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Keywords:Housing - Finance 

Housing busts and household mobility: an update

This paper provides updated estimates of the impact of three financial frictions?negative equity, mortgage lock-in, and property tax lock-in?on household mobility. We add the 2009 wave of the American Housing Survey (AHS) to our sample and also create an improved measure of permanent moves in response to Schulhofer-Wohl?s (2011) critique of our earlier work (2010). Our updated estimates corroborate our previous results: Negative equity reduces household mobility by 30 percent, and $1,000 of additional mortgage or property tax costs reduces household mobility by 10 to 16 percent. ...
Staff Reports , Paper 526

Working Paper
Adjustable-rate mortgages and the demand for mortgage credit

Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section , Paper 112

Journal Article
The impact of foreclosures on the housing market

A record number of mortgage loans are either in default or in danger of being defaulted upon. Many of the properties that back these loans will end up going through the foreclosure process. A growing body of research shows that foreclosed homes sell at a discount and that foreclosures have a negative impact on the value of other homes that are nearby. The effect on nearby property values happens for two different reasons, but my recent work suggests that one or the other predominates depending on certain characteristics of the neighborhood where the foreclosures are occurring. This finding ...
Economic Commentary , Issue Oct

Journal Article
Housing partnership blooms in East Texas

Banking and Community Perspectives , Issue 2 , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
Texas housing: a boom with no bubble?

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 3-7

Journal Article
Housing production subsidies and neighborhood revitalization: New York City's ten-year capital plan for housing

This paper was presented at the conference "Policies to Promote Affordable Housing," cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York University's Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, February 7, 2002. It was part of Session 3: The Impact of Housing on People and Places.
Economic Policy Review , Issue Jun , Pages 71-85

Journal Article
Dealer, heal thyself

Consumer-unfriendly sales tactics still plague the manufactured housing industry.
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Jul , Pages 7-8

Journal Article
The foreclosure crisis in 2008: predatory lending or household overreaching?

At least early in the financial crisis, the high rate of foreclosures seemed to be due more to households' overreaching than to predatory lending. A disproportionate number of those being foreclosed on were well-educated, well-off and relatively young people.
The Regional Economist , Issue July , Pages 12-14

Journal Article
Housing specialists

FRBSF Economic Letter

The national and regional economic outlook

Remarks at Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business, Bronx, New York.
Speech , Paper 69



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Journal Article 120 items

Speech 27 items

Working Paper 19 items

Report 7 items

Conference Paper 2 items

Discussion Paper 1 items

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Dudley, William 12 items

anonymous 12 items

Canner, Glenn B. 7 items

Mayer, Christopher J. 7 items

Tracy, Joseph 6 items

Krainer, John 5 items

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G21 1 items

R21 1 items

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Housing - Finance 176 items

Mortgages 51 items

Housing - Prices 30 items

Mortgage loans 18 items

Economic conditions 15 items

Monetary policy 13 items

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