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Author:Weiser, John 

Journal Article
Partners in Progress Case Study: CASA

CASA mobilized thousands of residents of Langley Park, MD, to engage with regional planners of the Purple Line, the planned 16-mile light-rail line, to minimize its potential to displace low-income families or small, immigrant-owned businesses and to ensure that its benefits will be equitably distributed.
Community Development Innovation Review , Issue 1 , Pages 109-116

Journal Article
Partners in Progress Case Study: Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida

Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida (NHSSF) proved the cross-silo approach in an especially compelling way: Its work in the 79th Street Corridor did not conform to any generally recognized neighborhood but instead spanned portions of five jurisdictions between two separate cities, Miami and Hialeah. Through patient engagement with justifiably skeptical, long-neglected residents of the corridor, and with all the different officials, NHSSF is on its way to bringing jobs, affordable housing, small-business services, and perhaps most importantly, a sense of hope and buy-in to the ...
Community Development Innovation Review , Issue 1 , Pages 143-152

Journal Article
Partners In Progress Case Study: Community Solutions

Community Solutions conceived a bold campaign to bring 5,000 jobs to Brownsville, one of New York?s poorest neighborhoods where nearly 40 percent of people live below the poverty line and whose two square miles contain 18 public housing projects?the highest concentration in the country.
Community Development Innovation Review , Issue 1 , Pages 117-123

Journal Article
Partners in Progress Case Study: East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation?s San Pablo Avenue Revitalization Coalition highlighted the link between environmental causes and health disparities and inspired new partnerships between public health and community development in Oakland, CA.
Community Development Innovation Review , Issue 1 , Pages 125-132

Journal Article
Partners In Progress Case Study: BRIDGE Housing

BRIDGE Housing Corporation in San Francisco has made remarkable progress building a bridge over the economic and class divide that has long separated the North and South Portrero neighborhoods. It is pursuing a community integration strategy informed by a major innovation, ?trauma-informed community building,? which recognizes that all of Bridge?s work must take into account the psychological battering that long years of poverty and social isolation have taken on Portrero?s public housing residents.
Community Development Innovation Review , Issue 1 , Pages 099-108

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