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Working Paper
Variable Selection in High Dimensional Linear Regressions with Parameter Instability
Chudik, Alexander; Pesaran, M. Hashem; Sharifvaghefi, Mahrad
This paper is concerned with the problem of variable selection when the marginal effects of signals on the target variable as well as the correlation of the covariates in the active set are allowed to vary over time, without committing to any particular model of parameter instabilities. It poses the issue of whether weighted or unweighted observations should be used at the variable selection stage in the presence of parameter instability, particularly when the number of potential covariates is large. Amongst the extant variable selection approaches, we focus on the One Covariate at a time ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 394
Working Paper
Estimation of the discontinuous leverage effect: Evidence from the NASDAQ order book
Winkelmann, Lars; Neely, Christopher J.; Bibinger, Markus
An extensive empirical literature documents a generally negative correlation, named the ?leverage effect,? between asset returns and changes of volatility. It is more challenging to establish such a return-volatility relationship for jumps in high-frequency data. We propose new nonparametric methods to assess and test for a discontinuous leverage effect ? i.e. a relation between contemporaneous jumps in prices and volatility ? in high-frequency data with market microstructure noise. We present local tests and estimators for price jumps and volatility jumps. Five years of transaction data from ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-12
Working Paper
An Alternative Measure of Core Inflation: The Trimmed Persistence PCE Price Index
O'Trakoun, John
I introduce the "trimmed persistence PCE," a new measure of core inflation in which component prices are weighted according to the time-varying persistence of their price changes. The components of trimmed persistence personal consumption expenditures (PCE) display less tendency to mechanically pass-through the level of the prior period's inflation to the current period; thus, the impact of the current stance of monetary policy and real economic factors are more likely to be visible in recent trimmed persistence inflation compared to headline inflation. Trimmed persistence inflation performs ...
Working Paper
, Paper 23-10
Working Paper
When Is the Use of Gaussian-inverse Wishart-Haar Priors Appropriate?
Inoue, Atsushi; Kilian, Lutz
Several recent studies have expressed concern that the Haar prior typically employed in estimating sign-identified VAR models is driving the prior about the structural impulse responses and hence their posterior. In this paper, we provide evidence that the quantitative importance of the Haar prior for posterior inference has been overstated. How sensitive posterior inference is to the Haar prior depends on the width of the identified set of a given impulse response. We demonstrate that this width depends not only on how much the identified set is narrowed by the identifying restrictions ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2404
Working Paper
Optimizing Credit Gaps for Predicting Financial Crises: Modelling Choices and Tradeoffs
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R.; Beltran, Daniel O.; Paine, Fiona A.
Credit gaps are good predictors for financial crises, and banking regulators recommend using them to inform countercyclical capital buffers for banks. Researchers typically create credit gap measures using trend-cycle decomposition methods, which require many modelling choices, such as the method used, and the smoothness of the underlying trend. Other choices hinge on the tradeoffs implicit in how gaps are used as early warning indicators (EWIs) for predicting crises, such as the preference over false positives and false negatives. We evaluate how the performance of credit-gap-based EWIs for ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1307
Working Paper
Breaks in the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Panel Data
Wright, Jonathan H.
We revisit time-variation in the Phillips curve, applying new Bayesian panel methods with breakpoints to US and European Union disaggregate data. Our approach allows us to accurately estimate both the number and timing of breaks in the Phillips curve. It further allows us to determine the existence of clusters of industries, cities, or countries whose Phillips curves display similar patterns of instability and to examine lead-lag patterns in how individual inflation series change. We find evidence of a marked flattening in the Phillips curves for US sectoral data and among EU countries, ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2023-015
Working Paper
Branzoli, Nicola; Ascari, Guido; Arias, Jonas E.; Castelnuovo, Efrem
This paper studies the challenge that increasing the inflation target poses to equilibrium determinacy in a medium-sized New Keynesian model without indexation fitted to the Great Moderation era. For moderate targets of the inflation rate, such as 2 or 4 percent, the probability of determinacy is near one conditional on the monetary policy rule of the estimated model. However, this probability drops significantly conditional on model-free estimates of the monetary policy rule based on real-time data. The difference is driven by the larger response of the federal funds rate to the output gap ...
Working Papers
, Paper 17-16
Working Paper
Random Walk Forecasts of Stationary Processes Have Low Bias
Lunsford, Kurt Graden; West, Kenneth D.
We study the use of a zero mean first difference model to forecast the level of a scalar time series that is stationary in levels. Let bias be the average value of a series of forecast errors. Then the bias of forecasts from a misspecified ARMA model for the first difference of the series will tend to be smaller in magnitude than the bias of forecasts from a correctly specified model for the level of the series. Formally, let P be the number of forecasts. Then the bias from the first difference model has expectation zero and a variance that is O(1/P-squared), while the variance of the bias ...
Working Papers
, Paper 23-18
Working Paper
The Role of the Prior in Estimating VAR Models with Sign Restrictions
Inoue, Atsushi; Kilian, Lutz
Several recent studies have expressed concern that the Haar prior typically imposed in estimating sign-identified VAR models may be unintentionally informative about the implied prior for the structural impulse responses. This question is indeed important, but we show that the tools that have been used in the literature to illustrate this potential problem are invalid. Specifically, we show that it does not make sense from a Bayesian point of view to characterize the impulse response prior based on the distribution of the impulse responses conditional on the maximum likelihood estimator of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2030
Working Paper
The Anatomy of Out-of-Sample Forecasting Accuracy
Borup, Daniel; Goulet Coulombe, Philippe; Rapach, David E.; Montes Schütte, Erik Christian; Schwenk-Nebbe, Sander
We introduce the performance-based Shapley value (PBSV) to measure the contributions of individual predictors to the out-of-sample loss for time-series forecasting models. Our new metric allows a researcher to anatomize out-of-sample forecasting accuracy, thereby providing valuable information for interpreting time-series forecasting models. The PBSV is model agnostic—so it can be applied to any forecasting model, including "black box" models in machine learning, and it can be used for any loss function. We also develop the TS-Shapley-VI, a version of the conventional Shapley value that ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2022-16b
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 26 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 17 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 1 items
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Working Papers 28 items
Staff Reports 16 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 15 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 9 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 6 items
Working Paper Series 5 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 5 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 3 items
Review 2 items
Working Paper 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
Research Working Paper 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Ashley, Richard 7 items
Kilian, Lutz 7 items
Owyang, Michael T. 7 items
Chudik, Alexander 6 items
Giannone, Domenico 6 items
Inoue, Atsushi 6 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 5 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 5 items
McCracken, Michael W. 5 items
Verbrugge, Randal 5 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 4 items
Groen, Jan J. J. 4 items
Pavlidis, Efthymios 4 items
Pesaran, M. Hashem 4 items
Sharifvaghefi, Mahrad 4 items
Crump, Richard K. 3 items
Goncalves, Silvia 3 items
Grossman, Valerie 3 items
Herrera, Ana MarÃa 3 items
Hizmeri, Rodrigo 3 items
Izzeldin, Marwan 3 items
Jordà , Òscar 3 items
Murphy, Anthony 3 items
Pesavento, Elena 3 items
Petrova, Katerina 3 items
Prono, Todd 3 items
Sekhposyan, Tatevik 3 items
Tsang, Kwok Ping 3 items
Tsionas, Mike G. 3 items
Adrian, Tobias 2 items
Arias, Jonas E. 2 items
Ascari, Guido 2 items
Borup, Daniel 2 items
Branzoli, Nicola 2 items
Bu, Ruijun 2 items
Castelnuovo, Efrem 2 items
Firestone, Simon 2 items
Francis, Neville 2 items
Godin, Nathan Y. 2 items
Goulet Coulombe, Philippe 2 items
Horvath, Akos 2 items
Kovner, Anna 2 items
Kuersteiner, Guido M. 2 items
Lopez Gaffney, Ignacio 2 items
Lunsford, Kurt Graden 2 items
McGillicuddy, Joseph 2 items
Montes Schütte, Erik Christian 2 items
Neely, Christopher J. 2 items
Rapach, David E. 2 items
Sagi, Jacob 2 items
Schwenk-Nebbe, Sander 2 items
Soques, Daniel 2 items
Verbrugge, Randal J. 2 items
West, Kenneth D. 2 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 2 items
Adams, Patrick A. 1 items
Antzoulatos, Angelos A. 1 items
Argys, Laura 1 items
Aruoba, S. Boragan 1 items
Assa, Hirbod 1 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 1 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 1 items
Benigno, Gianluca 1 items
Berge, Travis J. 1 items
Bibinger, Markus 1 items
Boldin, Michael D. 1 items
Camacho, Maximo 1 items
Caspi, Itamar 1 items
Chang, Andrew C. 1 items
Choi, Chi-Young 1 items
Cook, Thomas R. 1 items
Diebold, Francis X. 1 items
Doh, Taeyoung 1 items
Erdemlioglu, Deniz 1 items
Everaert, Miro 1 items
Fatum, Rasmus 1 items
Gargiulo, Valeria 1 items
Georgiadis, Georgios 1 items
Giorgianni, Lorenzo 1 items
Grover, Sean P. 1 items
Guisinger, Amy Y. 1 items
Gómez-González, José E. 1 items
Hjalmarsson, Erik 1 items
Hoesch, Lukas 1 items
Hundtofte , Sean 1 items
Hutchison, Michael M. 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R. 1 items
Jensen, Mark J. 1 items
Kapetanios, George 1 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 1 items
Mack, Adrienne 1 items
Magdalinos, Tassos 1 items
Martinez, Andrew 1 items
Martinez-Martin, Jaime 1 items
Matthes, Christian 1 items
Mboup, Fatima 1 items
Mroz, Thomas 1 items
Nalewaik, Jeremy J. 1 items
Nattinger, Michael 1 items
Ng, Serena 1 items
O'Trakoun, John 1 items
Ojeda-Joya, Jair N. 1 items
Paap, Richard 1 items
Paine, Fiona A. 1 items
Paya, Ivan 1 items
Peel, David 1 items
Pitts, M. Melinda 1 items
Plante, Michael D. 1 items
Ravazzolo, Francesco 1 items
Rey-Guerra, Catalina 1 items
Rich, Robert W. 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Rossi, Barbara 1 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 1 items
Shachar, Or 1 items
Shell, Hannah 1 items
Sicard, Natalia 1 items
Sinha, Nitish R. 1 items
Smallwood, Aaron 1 items
Strickler, Grant 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Taylor, Alan M. 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Vasilopoulos, Kostas 1 items
Winkelmann, Lars 1 items
Wu, Thomas 1 items
Xu, Jiawen 1 items
Yang, Xiye 1 items
Yusupova, Alisa 1 items
Zaman, Saeed 1 items
Zhao, Bo 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
C53 28 items
C32 17 items
C52 15 items
E37 13 items
E31 12 items
C12 11 items
C11 9 items
E52 8 items
C51 7 items
C58 7 items
G12 7 items
C55 6 items
E17 6 items
E32 6 items
C13 5 items
C14 5 items
C23 5 items
E5 4 items
G21 4 items
R31 4 items
C15 3 items
E00 3 items
E62 3 items
G10 3 items
G17 3 items
G18 3 items
C24 2 items
C44 2 items
C45 2 items
C87 2 items
D80 2 items
E27 2 items
E47 2 items
E51 2 items
E58 2 items
F31 2 items
G01 2 items
G1 2 items
R21 2 items
R30 2 items
R38 2 items
C01 1 items
C18 1 items
C20 1 items
C26 1 items
C54 1 items
C80 1 items
E01 1 items
E21 1 items
E3 1 items
E30 1 items
E39 1 items
E43 1 items
E44 1 items
E60 1 items
F01 1 items
F47 1 items
G11 1 items
G13 1 items
G14 1 items
G15 1 items
G28 1 items
H20 1 items
H71 1 items
J15 1 items
Q40 1 items
Q43 1 items
Q54 1 items
R12 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
local projections 7 items
Forecasting 7 items
quantile regressions 7 items
monetary policy 6 items
Model Averaging 5 items
inflation 5 items
structural breaks 5 items
variable selection 5 items
instrumental variables 5 items
NAIRU 4 items
one covariate at a time multiple testing (OCMT) 4 items
Realized Volatility 4 items
impulse response 4 items
loss function 4 items
persistence dependence 4 items
Phillips curve 3 items
Signed Jumps 3 items
Volatility Forecasts 3 items
high-dimensionality 3 items
impulse responses 3 items
overheating 3 items
recession gap 3 items
threshold regressions 3 items
Mildly explosive time series 3 items
Regular variation 3 items
Taylor rule 3 items
macroeconomic forecasting 3 items
real-time data 3 items
Bayesian methods 2 items
Finite Activity Jumps 2 items
Global Financial Crisis 2 items
Great Inflation 2 items
Implied volatility 2 items
Infinite Activity Jumps 2 items
Lending standards 2 items
Loan underwriting 2 items
Mixed-frequency estimation 2 items
Mortgages 2 items
Noise-Robust Realized Volatility 2 items
Nowcasting 2 items
Qual-VAR 2 items
R 2 items
Real estate finance 2 items
Right-tailed unit root tests 2 items
Shapley value 2 items
Stacked vector autoregression 2 items
Time-varying parameters 2 items
Vector autoregression 2 items
capital ratios 2 items
conditional forecasts 2 items
density forecasts 2 items
determinacy 2 items
generalized impulse response functions 2 items
growth-at-risk 2 items
identification 2 items
joint inference 2 items
machine learning 2 items
multiple testing 2 items
oil shocks 2 items
persistence 2 items
recession 2 items
spectral regression 2 items
threshold models 2 items
trigonometric basis functions 2 items
Heavy Tails 2 items
High-frequency data 2 items
Inflation forecasting 2 items
Intermediate Target 2 items
Panel data 2 items
Time Variation 2 items
Trend inflation 2 items
Uncertainty 2 items
(weak) factor models 1 items
ARCH 1 items
ARMA Models 1 items
Bayes 1 items
Bayesian VAR 1 items
Bayesian analysis 1 items
Bayesian model averaging 1 items
Bayesian ridge regression 1 items
Blocking model 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Cauchy distribution 1 items
China 1 items
Closed Form Estimation 1 items
Closed form 1 items
Colombia 1 items
Core PCE prices 1 items
Credit 1 items
Credit Gap 1 items
DSGE models 1 items
Downside risk 1 items
Dynamic Model Averaging 1 items
Dynamic Panel Logit Model 1 items
ECM 1 items
Factor model 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) news 1 items
Financial Spillovers 1 items
Finite Jumps 1 items
Forecast efficiency 1 items
GARCH 1 items
GARCH Models 1 items
GDP growth rate 1 items
GFESM 1 items
GMM 1 items
Haar prior 1 items
Heavy tail 1 items
Infinite Jumps 1 items
Inflation expectations 1 items
Information Channel of Monetary Policy 1 items
Instabilities 1 items
International Housing Markets 1 items
Kalman filter 1 items
Kitagawa decomposition 1 items
Lasso 1 items
Long-horizon regressions 1 items
MIDAS 1 items
Macroeconomic Time Series 1 items
Markov chain Monte Carlo 1 items
Markov-switching 1 items
Mixed frequencies 1 items
Monte Carlo integration 1 items
NEPPC 1 items
Natural Rate 1 items
Noise-Robust Volatility 1 items
Optimization 1 items
Overdifferenced 1 items
Panel data model 1 items
Pareto tails 1 items
Phillips correlations 1 items
Prediction 1 items
Predictive Power 1 items
Predictive regressions 1 items
Prior 1 items
Quantile regression 1 items
Real interest rate 1 items
Right-Tailed Unit-Root Tests 1 items
Robustness 1 items
Sea ice extent 1 items
Simulation 1 items
Stock return predictability 1 items
Survey Forecasts 1 items
Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) 1 items
Threshold GARCH 1 items
Trend-cycle decomposition 1 items
Two stage least squares 1 items
U.S. cities 1 items
Unconventional policies 1 items
Unemployment 1 items
VAR models 1 items
Wage Inflation 1 items
Weather 1 items
Wild Bootstrap 1 items
absolute loss 1 items
alternative growth indicator 1 items
asset pricing 1 items
asymptotic normality 1 items
autoregression 1 items
bias 1 items
bootstrap 1 items
business cycle 1 items
business sentiment 1 items
censored regressor 1 items
climate change 1 items
climate models 1 items
climate prediction 1 items
climate trends 1 items
cluster-robust variance estimation 1 items
cointegration 1 items
cojumps 1 items
conditional heteroskedasticity 1 items
confidence bands 1 items
consumption 1 items
core inflation 1 items
corporate bond liquidity 1 items
credit supply 1 items
crude oil price differentials 1 items
cryospheric science 1 items
dependence 1 items
disaggregated inflation forecasting models 1 items
economic activity 1 items
employment data 1 items
entropy 1 items
estimation and inference 1 items
event studies 1 items
expectations 1 items
explosive autoregression 1 items
financial conditions 1 items
forecast interval 1 items
foreign exchange rates 1 items
fractional integration 1 items
frequency dependence 1 items
frequency-dependence 1 items
generalized information equality 1 items
generalized lambda distribution 1 items
hedging 1 items
heterogeneous treatment effects 1 items
high time-series persistence and spurious regressions 1 items
house prices 1 items
housing price bubbles 1 items
imperfect markets 1 items
impulse response functions 1 items
income 1 items
inference 1 items
infinite variance 1 items
inflation dynamics 1 items
inflation persistence 1 items
inflation predictions 1 items
jump intensity 1 items
lag augmentation 1 items
leave-one-out frequency approach 1 items
leave-one-out jackknife 1 items
linear process 1 items
liquidity uncertainty 1 items
log determinant 1 items
log score 1 items
long-memory 1 items
low frequency 1 items
macroeconomic data 1 items
macroeconomic uncertainty 1 items
market microstructure 1 items
market-wide jumps 1 items
mean response function 1 items
mean square error 1 items
mean-reverting 1 items
median 1 items
median response function 1 items
mixingale 1 items
modal model 1 items
model interpretation 1 items
model uncertainty 1 items
monetary policy announcements 1 items
money demand 1 items
multiplier 1 items
multipliers 1 items
natural rates 1 items
news impact 1 items
non-Gaussian errors 1 items
non-invertibility 1 items
nonlinear VAR 1 items
nonlinear responses 1 items
nonlinear structural model 1 items
nonlinear time series models 1 items
nonlinear transformation 1 items
oil 1 items
optimal pools 1 items
orthogonalization 1 items
out-of-sample performance 1 items
outliers 1 items
parameter instability 1 items
partial least squares 1 items
point forecasts 1 items
policy evaluation 1 items
posterior 1 items
potential outcomes model 1 items
predictor importance 1 items
price jump 1 items
pricing rule 1 items
principal components 1 items
racial disparities 1 items
racial stratification 1 items
regime switching models 1 items
regime-dependence 1 items
regression diagnostic 1 items
relative contributions of different frequencies 1 items
revenue forecasting 1 items
risk measures 1 items
sandwich form covariance 1 items
seasonal adjustment 1 items
seemingly related regression 1 items
set-identification 1 items
shocks 1 items
sign restrictions 1 items
simulation-based estimation 1 items
slowdown 1 items
state tax revenues 1 items
state-dependence 1 items
state-dependent impulse responses 1 items
stationarity 1 items
stock returns 1 items
strong time-series and cross-sectional dependence 1 items
structural models 1 items
systemic risk 1 items
tail risks 1 items
temporal aggregation 1 items
threshold 1 items
time-varying 1 items
time-varying tail risk 1 items
trade policy 1 items
trend-cycle model 1 items
triangular array 1 items
unemployment rate 1 items
uniform inference 1 items
unit-root tests 1 items
variable importance 1 items
volatility jump. 1 items
wavelets 1 items
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