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Keywords:tourism OR Tourism 

Journal Article
Panama City cruises past Spring break

EconSouth , Volume 9 , Issue 3

Journal Article
Unconventional wisdom

District convention centers reported surprisingly steady activity during the recession, but a building boom and stiff competition could eventually take a toll.
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Jan , Pages 9-11

Journal Article
Canadian tourism on the rise, eh?

Thanks to better exchange rates, Canadians are starting to reverse a long, steady decline in visits to the district.
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue Jul , Pages 14-15

Journal Article
Tourism and New York City's economy

In New York City, tourism has made impressive gains in recent years, particularly in the foreign visitor segment. While not large enough to propel the city's economy, this long-term growth industry is critical to maintaining the local export base and providing jobs to low-skilled workers.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 1 , Issue Oct

Journal Article
The year of the minivan

After 9/11, tourism took a turn toward safe, family options, which are a perfect fit for the district.
Fedgazette , Volume 15 , Issue May , Pages 14-17

Journal Article
Checking out? Hotels in smaller communities have weathered the downturn better than big-city siblings

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Sep , Pages 12-14

Journal Article
Travel and tourism : Fifth District does well in a difficult year

Econ Focus , Volume 7 , Issue Sum , Pages 8-9

Journal Article
Travel and tourism : an overlooked industry in the U.S. and Tenth District

With the onset of recession in early 2001, the U.S. travel and tourism industry fell into its worst slump since World War II. The September 11 terrorist attacks and subsequent tightening of airport restrictions dealt the industry an unprecedented blow. Many travel destinations continued to suffer in 2002 and early 2003 from a declining stock market, sluggish economic recovery, and war in Iraq. Prior to these recent difficulties, however, travel and tourism?s role in the national economy had been rising steadily for decades.> As in the nation, the travel and tourism industry has become ...
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 45-72

Journal Article
Lewis and Clark: the adventure begins, again

Fedgazette , Volume 13 , Issue May , Pages 12-14


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