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Keywords:Banks and banking - China 

Periodic Essay
Foreign banks' new China strategy

Asia Focus , Issue Jul

Periodic Essay
Rural banking in China

This Asia Focus report presents an overview of Chinas rural banking system, historical and recent reforms, and additional areas for improvement.
Asia Focus , Issue May

Journal Article
Reforming China's banking system

FRBSF Economic Letter

Periodic Essay
China's banking sector

Asia Focus , Issue Mar

Journal Article
China: money and banking

FRBSF Economic Letter

Periodic Essay
Chinas new foreign bank regulations

Asia Focus , Issue May

China up close: understanding the Chinese economy and financial system (special issue)

In March 2007, the authors paid a weeklong visit to Beijing and Shanghai, China. In this article, they summarize some of the most striking impressions from their visit concerning the Chinese economy and financial system.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Feb

Journal Article
Gradualism and Chinese financial reforms

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Countering contagion: Does China's experience offer a blueprint?

China did not succumb to the Asian crisis of 1997-99, despite two apparent sources of vulnerability: a weak financial system and increased export competition from the Asian crisis economies. This article argues that both sources of vulnerability were more apparent than real. China's experience (especially its use of capital controls) does not offer a blueprint for other countries, because other countries would not want to replicate China's inefficient, non-market-oriented financial system.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 25 , Issue Q IV