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Keywords:Environmental policy 

Journal Article
What a waste: the generation and disposal of trash imposes costs on society and the environment: should we be doing more?

In 1987, the Mobro 4000 garbage barge from Long Island focused public attention on trash. Have we disposed of the problem?
Regional Review , Volume 12 , Issue Q 1 , Pages 22-30

Journal Article
Opinion: Economics, uncertainty, and the environment

Why should a poorer population sacrifice some prosperity to aid wealther populations?
Econ Focus , Volume 16 , Issue 2Q/3Q , Pages 52

Journal Article
How much for a grizzly? Estimating environmental values is difficult but essential

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Nov , Pages 5

Journal Article
Policy update: Incentives for greener transportation

Related links:
Econ Focus , Volume 15 , Issue 3Q , Pages 9

Journal Article
Terms of trade and OECD policies to mitigate global climate change

Previous economic research has identified two ways policy to mitigate global climate change could be implemented without minimizing world costs. Costs are boosted when agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are limited to a subset of countries or deadlines for reducing emissions force the premature retirement of energy-using capital equipment. Stephen Brown and Hillard Huntington identify a third way global warming policy could prove more costly from a world perspective-by countries using criteria other than a fuel's greenhouse gas content when determining how to reduce their ...
Economic and Financial Policy Review

Journal Article
Pay dirt or fool's gold: Do small towns strike it rich with metal mining or do they simply get the shaft?

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Nov , Pages 6-8

Journal Article
Unwelcome guests : a global economy grapples with the economic and ecological effects of invasive species

Econ Focus , Volume 8 , Issue Spr , Pages 27-29

The case for direct methods to address CO2 emissions and other negative environmental externalities

Existing policies to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) largely have been structured to subsidize alternative energy technologies. Yet these policies are likely not to be as useful as ones that target CO2 emissions directly, such as an emissions tax or a "cap and trade" program.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue Oct

Journal Article
Making affordable housing greener

With a beneficial focus on up-front planning, green building has moved from the fringes to the mainstream. Studies are finding no statistically significant difference between the costs of green construction and traditional building?and operational savings are significant.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 22-24

Journal Article
Regional variation in the potential economic effects of climate change

This Economic Letter overviews some recent research into the geographic variation in the potential economic impact of climate warming in North America.
FRBSF Economic Letter


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Journal Article 33 items

Newsletter 2 items

Briefing 1 items


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