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Journal Article
How expensive are stocks?
Neely, Christopher J.
Monetary Trends
, Issue Jun
Journal Article
Real interest rate persistence: evidence and implications
Rapach, David E.; Neely, Christopher J.
The real interest rate plays a central role in many important financial and macroeconomic models, including the consumption-based asset pricing model, neoclassical growth model, and models of the monetary transmission mechanism. The authors selectively survey the empirical literature that examines the time-series properties of real interest rates. A key stylized fact is that postwar real interest rates exhibit substantial persistence, shown by extended periods when the real interest rate is substantially above or below the sample mean. The finding of persistence in real interest rates is ...
, Volume 90
, Issue Nov
, Pages 609-642
Journal Article
\\"How central should the central bank be?\\" a comment
Neely, Christopher J.
The Reserve Bank presidents are fully accountable to our democratic institutions and the decentralized structure promotes healthy debate on monetary policy and regulatory issues.
Economic Synopses
Working Paper
The adaptive markets hypothesis: evidence from the foreign exchange market
Neely, Christopher J.; Ulrich, Joshua M.; Weller, Paul A.
We analyze the intertemporal stability of excess returns to technical trading rules in the foreign exchange market by conducting true, out-of-sample tests on previously studied rules. The excess returns of the 1970s and 1980s were genuine and not just the result of data mining. But these profit opportunities had disappeared by the early 1990s for filter and moving average rules. Returns to less-studied rules also have declined but have probably not completely disappeared. High volatility prevents precise estimation of mean returns. These regularities are consistent with the Adaptive Markets ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2006-046
Working Paper
Monetary Policy and Economic Performance since the Financial Crisis
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique; Gagnon, Etienne; Caldara, Dario; Neely, Christopher J.
We review macroeconomic performance over the period since the Global Financial Crisis and the challenges in the pursuit of the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate. We characterize the use of forward guidance and balance sheet policies after the federal funds rate reached the effective lower bound. We also review the evidence on the efficacy of these tools and consider whether policymakers might have used them more forcefully. Finally, we examine the post-crisis experience of other major central banks with these policy tools.
Working Papers
, Paper 2020-026
Journal Article
Asian nations driving world oil prices
Hauke, Justin P.; Neely, Christopher J.
The rapid growth in China and India has led to an increase in demand for oil, which, in turn, has driven up prices. After adjusting for inflation, a barrel of oil today costs about what it did during the 1979 oil shock.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Apr
, Pages 12-13
Journal Article
Negative U.S. Interest Rates?
Neely, Christopher J.
Negative rates have many of the same effects as cuts in positive rates but put pressure on banks’ financial conditions, which has restrained their use.
Economic Synopses
, Issue 4
Working Paper
Unconventional monetary policy and the behavior of shorts
Planchon, Jade; McInish, Thomas H.; Neely, Christopher J.
In November 2008, the Federal Reserve announced the first of a series of unconventional monetary policies, which would include asset purchases and forward guidance, to reduce long-term interest rates. We investigate the behavior of shorts, considered sophisticated investors, before and after a set of these unconventional monetary policy announcements that spot bond markets did not fully anticipate. Short interest in agency securities systematically predicts bond price changes and other asset returns on the days of monetary announcements, particularly when growth or monetary news is released, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-31
Journal Article
Supporting Small Borrowers: ABS Markets and the TALF
Neely, Christopher J.; Mizrach, Bruce
On March 23, the Federal Reserve established the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) to support consumer and small business lending.
Economic Synopses
, Issue 20
Working Paper
Central bank authorities’ beliefs about foreign exchange intervention
Neely, Christopher J.
This paper presents the results of a survey of monetary authorities with respect to foreign exchange intervention. The survey offers evidence on new issues that would otherwise be difficult to investigate, such as response times, non-foreign exchange factors in intervention and profitability. The survey also reveals new evidence on previously studied issues, such as channels of effectiveness. Respondents disagreed with predominant views on intervention and volatility and common arguments against intervention. Exchange rate regimes explain central bank beliefs about important aspects of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2006-045
Working Papers 73 items
Economic Synopses 34 items
Review 28 items
On the Economy 10 items
International Economic Trends 9 items
The Regional Economist 8 items
Monetary Trends 5 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 1 items
National Economic Trends 1 items
Working Paper Series 1 items
show more (6)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 85 items
Working Paper 76 items
Weller, Paul A. 14 items
Mizrach, Bruce 8 items
Erdemlioglu, Deniz 6 items
Rapach, David E. 6 items
Caldara, Dario 5 items
Gagnon, Etienne 5 items
Laurent, Sebastien 5 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 5 items
McInish, Thomas H. 4 items
Planchon, Jade 4 items
Yang, Xiye 4 items
Ahrens, Maximilian 3 items
Dunn, Jason 3 items
Emmons, William R. 3 items
Fawley, Brett W. 3 items
Lahaye, Jerome 3 items
McMahon, Michael 3 items
Bauer, Michael D. 2 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 2 items
Boudt, Kris 2 items
Guo, Hui 2 items
Ivanova, Yuliya 2 items
Karson, Evan 2 items
Sarno, Lucio 2 items
Beine, Michel 1 items
Bibinger, Markus 1 items
Bouamara, Nabil 1 items
Bowman, Robert G. 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Chan, Kam Fong 1 items
Corbae, Dean 1 items
Dey, S. Rubun 1 items
Dittmar, Robert 1 items
Dueker, Michael J. 1 items
Famiglietti, Matthew 1 items
Gradojevic, Nikola 1 items
Guidolin, Massimo 1 items
Haas, Jacob 1 items
Hauke, Justin P. 1 items
Higbee, Jason 1 items
Jordan-Wood, Samuel 1 items
Lakdawala, Aeimit K. 1 items
Neely, Michelle Clark 1 items
Palm, Franz C. 1 items
Roy, Amlan 1 items
Sercu, Piet 1 items
Tu, Jun 1 items
Ulrich, Joshua M. 1 items
Wauters, Marjan 1 items
Wheelock, David C. 1 items
Whiteman, Charles H. 1 items
Winkelmann, Lars 1 items
Winters, Drew B. 1 items
Wood, Geoffrey E. 1 items
Zhou, Guofu 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
show more (52)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E52 20 items
E58 13 items
G12 12 items
G14 11 items
E44 6 items
F31 6 items
C30 5 items
E31 5 items
E32 5 items
E43 5 items
E47 5 items
G15 5 items
E4 4 items
E51 4 items
E61 4 items
G11 4 items
G18 4 items
C14 3 items
C32 3 items
C45 3 items
C53 3 items
C58 3 items
G01 3 items
G1 3 items
H56 3 items
C22 2 items
F3 2 items
F32 2 items
F51 2 items
G32 2 items
Q02 2 items
C02 1 items
C1 1 items
C12 1 items
C13 1 items
E3 1 items
E50 1 items
E59 1 items
E62 1 items
F37 1 items
F40 1 items
F42 1 items
F44 1 items
F65 1 items
G10 1 items
G17 1 items
G23 1 items
G29 1 items
H62 1 items
O24 1 items
show more (45)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 30 items
Foreign exchange 26 items
Forecasting 16 items
Foreign exchange rates 13 items
quantitative easing 12 items
COVID-19 10 items
Banks and banking, Central 7 items
high-frequency data 7 items
Federal Reserve 6 items
Interest rates 6 items
Prices 6 items
effective lower bound 6 items
Russia 5 items
Russian invasion of Ukraine 5 items
VAR 5 items
good deal 5 items
inflation 5 items
large-scale asset purchases 5 items
structural breaks 5 items
balance sheet policies 5 items
forward guidance 5 items
Agency securities 4 items
Global Financial Crisis 2007–09 4 items
Inflation (Finance) 4 items
Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAP) 4 items
Treasury bond short interest 4 items
Treasury securities 4 items
Ukraine 4 items
bond markets 4 items
time series analysis 4 items
volatility 4 items
structural changes 4 items
Bonds 3 items
Capital movements 3 items
Exchange rate 3 items
Financial crises 3 items
Great Recession 3 items
International finance 3 items
Programming (Mathematics) 3 items
Stock - Prices 3 items
Trade 3 items
central bank communication 3 items
central banks 3 items
multimodal machine learning 3 items
natural language processing 3 items
speech analysis 3 items
tail risk 3 items
Adaptive markets hypothesis 2 items
Carry trade 2 items
China 2 items
Econometric models 2 items
Efficient markets hypothesis 2 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 2 items
Fiscal policy 2 items
Foreign exchange - Law and legislation 2 items
Government securities 2 items
Money supply 2 items
Petroleum industry and trade 2 items
Risk 2 items
Statistics 2 items
Stochastic Discount Factor 2 items
Strategic Petroleum Reserve 2 items
Technical analysis 2 items
Technical trading 2 items
Yen, Japanese 2 items
bank runs 2 items
cojumps 2 items
event study 2 items
federal funds rates 2 items
oil 2 items
recessions 2 items
sanctions 2 items
stock prices 2 items
unconventional monetary policy 2 items
Systemic risk 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
War 2 items
Assets (Accounting) 1 items
Bank of Japan 1 items
Bank reserves 1 items
Banks and banking, Central - Japan 1 items
Budget 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Cancer 1 items
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1 items
Consumption (Economics) 1 items
Credit 1 items
Debt 1 items
Deficit financing 1 items
Deflation (Finance) 1 items
Devaluation of currency 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Dollar, Canadian 1 items
Econometrics 1 items
Economic conditions - Japan 1 items
Economic forecasting 1 items
Electronic commerce 1 items
Electronic funds transfers 1 items
Environmental policy 1 items
Europe 1 items
European Union 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) news 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 items
Federal Reserve System 1 items
Finance 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Foreign exchange exposure 1 items
Foreign exchange market 1 items
Futures 1 items
Gasoline 1 items
Germany 1 items
Gold 1 items
Gold standard 1 items
Gordon growth 1 items
Greece 1 items
India 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
Japan 1 items
M2 1 items
Macro 1 items
Market component portfolios 1 items
Medical research risk 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Monetary policy - United States 1 items
Mortgages 1 items
North American Free Trade Agreement 1 items
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1 items
Payment systems 1 items
Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCEPI) 1 items
Peso, Mexican 1 items
Petroleum products - Prices 1 items
Scheduled macroeconomic announcements 1 items
Securities 1 items
Stock exchanges 1 items
Stocks 1 items
Switzerland 1 items
Systematic cojumps 1 items
Taiwan 1 items
Taxation 1 items
United States currency 1 items
asset price volatility 1 items
asset prices 1 items
asynchronicity 1 items
bank solvency 1 items
capital asset pricing model 1 items
capital controls 1 items
central banks and their policies 1 items
climate change 1 items
commodities 1 items
commodity price 1 items
commodity prices 1 items
consumer price index 1 items
coronavirus 1 items
current account 1 items
deposit insurance 1 items
disinflation 1 items
dollar. 1 items
dual mandate 1 items
earnings growth 1 items
economic forecasts 1 items
economic research 1 items
emergency lending 1 items
equities 1 items
equity 1 items
euro 1 items
exchange controls 1 items
exchange rates 1 items
exports 1 items
externalities 1 items
financial markets 1 items
fiscal 1 items
flight-to-safety 1 items
foreign exchange reserves 1 items
gasoline prices 1 items
global financial crisis 1 items
heat wave 1 items
international trade 1 items
intraday 1 items
jump intensity 1 items
jumps 1 items
liquidity 1 items
long-term yield 1 items
macroeconomic performance 1 items
macroprudential tools 1 items
market microstructure 1 items
market-wide jumps 1 items
meteor shower 1 items
microstructure noise 1 items
monetary 1 items
monetary policy announcements 1 items
natural gas 1 items
news impact 1 items
nominal interest rates 1 items
oil and gas 1 items
oil prices 1 items
options 1 items
periodicity 1 items
personal consumption expenditures (PCE) 1 items
pollution 1 items
presidential elections 1 items
price controls 1 items
price jump 1 items
professional forecasts 1 items
real interest rates 1 items
real value of debt 1 items
realized 1 items
realized covariance 1 items
rearrangement 1 items
recession forecasts 1 items
stimulus 1 items
stock market 1 items
stock market volatility 1 items
systemic financial risks 1 items
time-varying tail risk 1 items
transmission 1 items
treasury 1 items
volatility jump. 1 items
yen 1 items
yield spreads 1 items
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