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Author:Pagano, Michael S. 

Conference Paper
Managerial incentives and the efficiency of capital structure

Proceedings , Paper 713

Working Paper
Measuring the efficiency of capital allocation in commercial banking

Commercial banks leverage their equity capital with demandable debt that participates in the economy's payments system. The distinctive nature of this debt generates an unusual degree of liquidity risk that can, at times, threaten the payments system. To reduce this threat, insurance protects deposits; and to reduce the moral hazard problems of the debt contract and deposit insurance, bank regulation constrains risk-taking and defines standards of capital adequacy. The inherent liquidity risk of demandable debt as well as potential regulatory penalties for poor financial performance creates ...
Working Papers , Paper 98-2

Conference Paper
Measuring the efficiency of capital allocation in commercial banking

Proceedings , Paper 626

Working Paper
Large capital infusions, investor reactions, and the return and risk performance of financial institutions over the business cycle and recent finanical crisis

The authors examine investors' reactions to announcements of large seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) by U.S. financial institutions (FIs) from 2000 to 2009. These offerings include market infusions as well as injections of government capital under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The sample period covers both business cycle expansions and contractions, and the recent financial crisis. They present evidence on the factors affecting FI decisions to issue capital, the determinants of investor reactions, and post-SEO performance of issuers as well as a sample of matching FIs. The authors ...
Working Papers , Paper 11-46

Working Paper
Do bankers sacrifice value to build empires? managerial incentives, industry consolidation, and financial performance

Bank consolidation is a global phenomenon that may enhance stakeholders? value if managers do not sacrifice value to build empires. We find strong evidence of managerial entrenchment at U.S. bank holding companies that have higher levels of managerial ownership, better growth opportunities, poorer financial performance, and smaller asset size. At banks without entrenched management, both asset acquisitions and sales are associated with improved performance. At banks with entrenched management, sales are related to smaller improvements while acquisitions are associated with worse performance. ...
Working Papers , Paper 02-2

Working Paper
Large capital infusions, investor reactions, and the return and risk performance of financial institutions over the business cycle and recent finanical crisis

We examine investors? reactions to announcements of large capital infusions by U.S. financial institutions (FIs) from 2000 to 2009. These infusions include private market infusions (seasoned equity offerings (SEOs)) as well as injections of government capital under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The sample period covers both business cycle expansions and contractions, and the recent financial crisis. We present evidence on the factors affecting FIs? decisions to raise capital, the determinants of investor reactions, and post-infusion risk-taking of the recipients, as well as a ...
Working Papers , Paper 13-23



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