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Keywords:Consumer surveys 

Journal Article
Preliminary findings of the 1958 survey of consumer finances

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

Discussion Paper
The 2009 survey of consumer payment choice

This paper presents results of the 2009 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC), along with revised 2008 SCPC data. In 2009, the average U.S. consumer held 5.0 of the nine payment instruments available, including cash, and used 3.8 of them during a typical month. Between the 2008 and 2009 surveys, a period that includes the trough of the latest recession, consumers significantly increased their use of cash and close substitutes for cash, such as money orders and prepaid cards. At the same time, consumers reduced their use of credit cards and (to a lesser extent) debit cards, as well as ...
Public Policy Discussion Paper , Paper 11-1

Journal Article
Preliminary findings of the 1955 survey of consumer finances

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

Journal Article
1951 survey of consumer finances: part I. the economic outlook and liquid asset position of consumers

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun

Journal Article
1952 survey of consumer finances: part III. income, selected investments, and short-term debt of consumers

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Sep

Journal Article
1950 survey of consumer finances: part V. the distribution of assets, liabilities and net worth of consumers, early 1950

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Dec

Journal Article
Survey of financial characteristics and consumers

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

Journal Article
1949 survey of consumer finances: part VI ownership of automobiles, stocks and bonds, and other nonliquid assets

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct , Pages 1182-1197

Journal Article
Survey of consumer finances: part II. consumer incomes and liquid asset holdings

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jul , Pages 788-802

Journal Article
Survey of consumer finances: part I. expenditures for durable goods and investments

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun , Pages 647-663


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