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Author:Whalen, Gary 

Journal Article
Operational policies of multibank holding companies

Using a 1979 survey of the organizational structure of 65 bank holding companies in 12 states, the author investigates the relationship between holding company structure and the performance of bank subsidiaries.
Economic Review , Issue Win , Pages 20-31

Journal Article
Loan quality of bank holding companies

A discussion of loan quality at a cross-section of 60 regional bank holding companies located in 12 states, using net charge-offs and non- performing loans as a measure of quality, and examining the linkage between loan quality and bank performance.
Economic Commentary , Issue Mar

Journal Article
The financial distress in American farming

An analysis of the uneven distribution of problem debt among the nation' s farmers, a discussion of the effect of this debt on agricultural banks, and an estimate of the probable impact of farm debt problems on the nation.
Economic Commentary , Issue Jun

Journal Article
The impact of bank holding company consolidation: evidence from shareholder returns

A look at the expected net benefits of bank holding company consolidation by examining the behavior of the daily stock returns of a sample of 21 BHCs, using the event study technique.
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 2-10

Journal Article
Commercial bank holdings of Treasury debt

An analysis of commercial and large-bank Treasury holdings from 1972 to 1982, with a discussion of the effect of cyclical factors on banks' asset preferences.
Economic Commentary , Issue Jan

Conference Paper
Rival stock price reactions to large BHC acquisition announcements: evidence of linked oligopoly?

Proceedings , Paper 105

Working Paper
Holding company organizational form and efficiency

An exploration of the impact of multibank holding company organizational centralization on subsidiary bank efficiency, using survey data on holding company structure and a profit-function approach.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 8302

Working Paper
Predicting de novo branch entry into rural markets

An investigation of the probability of de novo branch entry into rural banking markets in Ohio and Pennsylvania to determine whether potential competition is an effective disciplinary force in bank-market expansion.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 8903

Working Paper
Multibank holding company organizational structure and performance

A study of how quantitative measures of the organizational centralization of 62 multibank holding companies relate to holding company profitability.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 8201

Journal Article
Performance of Ohio's independent banks

An analysis of independent bank performance from 1979-81 in meeting the challenge posed by economic, regulatory, and technological changes in the commercial banking marketplace.
Economic Commentary , Issue Jun