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Author:Farha, Chase 

Journal Article
Population Boom: Where are Oklahoma’s newest residents living and working?

The previous edition of the Oklahoma Economist discovered those moving in came mostly from the Western U.S., and the state experienced “brain gain” after losing college graduates to other states for many years. This edition explores where in Oklahoma these new residents moved to and where other residents have moved within the state, as well as the demographics and employment status of those moving in.
Oklahoma Economist , Volume 2024 , Issue 2

Journal Article
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain, Oklahoma’s Population on the Rise

This edition of Oklahoma Economist examines multiple sources of state migration data to quantify the drivers of the state’s population growth. It finds the recent surge of new residents was driven primarily by historic levels of domestic migration from states in the western half of the U.S., as well as a reversal of the “brain drain” that plagued the state for much of the 2010s.
Oklahoma Economist , Volume 2024 , Issue 1

Journal Article
Consumer Discretionary Sector Has Boosted Recent Regional Services Activity as Business and Professional Activity Slows

The Kansas City Fed’s monthly services survey tracks business activity for a wide variety of services firms in the Tenth District. We segment the results into consumer services (both discretionary and nondiscretionary) and business and professional services and find that the consumer sector has been stronger than the business and professional sector recently, driven by discretionary services. Accordingly, consumer services firms report greater pricing power, expected wage growth, and capital expenditures.
Economic Bulletin


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