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Discussion Paper
What Is Corporate Bond Market Distress?
Boyarchenko, Nina; Crump, Richard K.; Kovner, Anna; Shachar, Or
Corporate bonds are a key source of funding for U.S. non-financial corporations and a key investment security for insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds. Distress in the corporate bond market can thus both impair access to credit for corporate borrowers and reduce investment opportunities for key financial sub-sectors. In a February 2021 Liberty Street Economics post, we introduced a unified measure of corporate bond market distress, the Corporate Bond Market Distress Index (CMDI), then followed up in early June 2022 with a look at how corporate bond market functioning evolved ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20220629
Discussion Paper
Is U.S. Monetary Policy Seasonal?
Lucca, David O.; Crump, Richard K.
Many economic time series display periodic and predictable patterns within each calendar year, generally referred to as seasonal effects. For example, retail sales tend to be higher in December than in other months. These patterns are well-known to economists, who apply statistical filters to remove seasonal effects so that the resulting series are more easily comparable across months. Because policy decisions are based on seasonally adjusted series, we wouldn’t expect the decisions to exhibit any seasonal behavior. Yet, in this post we find that the Federal Reserve has been much more ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20121001
On binscatter
Cattaneo, Matias D.; Crump, Richard K.; Farrell, Max H.; Feng , Yingjie
Binscatter is a popular method for visualizing bivariate relationships and conducting informal specification testing. We study the properties of this method formally and develop enhanced visualization and econometric binscatter tools. These include estimating conditional means with optimal binning and quantifying uncertainty. We also highlight a methodological problem related to covariate adjustment that can yield incorrect conclusions. We revisit two applications using our methodology and find substantially different results relative to those obtained using prior informal binscatter methods. ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 881
Discussion Paper
Changing Risk-Return Profiles
Crump, Richard K.; Hundtofte , Sean; Giannone, Domenico
Are stock returns predictable? This question is a perennially popular subject of debate. In this post, we highlight some results from our recent working paper, where we investigate the matter. Rather than focusing on a single object like the forecasted mean or median, we look at the entire distribution of stock returns and find that the realized volatility of stock returns, especially financial sector stock returns, has strong predictive content for the future distribution of stock returns. This is a robust feature of the data since all of our results are obtained with real-time analyses ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20181004
The Term Structure of Expectations
Moench, Emanuel; Eusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce; Crump, Richard K.
Economic theory predicts that intertemporal decisions depend critically on expectations about future outcomes. Using the universe of professional survey forecasts for the United States, we document the behavior of the entire term structure of expectations for output growth, inflation, and the policy rate. We show that a simple unobserved components model of the trend and cycle explains the joint behavior of both consensus measures of expectations and the observed disagreement among individual forecasters. Importantly, univariate models of each variable are outperformed by a multivariate model ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 992
COVID Response: The Commercial Paper Funding Facility
Boyarchenko, Nina; Crump, Richard K.; Kovner, Anna; Leonard, Deborah
The Federal Reserve reestablished the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF 2020) in response to the disruptions in the commercial paper market triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic shutdowns. The CPFF 2020 was designed to support market functioning and provide a liquidity backstop for the commercial paper market. This paper provides an overview of the CPFF 2020, including detailing the facility’s design, documenting its usage, and describing its impact on commercial paper markets. In addition, we compare the market conditions and facility design in CPFF 2020 to that ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 982
A unified approach to measuring u*
Eusepi, Stefano; Giannoni, Marc; Sahin, Aysegul; Crump, Richard K.
This paper bridges the gap between two popular approaches to estimating the natural rate of unemployment, u*. The first approach uses detailed labor market indicators, such as labor market flows, cross-sectional data on unemployment and vacancies, or various measures of demographic changes. The second approach, which employs reduced-form models and DSGE models, relies on aggregate price and wage Phillips curve relationships. We combine the key features of these two approaches to estimate the natural rate of unemployment in the United States using both data on labor market flows and a ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 889
Discussion Paper
Forecasting Interest Rates over the Long Run
Diamond, Peter A.; Yu, Rui; Adrian, Tobias; Crump, Richard K.
In a previous post, we showed how market rates on U.S. Treasuries violate the expectations hypothesis because of time-varying risk premia. In this post, we provide evidence that term structure models have outperformed direct market-based measures in forecasting interest rates. This suggests that term structure models can play a role in long-run planning for public policy objectives such as assessing the viability of Social Security.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160718
Discussion Paper
Expectations and the Final Mile of Disinflation
Crump, Richard K.; Eusepi, Stefano; Sahin, Aysegul
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. economy experienced a swift recovery accompanied by a sharp rise in inflation. Inflation has been gradually declining since 2022 without a notable slowdown in the labor market. Nonetheless, inflation remains above the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target and the path of the so-called final mile remains uncertain, as emphasized by Chair Powell during his press conference in January. In this post, we examine the unemployment-inflation trade-off over the past few years through the lens of a New Keynesian Phillips curve, based on our recent ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20240305
Discussion Paper
The Primary and Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facilities
Shachar, Or; Crump, Richard K.; Van Tassel, Peter; Boyarchenko, Nina; Kovner, Anna
On April 9, the Federal Reserve announced that it would take additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Among the initiatives are the Primary Market and Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facilities (PMCCF and SMCCF), whose intent is to provide support for large U.S. businesses that typically finance themselves by issuing debt in capital markets. Corporate bonds support the operations of companies with more than 17 million employees based in the United States and these bonds are key assets for retirees and pension ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20200526a
Liberty Street Economics 34 items
Staff Reports 26 items
Economic Policy Review 3 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Eusepi, Stefano 17 items
Moench, Emanuel 16 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 15 items
Kovner, Anna 12 items
Shachar, Or 9 items
Adrian, Tobias 7 items
Cattaneo, Matias D. 5 items
Giannone, Domenico 5 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 5 items
Lopez Gaffney, Ignacio 5 items
Lucca, David O. 5 items
Sahin, Aysegul 4 items
Dogra, Keshav 3 items
Elias, Leonardo 3 items
Farrell, Max H. 3 items
Boyle, Jeremiah P. 2 items
Cox, Caren 2 items
Danzig, Andrew 2 items
Del Negro, Marco 2 items
Diamond, Peter A. 2 items
Feng , Yingjie 2 items
Giannoni, Marc 2 items
Gundam, Pranay 2 items
Hundtofte , Sean 2 items
Lee, Donggyu 2 items
Leonard, Deborah 2 items
Nallamotu, Ramya 2 items
Pacula, Brian 2 items
Raskin, Matthew 2 items
Rosa, Carlo 2 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 2 items
Steiner, Patrick 2 items
Stowe, Lisa 2 items
Van Tassel, Peter 2 items
Yu, Rui 2 items
Abrahams, Michael 1 items
Almuzara, Martín 1 items
Andrade, Philippe 1 items
Audoly, Richard 1 items
Cao, Shuo 1 items
Davig, Troy A. 1 items
Everaert, Miro 1 items
Jansson, Michael 1 items
McQuillan, Casey 1 items
Melcangi, Davide 1 items
Mills, Benjamin 1 items
Nekarda, Christopher J. 1 items
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas 1 items
Preston, Bruce 1 items
Qian, Eric 1 items
Sbordone, Argia M. 1 items
Schaumburg, Ernst 1 items
Smith, Charles 1 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 1 items
Topa, Giorgio 1 items
Vogt, Erik 1 items
Volker, Desi 1 items
Wang, Weining 1 items
Wieman, Hunter 1 items
Xing, Roshie 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G12 17 items
E2 12 items
G1 12 items
D84 8 items
E32 8 items
E5 7 items
E44 6 items
E52 6 items
G18 5 items
C12 4 items
C14 4 items
E24 4 items
E43 4 items
G19 4 items
G2 4 items
C13 3 items
C22 3 items
C58 3 items
D83 3 items
E31 3 items
G10 3 items
J11 3 items
C18 2 items
C21 2 items
C23 2 items
C38 2 items
D1 2 items
E37 2 items
E58 2 items
E5;G1 2 items
G17 2 items
G32 2 items
H0 2 items
C11 1 items
C15 1 items
C30 1 items
C32 1 items
C33 1 items
C53 1 items
C54 1 items
D12 1 items
D15 1 items
D22 1 items
E21 1 items
E27 1 items
E2;E5 1 items
E51 1 items
G01 1 items
J60 1 items
show more (44)
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FILTER BY Keywords
monetary policy 9 items
survey forecasts 7 items
term premiums 5 items
expectations 4 items
Unemployment 4 items
inflation 4 items
term structure of interest rates 4 items
FOMC 3 items
Federal Reserve 3 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 3 items
financial conditions 3 items
imperfect information 3 items
Disagreement 3 items
Policy expectations 3 items
Business cycle dating 2 items
Business cycles 2 items
COVID-19 2 items
CPFF 2 items
Federal funds rate 2 items
Labor market 2 items
Phillips curve 2 items
binning selection 2 items
commercial paper market 2 items
corporate bond market distress 2 items
corporate bond markets 2 items
corporate credit facilities 2 items
credit conditions 2 items
density forecasts 2 items
discounting 2 items
dynamic asset pricing 2 items
expansions 2 items
expectation formation 2 items
expected inflation 2 items
labor markets 2 items
lagged effects 2 items
natural rate of unemployment 2 items
nonparametric estimation 2 items
partitioning 2 items
primary and secondary corporate bond market 2 items
real activity 2 items
recessions 2 items
robust bias correction 2 items
social security 2 items
term structure of disagreement 2 items
trigonometric basis functions 2 items
uniform inference 2 items
Monetary policy expectations 2 items
Monetary policy tightening 2 items
Stock returns 2 items
Term premia 2 items
Bank regulation 1 items
Bayesian inference 1 items
Bayesian vector autoregressions 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) 1 items
Construction workers 1 items
DSGE 1 items
Dimension Reduction 1 items
Dodd-Frank 1 items
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models 1 items
Econometric models 1 items
Econometrics 1 items
Econometrics - Asymptotic theory 1 items
Euler equation 1 items
FOMC communications 1 items
Fama-MacBeth regressions 1 items
Fama-MacBeth variance estimator 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 1 items
Financial regulation 1 items
GMM 1 items
Interest rate derivatives 1 items
Linear models 1 items
New York Fed 1 items
Outlook-at-Risk 1 items
PMCCF 1 items
Panel data model 1 items
Primary Dealer Survey 1 items
Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
Professional Forecasters 1 items
SMCCF 1 items
Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility 1 items
Skills mismatch 1 items
Statistical methods 1 items
Summary of Economic Projections 1 items
Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) 1 items
Survey of Market Participants 1 items
Survey of Primary Dealers 1 items
TIPS 1 items
Taylor Rule 1 items
Treasury term premia 1 items
affine term-structure model 1 items
asset management 1 items
beta pricing models 1 items
binned scatter plot 1 items
bond risk premiums 1 items
break-evens 1 items
breakeven inflation 1 items
business cycle fluctuations 1 items
business dynamism 1 items
cluster-robust variance estimation 1 items
commercial paper 1 items
conditional forecasts 1 items
corporate bond liquidity 1 items
corporate bond market conditions 1 items
corporate bond spreads 1 items
corporate bonds 1 items
corporate market distress 1 items
demographics 1 items
deposit beta 1 items
dimension reduction 1 items
economic outlook 1 items
effects of regulation 1 items
elasticity of intertemporal substitution 1 items
expectations formation 1 items
expectations hypothesis 1 items
facilities 1 items
factor models 1 items
financial conditions index 1 items
financial stability 1 items
firm dynamics 1 items
flight to safety 1 items
forecasting 1 items
forecasts 1 items
growth rates 1 items
heterogeneous beliefs 1 items
high time-series persistence and spurious regressions 1 items
inflation expectations 1 items
inflation risk premia 1 items
inflation risk premium 1 items
intermediary asset pricing 1 items
invasion of Ukraine 1 items
kernel regression 1 items
latent variable models 1 items
leaning against the wind 1 items
leave-one-out frequency approach 1 items
leave-one-out jackknife 1 items
liquidity risk 1 items
macroeconomic forecasts 1 items
macroeconomics 1 items
minimum distance estimation 1 items
monetary policy rules 1 items
money market funds 1 items
noisy information 1 items
nonparametric estimation and inference 1 items
nonparametric regressions 1 items
optimal pools 1 items
options 1 items
orthogonalization 1 items
partition 1 items
partition-based semi-linear estimators 1 items
partitioning estimators 1 items
pass-through entities 1 items
piecewise polynomials 1 items
portfolio sorting 1 items
portfolio sorts 1 items
post-crisis reforms 1 items
predictive regression of bond returns 1 items
preponderance of metrics 1 items
professional forecasts 1 items
quantile regression 1 items
realized volatility 1 items
reduced rank regression 1 items
regression diagnostic 1 items
regressogram 1 items
regulatory reforms 1 items
relative contributions of different frequencies 1 items
resampling-based inference 1 items
risk-return trade-off 1 items
risks to the economic outlook 1 items
scenario analyses 1 items
seasonality 1 items
shifting endpoint models 1 items
slow-moving trends 1 items
smoothly varying coefficients 1 items
sparsity 1 items
speculations 1 items
strong time-series and cross-sectional dependence 1 items
subjective expectations 1 items
tightening cycles 1 items
time-varying betas 1 items
treatment effect estimation 1 items
trend output growth 1 items
tuning parameter selection 1 items
volatility 1 items
yield curves 1 items
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