Search Results

Keywords:Food industry and trade 

Journal Article
Too many cooks?: changing wages and job ladders in the food industry

Consolidation and outsourcing in the food industry have created higher-paying food prep jobs, but also have erected barriers for lower-skilled workers trying to move up the ladder.
Regional Review , Issue Q 4 2003 / Q1 2004 , Pages 20-27

Journal Article
The 1974 outlook for food and agriculture

Review , Volume 56 , Issue Mar , Pages 11-19

The performance of Seventh District food processing

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Prospects for food and agriculture in 1975

Review , Volume 57 , Issue Mar , Pages 13-18

Journal Article
Processing food in farm states: an economic development strategy for the 1990s

Economic Review , Volume 75 , Issue Jul , Pages 5-23

Journal Article
1979 food and agricultural outlook

Review , Volume 61 , Issue Feb , Pages 19-24

Journal Article
The fattening of America : as we benefit from greater convenience and efficiency, our waistlines are widening in the process

Econ Focus , Volume 8 , Issue Fall , Pages 22-25

Retail food prices

Agricultural Letter , Issue Jun 29

Journal Article
What Americans pay for food

Cross Sections , Volume 8 , Issue Fall , Pages 10-11

Journal Article
The \\"middleman\\": a major source of controversy in the food industry

Review , Volume 62 , Issue May , Pages 21-29


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Q18 1 items