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Keywords:Problem banks 

Journal Article
The role of relative performance in bank closure decisions

This paper studies a banking industry subject to common and idiosyncratic shocks. We compare two types of regulatory closure rules: (1) an absolute closure rule, which closes banks when their assetliability ratios fall below a given threshold, and (2) a relative closure rule, which closes banks when their assetliability ratios fall sufficiently below the industry average. There are two main results: First, relative closure rules imply forbearance during bad times, defined as adverse realizations of the common shock. This forbearance occurs for incentive reasons, not because of ...
Economic Review

Conference Paper
Moral hazard, equity issuance and recoveries of undercapitalized banks

Proceedings , Paper 323

Journal Article
Problem banks: their characteristics and possible causes of deterioration

Special issue on problem banks
Financial Industry Perspectives

Journal Article
Early warning systems

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Supervision of undercapitalized banks: is there a case for change?

Proceedings , Paper 324

Conference Paper
Problem banks: the Phoenix factors

Proceedings , Paper 167

Conference Paper
Discussant comments on regulatory intervention

Proceedings , Paper 352

Journal Article
A note of caution on early bank closure

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Banking risk and the investor

Proceedings , Paper 111

Journal Article
Assistance for problem banks

Special issue on problem banks
Financial Industry Perspectives