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Author:Runkle, David E. 

Journal Article
Why no crunch from the crash?

Quarterly Review , Volume 12 , Issue Win , Pages 2-7

An experimental study of learning and limited information in games

We report on experiments that tested the predictions of competing theories of learning in games. Experimental subjects played a version of the three-person matching-pennies game. The unique mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium of this game is locally unstable under naive Bayesian learning. Sophisticated Bayesian learning predicts that expectations will converge to Nash equilibrium if players observe the entire history of play. Neither theory requires payoffs to be common knowledge. We develop maximum-likelihood tests for the independence conditions implied by the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. ...
Staff Report , Paper 176

Journal Article
Delayed financial disclosure: Mexico's recent experience

This article documents a delay in the public release of Mexican international reserve data in the months before Mexico's debt crisis at the end of 1994. The article establishes that in that year investors did not know the level of Mexican reserves before October; yet this lack of information did not seem to reduce investor confidence in the Mexican economy. The article does not establish whether the delay in releasing reserve data was due to logistical problems or to a government strategy. The possibility that the delay was strategic is evaluated by developing an economic model that captures ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 20 , Issue Fall , Pages 13-21

Journal Article
Are economic forecasts rational?

This paper discusses at an undergraduate level how forecast rationality can be tested. It explains that forecasters should correctly use any relevant information they knew in making their predictions. It shows that forecast rationality can be tested by determining whether the forecasters' prediction errors are predictable. After addressing what data and methods can be used for testing rationality, the paper presents tests of the price-forecast rationality of individual professional forecasters. Unlike results of previous studies, the test results show that those forecasters' price predictions ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Spr , Pages 26-33

Working Paper
Another hole in the ozone layer: changes in FOMC operating procedure and the term structure

FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 92-15

Journal Article
Learning to be unpredictable : an experimental study.

This study tests experimentally whether the ability of subjects to play a noncooperative game's mixed-strategy equilibrium (to make their play unpredictable) is affected by how much information subjects have about the structure of the game. Subjects played the mixed-strategy equilibrium when they had all the information about other players' payoffs and actions, but not otherwise. Previous research has shown that players of a game can play a mixed-strategy equilibrium if they observe the actions of all players and use sophisticated Bayesian learning to infer the likely payoffs to other ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 24 , Issue Spr , Pages 14-20

Journal Article
The U.S. economy in 1990 and 1991: continued expansion likely

This paper reports an optimistic forecast of U.S. output and inflation trends in 1990_91. Generated by a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) model of the U.S. economy using data available on November 30, 1989, the forecast is more optimistic than a consensus forecast. The key to the model's greater optimism for real growth is its outlook for strong consumer spending. The model's optimism is defended by examining historical precedents as well as comparing the track records of the model and consensus forecasts. The model's measures of forecast uncertainty, however, suggest that its ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Fall , Pages 19-26

Discussion Paper
Recursive estimation and modelling of nonstationary and nonlinear time series

This paper presents a unified approach to nonlinear and nonstationary time-series analysis for a fairly wide class of linear time variable parameter (TVP) or nonlinear systems. The method theory exploits recursive filtering and fixed interval smoothing algorithms to derive TVP linear model approximations to the nonlinear or nonstationary stochastic system, on the basis of data obtained from the system during planned experiments or passive monitoring exercises. This TVP model includes the State Dependent type of Model (SDM) as a special case, and two particular SDM forms, due to Priestly and ...
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 7

Journal Article
Bad news from a forecasting model of the U.S. economy

This paper describes and analyzes the 1990-92 economic forecasts of a Bayesian vector autoregression model developed by researchers at the Minneapolis Fed. The model's 1990 forecast was pretty bad - too optimistic about both inflation and economic growth, especially growth in consumption and housing. An analysis of the model's errors, however, turns up no reason to think the model is unsound. Based on data available on November 30, 1990, the model predicts weak economic conditions for the next two years: a likely recession in 1991 and moderate inflation and weak overall growth in 1991-92. The ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 14 , Issue Fall , Pages 2-10

Statistical inference in the multinomial multiperiod probit model

Statistical inference in multinomial multiperiod probit models has been hindered in the past by the high dimensional numerical integrations necessary to form the likelihood functions, posterior distributions, or moment conditions in these models. We describe three alternative approaches to inference that circumvent the integration problem: Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling and data augmentation to compute posterior moments, simulated maximum likelihood (SML) estimation using the GHK recursive probability simulator, and method of simulated moment (MSM) estimation using the GHK simulator. ...
Staff Report , Paper 177


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