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Conference Paper
Covering the uninsured: costs, benefits, and policy alternatives for New England
On December 5, 2006, the New England Public Policy Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston convened a policy symposium, ?Covering the Uninsured: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Alternatives for New England.? As a growing number of Americans find themselves without health insurance, New England states are exploring innovative policies aimed at extending coverage. But the high cost of expanding coverage raises difficult questions about how best to improve access while preserving individual choice and maintaining quality of care. ; The conference, which brought together a select group of ...
Journal Article
In the shadows of the national recovery: an overview of New England's economic performance in 2005
Annual review of the economic performance of the New England states.
Journal Article
Growing... but slowing? : an overview of New England's economic performance in 2006
New England?s economic performance was somewhat mixed during 2006. On one hand, all six states added jobs over the course of the year, and the region?s unemployment rate remained steady. The region as a whole picked up jobs in nearly all major industries. Export values and income and wages also increased. One the other hand, much of the economic growth experienced by the region was slower than that seen in the nation as a whole. Although the unemployment rate did not go up for the region, the nation saw joblessness decrease. Moreover, real estate markets, though weak nationwide, were even ...
Working Paper
Measuring fiscal disparities across the U. S. states: a representative revenue system/representative expenditure system approach, fiscal year 2002
States and their local governments vary both in their needs to provide basic public services and in their abilities to raise revenues to pay for those services. A joint study by the Tax Policy Center and the New England Policy Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston uses the Representative Revenue System (RRS) and the Representative Expenditure System (RES) frameworks to quantify these disparities across states by comparing each state?s revenue capacity, revenue effort, and necessary expenditures to the average capacity, effort, and need in states across the country for fiscal year 2002. ...
The fiscal capacity of New England
New Englanders may demand high levels of government services, but their underlying need for public service provision remains quite low, and they tend to be able to better afford the costs of these services relative to the rest of the nation. As a result, the region?s state and local governments face relatively less pressure to raise taxes or increase spending in order to achieve a basic level of public services, and constituent preferences may play a larger role in the fiscal decisions that New England policymakers make.