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Series:Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 

The Effect of Globalization on Market Structure, Industry Evolution and Pricing

he Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute and Swiss National Bank enlisted researchers from both sides of the Atlantic for a conference focused on the determinants and dynamics of prices in a globalized economy. Increased globalization has heightened research and policy interest in external factors as drivers of inflation. Firms? pricing decisions are at the core of the analysis.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

One hundred trillion dollars?that?s100,000,000,000,000?is the largest denomination of currency ever issued.1 The Zimbabwean government issued the Z$100 trillion bill in early 2009, among the last in a series of ever higher denominations distributed as inflation eroded purchasing power. When Zimbabwe attained independence in 1980, Z$2, Z$5, Z$10 and Z$20 denominations circulated, replaced three decades later by bills in the thousands and ultimately in the millions and trillions as the government sought to prop up a weakening economy amid spiraling inflation.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Financial Frictions Conference: Reviews Paths to Monetary Policy Objectives

The Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute hosted ?Financial Frictions and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy,? March 16?17, in Dallas. The conference brought together theoretical and empirical researchers to examine how financial frictions?often using models in which company balance sheets appear prominently?affect monetary policy in an open economy.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Globalization: The Elephant in the Room That Is No More

Unlike what has been conventionally argued, the forces of globalization appear to be?if anything?a headwind to the conduct of monetary policy for the purpose of macroeconomic stabilization.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Microeconomic Aspects of the Globalization of Inflation: A Joint Conference with the Swiss National Bank

The Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute hosted ?Microeconomic Aspects of the Globalization of Inflation,? a joint conference with the Swiss National Bank on Aug. 19?20 in Zurich. The conference brought together researchers to examine how globalization affects pricing, exploring in greater detail some of the issues raised by Auer and Fischer (2010), as well as to increase understanding of how price dynamics unleashed by globalization affect the measurement of fundamental determinants of improved living standards over time.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Five Years of Research on Globalization and Monetary Policy: What Have We Learned?

ive years ago the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas created the Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute to promote research that would help us better understand the implications of globalization for the conduct of monetary policy in the United States. We are now half a decade into this research program, and the institute?s 2012 annual report is a fitting place to assess what has been accomplished over the past five years.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

The euro and the dollar in the crisis and beyond

The euro has survived its first decade, overcoming questions about its viability and political and economic raison d'tre. ?The Euro and the Dollar in the Crisis and Beyond,? a conference sponsored by Bruegel, the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, marked the milestone on March 17, 2010, with discussions of Europe?s monetary integration, the euro?s global role relative to the dollar and the currency?s prospects in the aftermath of the 2008?09 global recession.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

Shipping Indexes Signal Global Economic Trends

International trade is the centerpiece of the global economy; the United States increasingly turns to foreign suppliers for many consumer goods it once produced domestically. Yet, many studies of international trade emphasize only the starting and finish lines of the supply chain, with little consideration of how goods arrive at their final destination. A closer look at the logistics reveals a story of competition and innovation, in which a complex and dynamic network of ships moves the vast majority of traded goods across the world?s oceans. A number of indexes document two principal sectors ...
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

The Trilemma in Practice: Monetary Policy Autonomy in an Economy with a Floating Exchange Rate

For many emerging-market economies, swings in the global financial cycle make the trilemma more of a dilemma. Without restrictions on international capital flows, monetary independence is not possible, even for a country with a floating exchange rate.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute

T-Shirt's Journey to Market

The life of a T-shirt ? from its origins in a Lubbock, Texas, cotton field to its final days in a usedclothing store in Tanzania?aptly tells the story of globalization, comparative advantage, trade regimes, proximity to market and modern retailing.
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute




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