Working Paper

Did the commercial paper funding facility prevent a Great Depression-style money market meltdown?

Abstract: This paper analyzes how risk premia?and other factors affecting the comparative advantages of security-funded versus deposit-funded short-run debt?altered the relative use of debt funded by securities markets since the early-1960s and the relative use of commercial paper during the recent financial crisis. Results indicate that lower risk premia, higher information costs, and reserve requirement costs induce less relative use of commercial paper and short-run debt funded by securities markets. This paper also finds that Federal Reserve interventions in the money market helped prevent the commercial paper market from melting down to the extent seen during the early 1930s.

Keywords: Financial markets; economic conditions - United States; Commercial paper;

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Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Part of Series: Working Papers

Publication Date: 2011

Number: 1101

Note: Published as: Duca, John V. (2013), "Did the Commercial Paper Funding Facility Prevent a Great Depression-Style Money Market Meltdown?" Journal of Financial Stabiliby 9 (4): 747-758.