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Author:Rodgers, William M. 

The Current Labor Market for Workers with a Disability

People with disabilities can be a talent pool if employers reduce recruitment and workplace barriers.
On the Economy

Setting the Stage for Economic Equity in 2022

COVID-19 reshaped the U.S. economy. What are some ways to improve the economic security and resiliency of vulnerable workers this year?
On the Economy

Journal Article
The weak jobs recovery: whatever happened to \\"the great American jobs machine\\"?

Authors Freeman and Rodgers find that the current recovery, which started in 2001, has been the worst in recent history in terms of job creation. They determine that the slow employment growth of the recovery is not attributable to the poor performance of a particular sector, nor is it concentrated in certain geographic areas. ; The authors conclude that the weak jobs recovery represents a major shift in the link between the labor market and the economy over the business cycle. They also find that the slow job growth has disproportionate effects on groups especially sensitive to business ...
Economic Policy Review , Issue Aug , Pages 3-18

Reducing Racial Employment Gaps for Young Adults without College Education

A robust jobs recovery and a strong economy have yet to significantly narrow racial gaps in employment among noncollege-educated young adults.
On the Economy

The Beveridge Curve and Structural Barriers in the Labor Market

Beveridge curves for vulnerable groups, especially single mothers, differ from the overall workforce, meaning structural barriers to the job matching process exist.
On the Economy

Labor Day Reflections on the COVID-19 Recovery

The Institute for Economic Equity’s inaugural director reflects on how U.S. workers and their families are faring today compared with last Labor Day.
On the Economy

The Enduring Regional Economic Challenges Associated with the Pandemic

Families in the Eighth District states are already struggling because of the pandemic. Until COVID-19 is reined in, the economic effects will likely endure.
On the Economy

The New Challenges to Economic Equity in 2023

For many workers, the benefits of the strong U.S. labor market weren’t felt equally last year. Recent headwinds may create new challenges for vulnerable workers in 2023.
On the Economy

ALICE Households Face Continued Challenges despite Tight Job Market

Four in 10 U.S. households can’t cover basic living expenses. What resources could help low- and moderate-income workers, which in turn could help U.S. productiveness?
On the Economy

Journal Article
Initial Reflections from the Institute for Economic Equity Director’s First Listening Tour

The St. Louis Fed’s Institute for Economic Equity hears stakeholder concerns about labor, child care and housing during director’s listening tour.
Bridges , Volume 2022 (3)



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