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Author:Robbins, Eric 

Journal Article
Industrial loan companies: a growing industry sparks a public policy debate

Industrial loan companies, or ILCs, are a small, but rapidly growing part of the financial industry. These state-chartered institutions operate in seven states and have nearly all of the same powers as commercial banks. However, ILCs differ greatly from banks in one characteristic--the type of companies that may own them. ILCs meeting certain conditions may be owned and operated by firms engaged in commercial activities, thus skirting the prohibitions on mixing banking and commerce that apply to virtually all other depository institutions. ; From a public policy standpoint, the proponents of ...
Economic Review , Volume 92 , Issue Q IV , Pages 41-71

Journal Article
U.S. households' access to and use of electronic banking. 1989-2007

Nationwide surveys show that consumers are increasingly embracing technology to make payments and manage their personal finances. However, only about one in two consumers could be considered a heavy user of electronic banking. This article examines changes over time in consumers? access to, adoption of, and attitudes toward various e-banking products and services and looks at several emerging technologies.
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jul

Journal Article
The changing nature of banking

From the beginning, banks have held a unique role in the U.S. financial system. But in the recent decades, deregulation and technological innovation have dramatically changed the banking industry.
TEN , Issue Win , Pages 22-25

Journal Article
Credit union growth in the Tenth Federal Reserve District : how legal and regulatory changes have affected credit union expansion

In the Tenth Federal Reserve District, banks have reported increasing concern regarding deposit competition from credit unions. In our 2004 Survey of Community Banks, we asked banks to rate competition from a variety of sources. Bankers said they anticipate intense competition from several sources in the coming years. Foremost is competition from other community banks. However, almost half of all community banks that responded said they expect very intense or intense deposit competition from credit unions in the next five years. What factors lead bankers to believe that competition from ...
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Jul

Journal Article
The 2004 survey of community banks in the Tenth District

Periodically, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City surveys Tenth District bankers for their views on a variety of matters. In February 2004, we solicited banker opinion on a number of topics pertaining to governance and staffing practices, vendor management practices, competitive environment and future prospects, interest rate risk management practices, internet banking services, and payments system issues. This article briefly sets out the survey methodology and describes the applicability of survey results to the entire population of District banks. It also reviews what bankers told us ...
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Q 4 , Pages 13-24

Journal Article
Location, location, location : has electronic banking affected the importance of bank location?

This article explores trends in consumer adoption of electronic banking products and services between 1995 and 2004. The article also discusses whether increasing use of electronic banking has impacted consumer sentiment regarding the importance of bank location.
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Technology outsourcing : a community bank perspective

This article provides an overview of the technology industry that has evolved to provide technology outsourcing services for community banks, and the risk management issues associated with outsourcing. The service provider industry is in a transition phase being brought about by changing economic fundamentals in banking and in information technology. These factors have contributed to significant consolidation among the technology companies that serve the banking industry, especially among technology firms offering core processing services. Accordingly, the array of firms serving the national ...
Financial Industry Perspectives , Issue Q 4 , Pages 25-37

Journal Article
Master plan: banks can learn from Greensburg's recovery

As bankers rebuild after the May 2007 tornado that obliterated this Kansas town, the need for financial institutions' emergency preparedness is reinforced.
TEN , Issue Fall , Pages 9-15

Journal Article
Banking on the future : reaching out to the Hispanic population in rural Kansas

TEN , Issue Win , Pages 6-9

Journal Article
U.S. Households' Access to and Use of Electronic Banking, 1989-2007

Nationwide surveys show that consumers are increasingly embracing technology to make payments and manage their personal finances. However, only about one in two consumers could be considered a heavy user of electronic banking. This article examines changes over time in consumers' access to, adoption of, and attitudes toward various e-banking products and services and looks at several emerging technologies.
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 95 , Issue 7 , Pages pp. A99-A121