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Series:Reflections by Loretta Mester 

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Workforce Development

A message from President Mester about workforce development and the importance of ensuring that all people have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge needed in our rapidly changing economy.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2021 , Issue 03 , Pages 9

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Small Businesses

An enviable aspect of the U.S. economy around the globe is our spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship, ease of business entry and exit, and labor market flexibility. These are key attributes of a dynamic economy, one that offers opportunities for people to live good and productive lives. Entrepreneurship – setting up and running one’s own business – has always been part of the narrative of the American dream, an avenue to creating and growing wealth, contributing to the community, and leaving a legacy for one’s family.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2022 , Issue 01 , Pages 13

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Now Is the Time to Close the Digital Divide

Even before the pandemic, digitalization was occurring at a rapid pace. Access to high-speed internet has become necessary for accomplishing many tasks of life, including accessing education, getting healthcare, searching for housing, applying for a job or searching for a new one, doing banking, buying goods, and renewing a driver’s license.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2022 , Issue 02 , Pages 11

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Education

Today, I would like to share some reflections on education and the central role it plays in expanding economic inclusion and opportunity.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2021 , Issue 02 , Pages 9

Periodic Essay
Reflections from Loretta J. Mester

I struggled with whether or not I should send out a message after the Atlanta attack. On the one hand, I believe such a heinous act requires condemnation and a public statement that I, and the institution I lead, are committed to championing diversity, equity, inclusion, and economic opportunity. It would be wrong to just look away. On the other hand, reacting only by going on record as being against atrocious acts like this feels too much like resigned acceptance that this is the way things are. Social responsibility requires us to act. The hard question is what can be done to reduce the ...
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2021 , Issue 01 , Pages 1

Periodic Essay
Reflections: Place Matters

Today, I would like to share some reflections on place and why it matters when working toward expanding economic opportunity and inclusion. A body of research has shown that economic opportunity is tied not only to individual circumstances but also to place. Upward mobility – the probability that a child will be better off economically than his or her parents – is dependent not only on the family’s characteristics but also on neighborhood characteristics such as neighborhood income, the quality of schools, access to social services, and racial integration.
Reflections by Loretta Mester , Volume 2021 , Issue 04 , Pages 12




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