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Author:Dolmas, Sheila 

Journal Article
Electricity deregulation likely to benefit consumers: later, if not sooner

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
The Texas economy: an overview of '96 and outlook for '97

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 1-4

Working Paper
The use and abuse of \"real-time\" data in economic forecasting

We distinguish between three different ways of using real-time data to estimate forecasting equations and argue that the most frequently used approach should generally be avoided. The point is illustrated with a model that uses monthly observations of industrial production, employment, and retail sales to predict real GDP growth. When the model is estimated using our preferred method, its out-of-sample forecasting performance is clearly superior to that obtained using conventional estimation, and compares favorably with that of the Blue-Chip consensus.
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 684

Journal Article
Regional update

Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 11

Journal Article
The Texas economy beats expectations

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 1-5

Working Paper
The use and abuse of 'real-time' data in economic forecasting

We distinguish between three different ways of using real-time data to estimate forecasting equations and argue that the most popular approach should generally be avoided. The point is illustrated with a model that uses monthly industrial production, employment, and retail sales data to predict real GDP growth. When the model is estimated using our preferred method, its out-of-sample forecasting performance is superior to that obtained using conventional estimation and compares favorably with that of the Blue-Chip consensus.
Working Papers , Paper 2001-015

Journal Article
Regional update

Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 11

Journal Article
Regional update

Southwest Economy , Issue Mar , Pages 15

Journal Article
Policy rules and tequila lessons: conclusions from an economic conference

Southwest Economy , Issue Nov , Pages 17-18

Working Paper
Real-time GDP Growth Forecasts

The authors forecast current-quarter real GDP growth using monthly data that would have been available to an analyst in real time. They demonstrate that using real-time data is of major importance both when estimating GDP forecasting models and when evaluating their performance. Moreover, the authors show that the out-of-sample forecasting performance of their model is comparable or superior to that of the Blue-Chip consensus forecast provided that more than one month of current-quarter data are available
Working Papers , Paper 9710