly persistent regressors and correlation between the true predictors and lags of the dependent variable. We revisit the evidence using tests that are robust to this problem and conclude that the current consensus is wrong. ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2015-15
Working Paper
Why Have Long-term Treasury Yields Fallen Since the 1980s? Expected Short Rates and Term Premiums in (Quasi-) Real Time
Kiley, Michael T.
Treasury yields have fallen since the 1980s. Standard decompositions of Treasury yields into expected short-term interest rates and term premiums suggest term premiums account for much of the decline. In an alternative real-time decomposition, term premiums have fluctuated in a stable range, while long-run expected short-term interest rates have fallen. For example, a real-time decomposition of the 10-yr. Treasury yield shows term premiums essentially equal in late 2013 and 2023, while the long-run value of expected short-term interest rates is estimated to have fallen in a manner similar to ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2024-054
Working Paper
How Persistent Are Unconventional Monetary Policy Effects?
Neely, Christopher J.
The weight of the evidence indicates that unconventional monetary policy (UMP) shocks had persistent effects on yields. To make this point, this paper illustrates that the most influential SVAR model of UMP effects, which implies transient effects, exhibits structural instability, sensitivity to specification and single observations that render the conclusions unreliable. Restricted SVAR models that limit asset return predictability are more stable and imply that UMP shocks were persistent. This conclusion is consistent with evidence from micro studies, surveys of professional forecasters, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2014-004
Working Paper
Modeling Time-Varying Uncertainty of Multiple-Horizon Forecast Errors
Mertens, Elmar; McCracken, Michael W.; Clark, Todd E.
We develop uncertainty measures for point forecasts from surveys such as the Survey of Professional Forecasters, Blue Chip, or the Federal Open Market Committee's Summary of Economic Projections. At a given point of time, these surveys provide forecasts for macroeconomic variables at multiple horizons. To track time-varying uncertainty in the associated forecast errors, we derive a multiple-horizon specification of stochastic volatility. Compared to constant-variance approaches, our stochastic-volatility model improves the accuracy of uncertainty measures for survey forecasts.
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-026
Working Paper
Forecasts from Reduced-form Models under the Zero-Lower-Bound Constraint
Pasaogullari, Mehmet
In this paper, I consider forecasting from a reduced-form VAR under the zero lower bound (ZLB) for the short-term nominal interest rate. I develop a method that a) computes the exact moments for the first n + 1 periods when n previous periods are tracked and b) approximates moments for the periods beyond n + 1 period using techniques for truncated normal distributions and approximations a la Kim (1994). I show that the algorithm produces satisfactory results for VAR systems with moderate to high persistence even when only one previous period is tracked. For very persistent VAR systems, ...
Working Papers (Old Series)
, Paper 1512
Working Paper
Reconsidering the Fed’s Forecasting Advantage
Owyang, Michael T.; McCracken, Michael W.; Guisinger, Amy Y.
Previous studies show the Fed has a forecast advantage over the private sector, either because it devotes more resources to forecasting or because it has an informational advantage in knowing the path of future monetary policy. We evaluate the Fed’s forecast advantage to determine how much of it results from the Fed’s knowledge of the conditioning path. We develop two tests—an instrumental variable encompassing test and a path-dependent encompassing test—to equalize the Fed’s information set with the private sector’s. We find that, generally, the Fed does not encompass the private ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-001
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1 items
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Working Papers 21 items
Working Paper Series 17 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 16 items
Review 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 2 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 2 items
Staff Reports 2 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Review 1 items
Staff Papers 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Christensen, Jens H. E. 9 items
McCracken, Michael W. 5 items
Neely, Christopher J. 5 items
Guisinger, Amy Y. 4 items
Jordà, Òscar 4 items
Kiley, Michael T. 4 items
Owyang, Michael T. 4 items
Clark, Todd E. 3 items
Gavin, William T. 3 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 3 items
Lopez, Jose A. 3 items
Mertens, Elmar 3 items
Nechio, Fernanda 3 items
Scotti, Chiara 3 items
Vega, Clara 3 items
Andreasen, Martin M. 2 items
Bauer, Michael D. 2 items
Beauregard, Remy 2 items
Carriero, Andrea 2 items
Cooke, Diana A. 2 items
Fischer, Eric 2 items
Marcellino, Massimiliano 2 items
Modugno, Michele 2 items
Mussche, Paul 2 items
Richter, Alexander W. 2 items
Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. 2 items
Skaperdas, Arsenios 2 items
Taylor, Alan M. 2 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 2 items
Zhu, Simon 2 items
Altavilla, Carlo 1 items
Antolin-Diaz, Juan 1 items
Arias, Jonas E. 1 items
Armen, Alan 1 items
Athanasopoulou, Marialena 1 items
Bundick, Brent 1 items
Cardozo, Cristhian Hernando Ruiz 1 items
Carvalho, Carlos 1 items
Clements, Michael 1 items
Clouse, James A. 1 items
Consiglio, Andrea 1 items
Cook, Thomas R. 1 items
Covas, Francisco 1 items
Croushore, Dean 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
De Michelis, Andrea 1 items
Doh, Taeyoung 1 items
Driscoll, John C. 1 items
Erce, Aitor 1 items
Fujiwara, Ippei 1 items
Garcia, Benjamin 1 items
Gardner, Benjamin 1 items
Garga, Vaishali 1 items
Gavilan, Angel 1 items
Gelain, Paolo 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Gilbert, Thomas 1 items
Groen, Jan J. J. 1 items
Guerrieri, Luca 1 items
Gumbau-Brisa, Fabia 1 items
Hamilton, James D. 1 items
Hebden, James 1 items
Herbst, Edward 1 items
Hetland, Simon Thinggaard 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad 1 items
Johannsen, Benjamin K. 1 items
Kapetanios, George 1 items
Keen, Benjamin D. 1 items
Koenig, Evan F. 1 items
Kool, Clemens J. M. 1 items
Lakdawala, Aeimit K. 1 items
Lunsford, Kurt Graden 1 items
Luo, Shaowen 1 items
Manganelli, Simone 1 items
Meldrum, Andrew C. 1 items
Mirkov, Nikola 1 items
Moshammer, Edmund 1 items
Nakazono, Yoshiyuki 1 items
Olivei, Giovanni P. 1 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 1 items
Palazzo, Berardino 1 items
Pasaogullari, Mehmet 1 items
Petrella, Ivan 1 items
Plante, Michael D. 1 items
Queraltó, Albert 1 items
Rich, Robert W. 1 items
Riddell, Simon 1 items
Rigobon, Roberto 1 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 1 items
Sack, Brian P. 1 items
Schmanski, Bennett 1 items
Schularick, Moritz 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Sengupta, Rajeswari 1 items
Shultz, Patrick 1 items
Sill, Keith 1 items
Sim, Jae W. 1 items
Singh, Sanjay R. 1 items
Strasser, Georg 1 items
Tang, Jenny 1 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 1 items
Topa, Giorgio 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Tristao, Tiago 1 items
Ueda, Kozo 1 items
Villar Vallenas, Daniel 1 items
Waggoner, Daniel F. 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
West, Kenneth D. 1 items
Winkler, Fabian 1 items
Zenios, Stavros A. 1 items
Zhang, Xin 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E43 30 items
E52 23 items
E44 20 items
C53 18 items
E58 15 items
G12 14 items
E37 11 items
E32 9 items
E31 6 items
C30 5 items
C32 5 items
E50 5 items
G13 5 items
C36 4 items
E01 4 items
E27 4 items
E30 4 items
E51 4 items
F33 4 items
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F44 4 items
D83 3 items
D84 3 items
E42 3 items
G14 3 items
C11 2 items
C22 2 items
C34 2 items
E65 2 items
G10 2 items
C12 1 items
C33 1 items
C61 1 items
C63 1 items
D53 1 items
D61 1 items
E17 1 items
E24 1 items
E3 1 items
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E60 1 items
E62 1 items
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G38 1 items
H63 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
monetary policy 17 items
forecasting 7 items
Federal Reserve 6 items
VAR 5 items
good deal 5 items
large-scale asset purchases 5 items
quantitative easing 5 items
structural breaks 5 items
Zero lower bound 5 items
conditional encompassing 4 items
eurodollar futures 4 items
term structure modeling 4 items
Fed information 4 items
Inflation 4 items
Effective lower bound 4 items
DSGE models 3 items
Price discovery 3 items
central bank credibility 3 items
financial market frictions 3 items
liquidity risk 3 items
term structures 3 items
Credibility 3 items
Public information 2 items
Real-time data 2 items
Unconventional monetary policy 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
debt management 2 items
Banks 2 items
Financial markets 2 items
Interest rates 2 items
Macroeconomic announcements 2 items
Macroeconomic forecasting 2 items
Prediction 2 items
Shadow Rate 2 items
Survey expectations 2 items
Taylor Rule 2 items
(weak) factor models 1 items
ARMA Models 1 items
Abenomics 1 items
Bank losses 1 items
Bayesian 1 items
Bayesian Econometrics 1 items
Bayesian VARs 1 items
Bayesian analysis 1 items
Bayesian estimation 1 items
Bayesian ridge regression 1 items
CS restrictions 1 items
Conventional and unconventional US monetary policy 1 items
Data revisions 1 items
Deflation 1 items
Equity Markets 1 items
European Central Bank (ECB) 1 items
Exit strategy 1 items
Expectations 1 items
External instrument VAR 1 items
FOMC 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee 1 items
Federal funds market 1 items
Forecasts 1 items
Forward Guidance 1 items
GDP 1 items
GMM 1 items
Global Solution Method 1 items
Heteroskedasticity 1 items
Identification 1 items
Industry heterogeneity 1 items
Inflation target 1 items
Interest rate policy 1 items
Japan 1 items
Kalman filter 1 items
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Macroeconomic News 1 items
Macroeconomic Time Series 1 items
Macroeconomic models 1 items
Modeling 1 items
New Keynesian models 1 items
News 1 items
Now-casting 1 items
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) 1 items
Overdifferenced 1 items
Prices, business fluctuations, and cycles 1 items
Probability of a recession 1 items
Quadratic term structure models 1 items
Real Activity 1 items
Recession forecast 1 items
Recursive and rolling least squares 1 items
SVARs 1 items
Sequential regression approach 1 items
Simulation 1 items
State-Space Model 1 items
Stochastic volatility 1 items
Stock market 1 items
Term Structure of Interest Rates 1 items
Term structure 1 items
Term structure model 1 items
Treasury bond yield 1 items
Yield curve 1 items
Yield spread 1 items
affine arbitrage-free term structure model 1 items
bias 1 items
bond risk premia 1 items
capital regulations 1 items
capital requirements 1 items
censored observations 1 items
collateral constraints 1 items
conditional Value-at-Risk 1 items
convenience yields 1 items
covid19 1 items
cross-border capital flows 1 items
data collection and modeling 1 items
debt financing 1 items
density forecasting 1 items
economic activity 1 items
economic forecasting 1 items
endogeneity 1 items
exchange rates 1 items
federal funds rates 1 items
fiscal transfers 1 items
forecasting from VARs 1 items
heterogeneity 1 items
historical panel data 1 items
housing 1 items
hysteresis 1 items
inflation expectations 1 items
inflation targeting 1 items
inflation uncertainty 1 items
instrumental variables 1 items
insurance companies 1 items
international finance 1 items
local projections 1 items
macroeconomic forecasts 1 items
monetary interventions 1 items
money markets 1 items
money neutrality 1 items
negative interest rates 1 items
neutral rate 1 items
no arbitrage 1 items
normal mixtures 1 items
optimal allocation 1 items
optimization 1 items
partial least squares 1 items
principal components 1 items
probabilistic forecasts 1 items
quantitative methods 1 items
real-time forecasting 1 items
risk measures 1 items
scenario analyses 1 items
shadow rate models 1 items
sign restrictions 1 items
sovereign debts 1 items
stochastic programming 1 items
survey forecasts 1 items
sustainability 1 items
trilemma 1 items
trilemma mechanism 1 items
uncertainty 1 items
uniform prior 1 items
volatility 1 items
wages 1 items
weak instruments 1 items
yield extrapolation 1 items
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