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Author:Rodziewicz, David 

Journal Article
Drilling Productivity in the United States: What Lies Beneath

We construct new measures of drilling productivity and find that productivity increased sixfold from the mid-2000s to early 2017. Gains in below-ground efficiency?the number of barrels produced per foot of drilled wells?have largely driven this increase in overall productivity. The large oil price declines during the Great Recession and from 2014 to 2016 also played a role. However, further large increases in productivity are unlikely absent additional improvements in technology or a subsequent large downturn in oil prices.
Economic Bulletin , Issue May 22, 2019 , Pages 5

Journal Article
The Tight Labor Market in the Rocky Mountain Region is Showing Some Signs of Easing

Labor market conditions are showing some early signs of softening, as imbalances between labor demand and supply are improving. While labor markets remain strong in the Rocky Mountain Region, contacts suggest moderating labor market tightness in the coming year. This Rocky Mountain Economist provides an overview of recent regional labor market conditions, and prospects for the regional labor market in 2024 reported by businesses throughout the region.
Rocky Mountain Economist , Volume 2024 , Issue 1

Journal Article
Capital Reallocation and Capital Investment

Corporate debt levels have grown substantially during the 10-year recovery from the global financial crisis. This debt might be expected to finance investments that support firm expansion, as the U.S. economy has experienced strong growth over the last 10 years. However, much of the corporate debt has been used to reallocate capital through mergers and acquisitions rather than to fund investment activity. Perhaps as a result, some market watchers have expressed concerns that corporations are crowding out, rather than complementing, new investment. {{p}} David Rodziewicz and Nicholas Sly show ...
Economic Review , Issue Q II , Pages 33-52

Journal Article
Do Adverse Oil Price Shocks Change Loan Contract Terms for Energy Firms?

This article examined whether the relationship between creditworthiness and loan spreads for energy firms in the syndicated loan market changed after the 2014 oil-price shock. {{p}} The authors use syndicated loans, which are jointly funded by several financial institutions, because the syndicated loan market is a major source of debt financing for oil firms. Credit conditions tightened following the oil-price shock in mid-2014.
Economic Review , Issue Q IV , Pages 59-86

Journal Article
Corporate Leverage and Investment

In this article, we examine the relationship between high corporate leverage and future firm investment spending on structures, machinery, and equipment. In other words, we examine how debt influences the growth of a firm’s capital stock or fixed assets. We find that, on average, more leveraged firms across industries tend to have lower levels of investment activity in the future. Specifically, we find that the negative relationship between debt and investment is strongest for the most highly indebted firms and is evident in both economic downturns and expansions.
Economic Review , Volume v.105 , Issue no.1 , Pages 37-55

Working Paper
Housing Market Value Impairment from Future Sea-level Rise Inundation

Sea level rise will pose increased risks to U.S. coastal real estate markets in the coming decades, though the direct economic costs depend on the severity and uncertainty within climate-change scenarios.
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 20-05

Journal Article
Drought Risk to the Agriculture Sector

Drought is a perennial and long-term risk that can negatively affect the farm economy through lower yields, loss of crops, reduced farm revenues, and lower sales for farm suppliers. As risks from climate change mount, understanding how drought will affect farmers across the country has become even more important. Drought risk can vary by region, crop type, and production method, and may disproportionately affect some farmers more than others. Although many farmers have crop insurance to protect against losses, insurance does not cover all of their crop’s value, and even insured farmers face ...
Economic Review , Volume 105 , Issue no.2 , Pages 61-86

Journal Article
Safe-Haven Performance in the Age of Bitcoin

In past periods of financial stress, investors seeking “safe havens” have shifted toward government bonds and gold. In recent years, some have questioned whether Bitcoin could also serve as a safe haven. We compare the behavior of government bonds, gold, and Bitcoin from January 1995 through February 2020 and find that the 10-year Treasury note behaved like a safe haven consistently, gold occasionally, and Bitcoin never. During March 2020, however, none of the assets can be classified with confidence as a safe haven.
Economic Bulletin , Issue April 15, 2020 , Pages 4

Journal Article
Energy Investment Variability Within the Macroeconomy

Over the past 10 years, the U.S. energy sector has exerted substantial influence?both positive and negative?on overall U.S. business fixed investment. From 2010 to 2014, a time when energy production in the United States was expanding, investment in the energy sector was a boon to aggregate investment. However, following the sharp oil price decline in 2014, the energy sector was a drag on aggregate investment. {{p}} Assessing the energy sector?s contribution to aggregate investment requires an understanding of both the size of the sector as well as its individual segments. David Rodziewicz ...
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 53-75

Distributed Ledger Technology

The reduction of carbon emissions is a critical part of the transition to a more sustainable economy. Reducing carbon emissions is expected to lead to fewer natural disasters, lower energy transitions risk, and a lower impact on financial risks resulting from physical damage caused by climate change.
Chicago Fed Letter , Volume No 474


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