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Author:Chalise, Nishesh 

Journal Article
Sustaining Success in Deploying ERA Funds in Louisville

The ERA program’s success in Louisville was built on collaboration among stakeholders across sectors. But maintaining that success will come with challenges.
Bridges , Volume 2022 (2)

Journal Article
Key Ways to Grow Early Childhood Education Offerings in St. Louis

Discover the impact of the early childhood education system in St. Louis and methods of potential growth.
Bridges , Volume 2021 (2)

Gauging COVID-19’s Ongoing Impact on LMI Communities

Building capacity to provide critical services to low- to moderate-income communities will be key to ensuring an equitable recovery and resiliency.
On the Economy

Journal Article
Effective Deployment of Louisville’s ERA Funding: Lessons Learned

Explore the topic of evictions and methods taken in Louisville to quickly distribute emergency rental assistance.
Bridges , Volume 2022 (1)

Journal Article
How Is COVID-19 Impacting Eighth District LMI Communities? An Update

A Fed survey shows Eighth District communities continued recovering from COVID-19 disruptions, but returning to pre-pandemic conditions may still take time.
Bridges , Volume 2022 (4)

Nonprofits Struggle in the Face of COVID-19

Amid surging demand for services, many nonprofits serving low- to moderate-income communities suffered staffing and funding constraints.
On the Economy

Journal Article
Challenges Faced by Community-Based Organizations in the Eighth District

While community-based organizations faced milder COVID-19-related disruptions in 2022 relative to the previous year, signs of hardship remain.

Nonprofits Serving and Led by People of Color Showed Pandemic Resiliency

Nonprofits serving and led by people of color were resilient to pandemic challenges, despite fewer government funds and significant economic disruption.
Economic Equity Insights

Journal Article
Barriers to Participation in the Labor Force: A Primer

Structural barriers make it harder to join the labor force. Addressing these barriers could create opportunities for vulnerable groups and grow the economy.

Journal Article
Despite a Tight Labor Market, Job Opportunities Lag for Eighth District Out-of-School Young Adults

Out-of-school young adults in the Eighth District have made employment gains in a tight labor market but continue to encounter barriers to finding jobs.
The Regional Economist