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Keywords:Books - Reviews 

Journal Article
Book review : The precursors of financial crises

"This time is different: eight centuries of financial folly" by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009, 463p.
Econ Focus , Volume 13 , Issue Fall , Pages 35

Journal Article
Book review : License to bill

Econ Focus , Volume 10 , Issue Spr , Pages 46-47

Journal Article
Book review : \\"The strategist : the life and times of Thomas Schelling\\"

Econ Focus , Volume 11 , Issue Spr , Pages 51

Journal Article
Book review: Cities growing apart

Review of Enrico Moretti's "The new geography of jobs" Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012, 252 pages.
Econ Focus , Volume 16 , Issue 2Q/3Q , Pages 43

Journal Article
Book review : The birth of the modern Fed.

Review of book : "A history of the Federal Reserve: Volume 2" by Allan Meltzer
Econ Focus , Volume 14 , Issue 1Q , Pages 34-35

Journal Article
Book review: Riches from respect

Review of Dierdre N. McClosky's "Bourgeois dignity: why economics can't explain the modern world," Chicago University Press, 2012.
Econ Focus , Volume 15 , Issue 1Q , Pages 39

Journal Article
Book review : Good capitalism, bad capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity

Econ Focus , Volume 12 , Issue Spr/Sum , Pages 39

Journal Article
Book review : Sweetwater's capitol

Econ Focus , Volume 11 , Issue Sum , Pages 39

Journal Article
Review essay on Structural Slumps: the Modern Equilibrium Theory of Unemployment, Interest, and Assets by Edmund S. Phelps, 1994

Economic Review , Volume 79 , Issue Nov , Pages 30-33



Economic Review 23 items

Econ Focus 22 items

Regional Review 3 items

FRBSF Economic Letter 1 items

Regional Update 1 items

Staff Report 1 items

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Journal Article 50 items

Report 1 items